Is there anyone, at this point, who cannot see through the Clintons?

Believe it or not Damo, that's small compared to some of the other blunders by her own campaign strategists and her husband and herself imo....

There is no way, that she could not think that she would get "called" on that story when she "made it up" in the manner that you say... these are professional politicians, they know the game, they knew there was video of the occaision, there is always video of a trip like that somewhere to be found imo.... but for some reason, they are not following their own knowledge and rules on how to be the 100% politicians that they are....? Like they have been dumbstruck!

While others are messing up all over the place too... like McCain and Obama in some cases and it is like water and oil on teflon....nothing sticks....

It looks to me like Obama will be the next matter what, we get a Democrat as President and probably more Democratic Senators and Congressmen!

And Bill gets his wish....

Except she hasn't. This is insane. She hasn't moved her positions since she started her campaign. You all just moved your perception. Now you see her as the R's have for so long.

republican , insane whatsa diff ?

see the difference is I just saw her as Bill clowntoons wife until recently. Republicans hated her just for breathing for some reason.
Actually intellectual honesty should make democrats take a long look in the mirror themselves. Why were the Clintons held in such high regard in the first place? What did Al Gore, Robert Reich, Bill Richardson, and a host of ex-Clintonites who now support Obama know that the rest of the Democratic Party know?

There were many of us who warned of the macinations of the Clintons .. not because of the stupidity thrown around by the right, but because of policy.

Add this one .. America is the greatest prison nation the world has ever known .. thanks to Bill Clinton. The prison/industrial complex exploded under Clinton and he walked .. make that ran away from signing legislation that would have brought more fairness to the criminal injustice system.

You were warned.

Just as you were warned about Lieberman.
My thinking about bill is that secretly he doesnt want his wife to win... he doesnt want the personal scrutiny that comes along with livin on Pennsylvania ave... seriously .. could you go without sex for four and possibly eight years...

Bill Clinton going without sex? Why would Hillary being president decrease the amount of sex Bill has? It's not like he bangs Hillary.
All I can say is I am glad it's coming out in the wash during an unusually tight primary.

What would have happened if Obama had not been able to get a lead in the polls?
well yeah a lawyer, I can see hating her then.
There is a difference between writing the Healthcare Debacle and sitting around in a room redacting documents that were subpoenaed two years ago. One is lawyering, the other is writing legislation.
It would (will?) be interesting to see what the democrats would (will?) do regarding their current criticisms of Clinton if she were to pull a rabbit and, despite the popular vote, win the nomination through super delegates.
Bill Clinton going without sex? Why would Hillary being president decrease the amount of sex Bill has? It's not like he bangs Hillary.

Tin your going to have the police after you if you keep spying on them to catch them scoinking.
The delegates are democrats.

They will not vote in Hil over the people it would be party suicide.
Perhaps you are right. But after participating in 10 presidential elections and being old enough to be cognizant of another two; after watching the campaign process degenerate into a free-for-all mud slinging contest; after watching both parties (plus certain individuals) take on a mantle of "win-at-all-costs", nothing will surprise me.

Especially when it comes to Clinton, who is, IMO, the biggest "win-at-all-costs" politician I have ever observed.
The delegates are democrats.

They will not vote in Hil over the people it would be party suicide.
Tap your feet together while you say that, say it three times... ;)

I agree they won't, not because it would be "party suicide" but because the more she opens her mouth the more you guys see what we have seen all the time. She is totally not Presidential material.
how does any of this "win at all costs" campaign in the dem area compare to what the republicans do to people in campaigns.

War heros maligned, adopted children slandered, crippled war vets slandered.

Hil is not my choice and yes she has proved she is desperate enough to destroy her and her husbands reputation but Im sorry it is just far from the worst Ive ever seen. It just not good enough for my party.
how does any of this "win at all costs" campaign in the dem area compare to what the republicans do to people in campaigns.

War heros maligned, adopted children slandered, crippled war vets slandered.

Hil is not my choice and yes she has proved she is desperate enough to destroy her and her husbands reputation but Im sorry it is just far from the worst Ive ever seen. It just not good enough for my party.

Take it from a Viet Nam War veteran - some of the things liberal democrats have said about us over the years makes what the republicans said about the "hero" John fucking Kerry almost complimentary.

Clinton IS the worst I have seen. I mean, lying about ducking sniper fire? How friggin' lame can you get?

As for "YOUR" party, you can fucking KEEP your party, since people like you pretty much threw me out for what I had to say about the democrats' precious race-based entitlement programs.

I like a lot of what the democratic party has to say. But I do not like the way attitudes have played out the last decade or so, pretty much stating if a person does not believe without question ALL democratic party policies, then you are not welcome.

Talk about "if you're not for us you're against us."
Clinton will not get the top spot. She is the one who is being rejected by the Dem party.

Why dont you give us the names of the people who "kicked" you out of the party?

You left no one kicked you out.

This whole silly bit about not being able to stay in the party if you dont agree with every inch of the platform is utter crap.

Thank you for your service to this country.

I still to this day at 50 years old have never heard a dem say anything negative about a service member who has served honorably. Im sorry to here you have.
to defend them to their grave kinda falls short if they defended them last year but not this year huh.
Clinton will not get the top spot. She is the one who is being rejected by the Dem party.

Why dont you give us the names of the people who "kicked" you out of the party?

You left no one kicked you out.

This whole silly bit about not being able to stay in the party if you dont agree with every inch of the platform is utter crap.

Thank you for your service to this country.

I still to this day at 50 years old have never heard a dem say anything negative about a service member who has served honorably. Im sorry to here you have.
I was a registered democrat when I came back from Viet Nam. I believed in much of the democratic platform of that time with one major exception. While I agreed in principle with what the democratic platform was trying to accomplish with their assistance packages, I strongly disagreed with their methodology. I especially disagreed with - and still do - with the methods behind those packages that are aimed at "leveling the field" between races.

I was in an argument about the issue a few years ago. I was working with a campaign office supporting Bill Clinton's second run. A certain democratic party official by the name of John Crumpy actually told me to "Shut your nigger mouth until you know what you are talking about. Unless you support our platforms, you are no democrat."

It was not the first time I had been told something similar. (except the nigger comment, which I guess was supposed to be OK since the speaker was also part black.) It was also not the last time I was told to either support the issues or shut up. During Gore's campaign I was told to just stay home unless they called me. (Mr. Crumpy was in charge of the campaign office that year, instead of just being a high placed flunky.) I changed my voter registration from democratic to independent the next day.

You can say I quit the democratic party, but as far as I am concerned, when one is told repeatedly that they are not welcome unless they agree with prevailing opinion, then that is tantamount to being kicked out.

And shall I bring up a recent thread discussing Lieberman? He is a democrat, dares to disagree with some of the democratic platform, and there have been MANY discussions how he needs to be kicked out of the party. That definitely seems to be a strong "agree or leave" attitude.

As for the negative comments about a veteran coming from democrats, it started when I returned. (The stories of being spit at are NOT urban myth!!) Those attitudes tapered off for a while, then the anti-military rhetoric came back during Grenada. The most recent incidents were in relation to recruitment efforts I was involved with just before retirement. The comments levied at the recruitment table, and myself as an individual, were not, shall we say, complimentary.
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