Temperature fluctuates across the globe. On the faux "hottest day EVAH in all of forevah" Southern California had below average temperatures. There was a heatwave in Texas and most of the south - which the cult jumped on a "global temperature."
It's idiocy, the cult is patently anti-science.
You got it. Indeed, it is not uncommon for temperature to vary as much as 11 deg C in just a couple of kilometers. The difference across a fast moving front, for example, or the difference between green grass and trees to barren land or even nearby asphalt. Even the difference across a mountain range, with the lee side experiencing compression wave effects.
Science has no theories here. This isn't science they are ignoring here. It is mathematics.
Statistical mathematics MUST select data using randN. The margin of error MUST be calculated from the total variance possible and MUST accompany the summary. The source data MUST be public and collected in an unbiased manner. Statistical mathematics also is incapable of prediction due to the importation of random numbers. One summary vs another on the SAME DATA will produce a different result.
Statistical math is a useful tool for building summaries of data. It is NOT useful for predicting anything. Like probability mathematics, statistical mathematics is incapable of prediction (normally inherent in mathematics).
The data must be unbiased. There are two sources of bias of concern here:
1) Location grouping is significant. This bias MUST be eliminated during data collection (no, you can't interpolate it, since THAT assumes a statistical result that has not yet been run!). 1000 thermometers in a city tells you NOTHING about a point just a short distance away. Thermometers must be uniformly distributed (they aren't).
2) Time is significant. This bias must also be eliminated during data collection. Storms move. Fronts move. The Sun moves across the sky producing uneven heating. All thermometers MUST be read at the same time by the same authority (they aren't).
The Church of Global Warming often turns to the Magick Satellite that somehow measures the temperature of Earth.
Unfortunately, the emissivity of Earth is unknown. For such a satellite to work, the emissivity of Earth MUST be accurately known. The only way to measure emissivity is to first determine very accurately the temperature of the emitting surface (which itself is not possible). Therefore, the emissivity of Earth is also unknown and cannot be measured.
You are quite correct here. These fucks in the Church of Global Warming will often point out some specific location reading a high temperature and call THAT the 'global temperature'. They also do this in winter with someplace reading a low temperature. That's why the term 'global warming' isn't used anymore, substituting the brand name 'climate change' instead. It matters little to them the abuse of the word 'climate'.