Is this an example of racism?

and note the republicans here refuse to call out their racist minions

they cant win without the racist vote so they protect racists
note not one other republican will come in here and call it racism

the republican party cant live without racists
Ok right wing

Now is your chance to PROOVE you are not the racist party?

where are you ?

LOL them speaking out against this racist means nothing.

It's how they vote and they don't speak up because they agree with him.

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing.

Stupid nigger.

I don't think I know I know in real life who would stand by in silence, thus offering tacit support and safe harbor, to somebody who said vile shit like this.

But you know who generally does stand by in complete silence, observing this kind of vile behavior? Yep, rightwingers, both posters and owners!

"Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing.

Stupid nigger."

I congratulate you for shining a spotlight on the unrelenting and unchecked racism that occurs on this forum. I can honestly say I have never been on a forum that tolerates, provides safe harbor and thus tacit support, for vile degenerates to call back posters niggers and female posters cunts. Every day, sometimes ever hour.

Your demonstration of the complete silence of the forum's rightwing contingent with respect to the cabal of repulsive rightwing racists dwelling here does indeed speak volumes. About republicans.

Okay, rightwingers.....I guess we are ready to hear more complaints about the posting styles of Jarod and Desh!
I congratulate you for shining a spotlight on the unrelenting and unchecked racism that occurs on this forum. I can honestly say I have never been on a forum that tolerates, provides safe harbor and thus tacit support, for vile degenerates to call back posters niggers and female posters cunts. Every day, sometimes ever hour.

Your demonstration of the complete silence of the forum's rightwing contingent with respect to the cabal of repulsive rightwing racists dwelling here does indeed speak volumes. About republicans.

Okay, rightwingers.....I guess we are ready to hear more complaints about the posting styles of Jarod and Desh!

Cyoress you're giving us the holier than thou rhetoric again. People call out CFM all the time but no one can force someone to do anything anymore than you can stop Desh or TTQ64 from wishing death on people. (Unless there's some magic we possess that we're unaware of and if you have it please share brother)
Cyoress you're giving us the holier than thou rhetoric again. People call out CFM all the time but no one can force someone to do anything anymore than you can stop Desh or TTQ64 from wishing death on people. (Unless there's some magic we possess that we're unaware of and if you have it please share brother)

LIAR.............racist liar.

I will never stop calling out racist white men and their supporters EVER!

You are a coward who can't back up his are truly a non mutha fuckin factor in any discussion.

Like I said before, it's people like those you support who don't just wish death on people but actually have murdered millions of black because of the color of their skin. I might wish death on those who you support, but they actually murder.

Cyoress you're giving us the holier than thou rhetoric again. People call out CFM all the time but no one can force someone to do anything anymore than you can stop Desh or TTQ64 from wishing death on people. (Unless there's some magic we possess that we're unaware of and if you have it please share brother)

I was sort of seeing your point right up until you tried to conflate desh and TT with truly reprehensible rightwing racists.
There is no moral equivalency between them.

I have also been around long enough to see billions of examples of rightwingers making false claims about people, so I am not going accept your assertion about a couple liberals threatening you with death, unless you provide proof of it.

Edit to add: I also struck by your "holier than thou" comment. Which was obviously meant as a judgement on me personally. I don't think I generally make personal judgements about you, and don't even know you.

What you call a "holier than thou" attitude, is what, I think, liberals call being a decent human being. Only in the world of Republicans can pointing out vile racism be considered "holier than thou".
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