Is This Latest Ploy by Green Movement More Insane Than Their Plan to Screw With the A

No you aren't. Tell us what your "science" is. This should be hilarious!

What is "your" science?

A "scientist" is a person who's primary job function involves the use of the scientific method. I find most of the left is dedicated to socialism and confuses loyalty to the party with science. What job do you perform that requires the use of hypotheses, testing, refinement, and falsification?
A "scientist" is a person who's primary job function involves the use of the scientific method. I find most of the left is dedicated to socialism and confuses loyalty to the party with science. What job do you perform that requires the use of hypotheses, testing, refinement, and falsification?

30+ years working in a research laboratory setting.
The sails are not the power to move ships. It is an assist that will help cut fuel use. I doubt it will come to be.

It is another useless try to take us back to the horse and buggy. Solar panels will also never replace fuel for making our electricity