Is this the bravest man in Britain?

If you think for one single, solitary second that I don't know you are behind the scenes sending pics to Christie (since she has ID on IA and awl) and up to your British nose in this, then you are either deaf, dumb, and blind, just plain addlepated, or all the aforementioned. 1 + 1 always equals 2.

There is no doubt in my mind that you are trying whichever way you can to capitalize on this and that you are fair creaming your jeans over there trying to keep your composure.

Do you think it's nothing more than guess work that the PM's and emails are tearing up the cyberworld between Britain, Pennsylvania, Alaska and New York?

I don't need any aide to figure this out. All I need is history, my two eyes, and knowing you've been "one of the girls" for the past 9 years!

Darla loves you now, Tom. You fucking lucky lad! Mayne Prak will start emailing you too!~

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA forgot Texas...don't go forgetting Texas-:clink:
You have a very fertile imagination, it's a shame you can't put it to better use.

LOL, that was some hissy fit you elicited, Tom. Good job. :good4u:

I have to tell you something, though, because it's important information and for your eyes only. (wink, wink)

I don't have ID on ignore, and never did. The only one I ignore is usf and I've said that over and over and over and over for years and years and years and years but I guess it still hasn't sunk in with some people. Mayne, just mayne, it finally will.

So regarding all those emails flying around the globe, I guess it's time for all of us to come clean and say "it never happened", not that we expect to be believed. But I think any hacker or keylogger will back us up on this. :D
Tom... remove ID's pic unless you have permission.

That picture is publically posted in a blog on here already, so which particular rule am I transgressing? I suspect that you are invoking the "I can't find anything but I don't want a hard time all the same" rule.
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Assuming both parents carry the allele for blond hair then the probabilities are 0.5 for each pregnancy she has had that the child would be a girl.

So 0.0002%. Well, not exactly, I'm not sure how to calculate the effect of having 3 boys randomly distributed in there, so that's the probability of 13 girls in a row (actual probability is somewhat higher but still probably under 1%).
LOL, that was some hissy fit you elicited, Tom. Good job. :good4u:

I have to tell you something, though, because it's important information and for your eyes only. (wink, wink)

I don't have ID on ignore, and never did. The only one I ignore is usf and I've said that over and over and over and over for years and years and years and years but I guess it still hasn't sunk in with some people. Mayne, just mayne, it finally will.

So regarding all those emails flying around the globe, I guess it's time for all of us to come clean and say "it never happened", not that we expect to be believed. But I think any hacker or keylogger will back us up on this. :D

Good grief, what a fuss about nothing. She publishes her photos and then goes into a rant because I used one of them to point out the resemblance bwtween her and the other woman.
Good grief, what a fuss about nothing. She publishes her photos and then goes into a rant because I used one of them to point out the resemblance bwtween her and the other woman.

No rant Tom-just showing how you are involved in the BS up to your and chris.

The resemblance between you and the woman or chris and the woman is much closer, of course chris is uglier (maybe it's the glasses and old lady do) and you and she both wear a gob more make-up...just saying. :loveu:

Of course now that you were forced to follow the rules I am sure you are contrite~