When scientists focus on climate from before the past 100-150 years, they use records from physical, chemical, and biological materials preserved within the geologic record. Organisms (such as diatoms, forams, and coral) can serve as useful climate proxies.
Of Climatology, Phrenology, and Astrology, astrology has the closest connection to actual scientific methodology.
Climatology is less legitimate than ghost hunters.
Every prediction ever made the climatology morons has been wrong. Statistically, that's nearly impossible to do - but the bullshit from the Marxist fools promoting AGW are so absurd, they manage to pull it off.
New York underwater by 2000? Not quite. Himalayas snow free by 1997? Uh yeah.. The Midwest saw the last snow in 2005? Well okay..
50 Years of Failed Doomsday, Eco-pocalyptic Predictions; the So-called ‘experts’ Are 0-50 | American Enterprise Institute - AEI
Ecowhackjob Marxism is anti-science.
These are the same retards behind "gender fluidity."