Is This Latest Ploy by Green Movement More Insane Than Their Plan to Screw With the A

When scientists focus on climate from before the past 100-150 years, they use records from physical, chemical, and biological materials preserved within the geologic record. Organisms (such as diatoms, forams, and coral) can serve as useful climate proxies.

Science does not use proxy.
If a measurement is made, it is a direct measurement.

Proxies demand assigning 'effects' arbitrarily.

You cannot measure climate. It has no value to measure.
Ice cores, tree rings, or any other such claptrap does not measure temperature.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
The dictionary would disagree with you.

Dictionaries do not define any word. No dictionary owns any word.

The word 'climate' first appeared in the English lexicon around the 14th century, stemming from the Greek 'klima', meaning region or zone.
It is used to subjectively describe a region or zone. Examples: desert climate, marine climate, hot climate, cold climate, dry climate, mountain climate, etc.

Climate has no temperature. Climate is not weather.

Weather has temperature, cloud cover, wind direction and speed, humidity measurements (dew point), and location and tracking of major storms.

Your definition of 'climate' is based on buzzwords that are meaningless. You cannot define any word with undefined words.
Define 'area in general' and define 'a long period'. Please justify those definitions from an authoritative source, since you decided to go this route.
Dictionaries do not define any word. No dictionary owns any word.

The word 'climate' first appeared in the English lexicon around the 14th century, stemming from the Greek 'klima', meaning region or zone.
It is used to subjectively describe a region or zone. Examples: desert climate, marine climate, hot climate, cold climate, dry climate, mountain climate, etc.

Climate has no temperature. Climate is not weather.

Weather has temperature, cloud cover, wind direction and speed, humidity measurements (dew point), and location and tracking of major storms.

Your definition of 'climate' is based on buzzwords that are meaningless. You cannot define any word with undefined words.
Define 'area in general' and define 'a long period'. Please justify those definitions from an authoritative source, since you decided to go this route.

Then tell us what climate is if temperature is not involved.

Can't wait to hear this.
I can give you an example of climate changing, recently.
Okay...let's see you try.
The Antelope Valley near Los Angeles was a lush and fertile valley into the 1890's. An earthquake on the San Andreas fault diverted a major underground river, turning it north to Kernville. The once lush Antelope Valley is now baren desert, Palmdale and Lancaster.
Antelope Valley is not a climate. It is a geographical location.
A lush and fertile climate is still a lush and fertile climate.
A desert climate is still a desert climate.
Nothing has changed in climate at all.

Antelope Valley has changed, due to the conditions you describe. That is not a climate. That is a change in river flow.
Now, this had nothing to do with humans, but climates change, both on the micro and macro scale.
Antelope Valley is not a climate. A river is not a climate.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.


Temperature fluctuates across the globe. On the faux "hottest day EVAH in all of forevah" Southern California had below average temperatures. There was a heatwave in Texas and most of the south - which the cult jumped on a "global temperature."

It's idiocy, the cult is patently anti-science.
Of Climatology, Phrenology, and Astrology, astrology has the closest connection to actual scientific methodology.
Science has no 'method' or 'procedure'. Science is simply a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all.
Climatology is less legitimate than ghost hunters.
Heh. A nice way to put it! It certainly isn't science! The Church of Global Warming routinely discards the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Every prediction ever made the climatology morons has been wrong.
Climatology is a religion. It is the Church of Global Warming. It is a fundamentalist style religion. Like any fundamentalist style religion, the Doom and Gloom scenario never seems to occur.
Statistically, that's nearly impossible to do -
The Church of Global Warming routinely discards statistical, probability, random number, algebra, and other mathematics.
but the bullshit from the Marxist fools promoting AGW are so absurd, they manage to pull it off.
The hilarious thing about their predictions, is that when they don't come true on the appointed year, they just change the appointed year and lie about the fact they changed it!
New York underwater by 2000? Not quite.
Indeed, the water around New York hasn't risen one iota. Airbases in the Pacific ocean built on little more than a tiny island just big enough to hold a runway are still there.
Himalayas snow free by 1997? Uh yeah..
They apparently never learned about adiabatic rate.
The Midwest saw the last snow in 2005? Well okay..
Until the Great Freeze in Texas that caused the 'power grid to fail'! The grid didn't fail, of course. The operators took corrective action and the grid stayed up.
Heh. They just keep changing the dates of 'the Doomsday'.
Ecowhackjob Marxism is anti-science.
They have several churches, all fundamentalist. They all stem from the same source: the Church of Karl Marx.
The Church of Green, the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid, the Church of Perversion, the Church of Hate, all stem from the Church of Karl Marx.
All are fundamentalist (they try to prove a circular argument True). Any that speak out against these religions, like bringing up actual theories of science or using actual math, is rejected by these religions as if the person was Satan himself.
These are the same retards behind "gender fluidity."
The Church of Perversion. You are correct.
So, you don't know?

Yet you make claims of the "hottest day EVAH."

How can you say what the hottest day is if you don't reliably know what the temperature was prior to 1900? And you don't - nor does anyone else.

Ice Cores can get you within 30° C over a period of years - but that can't specify "hottest day."

The fact is, your political movement just makes shit up to create sensational headlines. The climate morons are anti-science.

Ice cores don't measure temperature. They are useless for measuring the temperature of the Earth.

The Church of Global Warming routinely discards the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

* they argue that a magick gas can create energy out of nothing, simply by it's presence. This violates the 1st law of thermodynamics.
* they argue that a magick gas can reduce entropy. This violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
* they argue that a magick gas that is colder than the surface of Earth can somehow heat that surface...again ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
* they argue that a magick gas can trap heat...again ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Heat is not contained in anything.
* they argue that a magick gas can trap light. This violates the Stefan-Boltzmann law and Planck's laws.
* they argue that a magick gas can absorb visible light and convert that into thermal energy. This violates quantum mechanics.
* they argue that all photons are equal. This violates Planck's law.
* they argue that a magick gas can trap thermal energy. This violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
* they argue that temperature is total thermal energy. This violates the 0th law of thermodynamics.
* they argue that several thousand thermometers located in cities and along roads is sufficient to measure the temperature of Earth. This discards statistical mathematics.
* they argue that statistical mathematics is capable of prediction. It isn't. This discards statistical mathematics, probability mathematics, and random number mathematics.
* they argue that a single station monitoring CO2 is a measurement of the global atmospheric concentration of CO2...ignoring statistical mathematics.
* they argue that a satellite can measure the temperature of the Earth...ignoring statistical mathematics and how emissivity is measured.

The Church of Covid routinely argues two paradoxes, which I call paradox M and paradox V.

Paradox M:
1) I wear a mask to protect myself from Covid.
2) I demand YOU wear a mask because my mask doesn't work.

Paradox V:
1) I get the Covid vaccine to protect myself from Covid.
2) I demand YOU get the vaccine because mine doesn't work.

The Church of the Ozone Hole routinely discards chemistry, including how ozone is created and destroyed in the atmosphere (known as the Chapman cycle), how ozone is created at all, and the effect of CFCs on ozone (none). This religion was started by DuPont corporation because their patents were running out on R12 refrigerant. The recent discovery of the ozone hole at the poles during that polar winter was a perfect scapegoat for people illiterate in science and who have never heard of the Chapman cycle.

In EVERY CASE the 'solution' is the same: shut down capitalism and implement fascism and communism...tyranny.
What a cool idea! Sooner or later the decisions get made for us anyway. When AGW finally does decimate a lot of our economies and international shipping becomes much more rare I have little doubt the age of sail will re-establish. It's a great concept.

What warming?

The only economies being decimated is because of DEMOCRATS and tyranny.
Of course, it is. Man's contribution to global warming is clear. However, if you are an anti-science type, you can settle for cleaner air, land, and water, which is a byproduct of environmental regulation. The only mistake is continuing on as we have.

What contribution? What global warming? It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
No environmental regulation has cleaned any air, cleaned any land, nor cleaned any water.

You're gonna have to define this 'pollution'. What is it, and why is it 'pollution'.

Religious chanting isn't gonna cut it.