Is This Radical or Just Plain Crazy

Fox "news" has for decades lied to their viewers to create a gun toting hate filled voter block to benefit the republican party

the republican party is flowing Mussolinis plan

they want to give the entire nation to the wealthy

we stop the lying and go back to facts for everyone

this will be over

Somebody needs to teach her to use Google. A person can easily find links about the AZ court case or the non-citizen convicted. It takes a little more research to find information about non-citizens subpoenaed for jury duty--but there is a study about the federal court system on the problem and congressional hearings.

evince gives Fruit Loops a bad name...
It is not necessary for you to give credence to it. Anybody who has paid any attention to life around them has seen this kind of fear. The Jade Helm story has plenty of corroboration and is crazier than any ex son-in-law.

Wasn't Zero Hedge pushing the Jade Helm nonsense?
Somebody needs to teach her to use Google. A person can easily find links about the AZ court case or the non-citizen convicted. It takes a little more research to find information about non-citizens subpoenaed for jury duty--but there is a study about the federal court system on the problem and congressional hearings.

Oh, she knows how to use Google, she finds a lot of links, her problem is she usually doesn't read beyond the title before posting them.

Yeah, that dude gets around and is lucky enough to always run into people who want to talk about the same stuff he wants to talk about. Born under a lucky sign, that one.

You should hear the ones about his “crazy” conservative friends. Or when he was speeding in his expensive boat and pulled over by the Coast Guard. It was a traumatic experience

Of course Jarod doesn’t always lie

Like the time the hurricane hit his area and was out of power. Instead of Jarod letting people take residence in his offices and seek shelter from the sweltering heat, Jarod took his spawn to Disney World


When his wife supposedly was diagnosed with cancer he refused to pay for needed care even though he supposedly makes $400,000 a year
You should hear the ones about his “crazy” conservative friends. Or when he was speeding in his expensive boat and pulled over by the Coast Guard. It was a traumatic experience

Of course Jarod doesn’t always lie

Like the time the hurricane hit his area and was out of power. Instead of Jarod letting people take residence in his offices and seek shelter from the sweltering heat, Jarod took his spawn to Disney World


When his wife supposedly was diagnosed with cancer he refused to pay for needed care even though he supposedly makes $400,000 a year

You'd think a drug smuggler would make more than that.
Wasn't Zero Hedge pushing the Jade Helm nonsense?

I don't know--I wasn't familiar with Zero Hedge until your post. Another theory:

"Russians were behind the Texas furor over the Jade Helm 15 federal military exercise nearly three years ago, which drew so much concern that Gov. Greg Abbott directed the State Guard to monitor the operation, former CIA director Michael Hayden said Thursday."
I don't know--I wasn't familiar with Zero Hedge until your post. Another theory:

"Russians were behind the Texas furor over the Jade Helm 15 federal military exercise nearly three years ago, which drew so much concern that Gov. Greg Abbott directed the State Guard to monitor the operation, former CIA director Michael Hayden said Thursday."

Last year ZeroHedge had a new conspiracy out every week.
I don't know--I wasn't familiar with Zero Hedge until your post. Another theory:

"Russians were behind the Texas furor over the Jade Helm 15 federal military exercise nearly three years ago, which drew so much concern that Gov. Greg Abbott directed the State Guard to monitor the operation, former CIA director Michael Hayden said Thursday."

Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia

The Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theories were based on the Jade Helm 15 United States military training exercise which took place in multiple U.S. states in the summer of 2015, starting on July 15 and ending on September 15.

Myth of Voter Fraud
It is important to protect the integrity of our elections. But we must be careful not to undermine free and fair access to the ballot in the name of preventing voter fraud.
President Donald Trump has repeatedly, and falsely, claimed millions voted illegally. Yet examination after examination of voter fraud claims reveal fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is nearly non-existent, and much of the problems associated with alleged fraud relates to unintentional mistakes by voters or election administrators. Election officials and leaders of the president’s own party also agree fraud is not widespread.
The Brennan Center's seminal report "The Truth About Voter Fraud" conclusively demonstrated most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless — and that of the few allegations remaining, most reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct. And numerous other studies have reached the same conclusion. In a recent report, "Noncitizen Voting: The Missing Millions," the Brennan Center debunked President Trump's claim that millions improperly voted in the 2016 election.
Voter fraud is not acceptable in our elections, but we must find solutions that address actual problems instead of imposing policies that make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in our democracy.

Resources on Voter Fraud Claims
Credible research and investigation demonstrates fraud by voters at the polls is exceedingly rare.

Analysis: Noncitizen Voting is Vanishingly Rare
For years, the Brennan Center has collected research showing that voter fraud is extraordinarily rare. We've reviewed the literature on one subset of voter fraud claims — the allegation that ineligible noncitizens are voting in large numbers.

In Their Own Words: Officials Refuting Trump's Voter Fraud Allegations
Donald Trump has made repeated claims that millions voted illegally in 2016. This rhetoric around voter fraud has been debunked in study after study. Election officials and leaders of the president’s own party have spoken out against these false claims.

The Justice Department’s Voter Fraud Scandal: Lessons
A decade ago, the Justice Department was upended by scandal after investigations revealed it wielded its power to disenfranchise voters. As the new president threatens investigations into voter fraud, mistakes of the past give concern for the future.

The Truth About Voter Fraud

In 2007, the Brennan Center for Justice carefully examined allegations of fraud to get at the truth behind the claims. The conclusion was clear — most allegations are baseless.
Last edited: Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree
January 14, 2013|By David G. Savage

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican… (Caroyln Kaster / Associated…)
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.
The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.
For their part, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee had argued that recent campaigns show the “consent degree remains necessary today.”
The court’s action is a victory for the DNC, and it comes after an election year in which the two parties regularly exchanged charges over “voter fraud” and “voter intimidation.” But most of the recent battles have been fought on the state level, and it is not clear whether the long-standing consent decree has had much impact.

Your link does not support your claim.

every study done on these claims of illegals voting has born out it not true at any level worth fretting about there is a massive court record right up to the SCOTUS showing the republicans have cheated Americans out of their rights to vote to steal elections for decades

That's why you just posted the URL instead of citing any corroborating text. Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree January 14, 2013|By David G. Savage The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican… (Caroyln Kaster / Associated…) WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting. The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.
For their part, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee had argued that recent campaigns show the “consent degree remains necessary today.” The court’s action is a victory for the DNC, and it comes after an election year in which the two parties regularly exchanged charges over “voter fraud” and “voter intimidation.” But most of the recent battles have been fought on the state level, and it is not clear whether the long-standing consent decree has had much impact.

How do you explain Trump's win, then?

You just Google shit and post the first thing that looks good without reading it, don't you?
Im happy to provide links to the facts I use

it scares the fuck out of all you Russian bot holes

that is why you bad me from threads
It's the new normal.

In a polarized nation, all the energy is at the poles.
Centrism is irrelevant.

The centrist choices, neither fish nor fowl, have proven to be a figment of our imaginations.
The choice is Republican fascism or Democratic socialism.

Those refusing to choose between the two real options leave themselves out of the choice process.
Fantasy time has gotten too non-productive. It's time to get real.