I don't know that we can ever get to 'color blind' society, unless we lose our eyesight. We can however recognize that race has zero to do with the worth of a man.
I remember taking my then 15 month old to Loyola for orthopedic reasons. We were in the waiting room for the doc and sitting next to an older black woman. She was making faces and speaking babytalk to my daughter, who put her arms out to be held. The woman responded and my daughter was sitting in her lap. The 'baby' kept running her fingers over the woman's arm, then looking at her fingers. The lady laughed after about 3 minutes of this, picked my daughter up by the underarms and said, "Baby, it's not going to rub off." I was so disconcerted, the woman had been so kind. I said hesitatingly, "I'm sorry, I don't feel..." The lady cut me off, "Children notice everything, it's how we talk to them that matters."