Is This Radical or Just Plain Crazy


New member
New user here and I heard something today that disturbed me to the extent that I decided to search out a forum of some sort, to discuss what I heard, and gain some sort of perspective that makes sense.

A little background about myself for whatever it's worth. 60-year old male, military/Desert Storm vet, 2nd Amendment supporter (with limitations). With this background most folks would think I'd be very conservative, but without revealing my party affiliation, I'm probably right in the middle of the political divide.

So, in a very nice antique store today, having a conversation with a male (store manager) probably 10 or so years younger than me, extremely friendly, nice guy, seemly quite intelligent, who I have had general conversations with on many occasions over the years, none of which involved politics. But, he too must have assumed that I shared very extreme, right wing politics (he clearly assumed wrong).

So as guys often to, the conversation turned to guns, I said I own a collection of old military rifles, which I rarely shoot, explaining that I shot so much in the military that it's just not much of a thrill these days, nor do I hunt. He explained that he is a gun owner, shoots on his 500 acre farm, but doesn't hunt either. Now this is where things go off the rails. He said he does not hunt, but would really enjoy hunting Muslims, and he can't wait for the coming civil war, so he can hunt Muslims who he believes is trying to take over the U.S. and Europe. He adds that as much as he hates Muslims, Democrats are worse. I can only conclude from that remark, that during the civil war that he said he's praying for, Democrats would also be fair game.

Now, I have always believed that I'm a fairly good judge of character, but clearly missed the boat on this guy, inasmuch as I was totally stunned, and never thought he would be capable of saying something like this. I have seen war up close, and never want to experience it again.

So, help me make sense about what I heard today. I can't put this guy's comments off as coming from someone who is off his rocker (or maybe he is). Have I missed the boat in terms of current political events, in that our country really is this close to some sort of armed conflict? Has the political divide in our country gotten so bad that seeming decent people would think that civil war is acceptable. I don't follow conspiracy oriented social media; actually I'm not active on social media at all. So again, help me out on what I heard today and where talk of this nature is heading?
New user here and I heard something today that disturbed me to the extent that I decided to search out a forum of some sort, to discuss what I heard, and gain some sort of perspective that makes sense.

A little background about myself for whatever it's worth. 60-year old male, military/Desert Storm vet, 2nd Amendment supporter (with limitations). With this background most folks would think I'd be very conservative, but without revealing my party affiliation, I'm probably right in the middle of the political divide.

So, in a very nice antique store today, having a conversation with a male (store manager) probably 10 or so years younger than me, extremely friendly, nice guy, seemly quite intelligent, who I have had general conversations with on many occasions over the years, none of which involved politics. But, he too must have assumed that I shared very extreme, right wing politics (he clearly assumed wrong).

So as guys often to, the conversation turned to guns, I said I own a collection of old military rifles, which I rarely shoot, explaining that I shot so much in the military that it's just not much of a thrill these days, nor do I hunt. He explained that he is a gun owner, shoots on his 500 acre farm, but doesn't hunt either. Now this is where things go off the rails. He said he does not hunt, but would really enjoy hunting Muslims, and he can't wait for the coming civil war, so he can hunt Muslims who he believes is trying to take over the U.S. and Europe. He adds that as much as he hates Muslims, Democrats are worse. I can only conclude from that remark, that during the civil war that he said he's praying for, Democrats would also be fair game.

Now, I have always believed that I'm a fairly good judge of character, but clearly missed the boat on this guy, inasmuch as I was totally stunned, and never thought he would be capable of saying something like this. I have seen war up close, and never want to experience it again.

So, help me make sense about what I heard today. I can't put this guy's comments off as coming from someone who is off his rocker (or maybe he is). Have I missed the boat in terms of current political events, in that our country really is this close to some sort of armed conflict? Has the political divide in our country gotten so bad that seeming decent people would think that civil war is acceptable. I don't follow conspiracy oriented social media; actually I'm not active on social media at all. So again, help me out on what I heard today and where talk of this nature is heading?

Cool story, bro. :thup:
You believe the story?

Not really, but I have heard equally crazy stories firsthand. I have an ex son-in-law who had several guns. One was for he race war, another for the Muslims, one for when the government came for his guns..............
one Not really but I have heard equally crazy stories firsthand. I have an ex son-in-law who had several guns. One was for he race war, another for the Muslims, one for when the government came for his guns..............

So you say.

Anecdotal evidence is uncorroborated and inadmissible. Have you got any proof that your alleged "ex son-in-law had several guns. One was for he race war, another for the Muslims, one for when the government came for his guns"?

A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.
Anecdotal evidence is uncorroborated and inadmissible. Have you got any proof that your alleged "ex son-in-law had several guns. One was for he race war, another for the Muslims, one for when the government came for his guns"?

A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.

Yes. He showed them to me. Had I known it was so important to you I would have taken pictures.
Yes. He showed them to me. Had I known it was so important to you I would have taken pictures.

Cool story, bro.

While I don't doubt that you mean well, please understand that my personal rules of evidence preclude giving any credence to uncorroborated tales posted by strangers on the internet.
Cool story, bro.

While I don't doubt that you mean well, please understand that my personal rules of evidence preclude giving any credence to uncorroborated tales posted by strangers on the internet.

It is not necessary for you to give credence to it. Anybody who has paid any attention to life around them has seen this kind of fear. The Jade Helm story has plenty of corroboration and is crazier than any ex son-in-law.
Cool story, bro.

While I don't doubt that you mean well, please understand that my personal rules of evidence preclude giving any credence to uncorroborated tales posted by strangers on the internet.

Bull shit. You never provide any evidence to support your lies, why should others care.
It is not necessary for you to give credence to it. Anybody who has paid any attention to life around them has seen this kind of fear. The Jade Helm story has plenty of corroboration and is crazier than any ex son-in-law.

I am aware of the Jade Helm imbroglio. It lends no credence to your anecdote about an ex-son-in-law, however. While such a tale may well be true, there is no reason to accept it as factual. Is there?
2nd Amendment supporter (with limitations). With this background most folks would think I'd be very conservative, but without revealing my party affiliation, I'm probably right in the middle of the political divide.

What limitations on the Second do you support?

Wild guess here. You're not middle of the road but progressive and there was no "store manager".
I am aware of the Jade Helm imbroglio. It lends no credence to your anecdote about an ex-son-in-law, however. While such a tale may well be true, there is no reason to accept it as factual. Is there?

And there is no reason not to accept it as factual unless you are just argumentative or think I don't have anything better to do than make up stories. The Jade Helm story is about people with similar ideas as my ex son-in-law.

Who would waste their time making up stories for an online political forum?