Figures you'd run to a site like this, especially when it states:
Our goal is to highlight the very latest archaeological findings, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe.
Then there's this:
Overall, we rate Ancient Origins a moderate conspiracy and pseudoscience source based on the promotion of ancient aliens. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting as they also publish credible pro-science information.
Oh and here's something for you to chew on: British slavery of Africans began in 1555 and officially ended in 1835. Between 1662 and 1807 British and British colonial ships purchased an estimated 3,415,500 Africans. Of this number, 2,964,800 survived the 'middle passage' and were sold into slavery in the Americas.
American slavery of Africans began in 1619. 10.7 million was the official number of slaves in America. It officially ended in 1865, but it's cousin Jim Crow kept a de facto slavery until about 1964 or 1965.
So did "white slavery" exists. Yep, but without free lancing pirates, it wouldn't have made the numbers your site alludes to.
So once again, T.A., your slavering bigotry clouds your research skills and critical analysis. I believe you were looking in the mirror when you typed your last sentence.
Yeah, the cop flashed the white power sign....a lot of those assholes permeate police forces nationwide. Just Google "racist cops expose convicted" and get educated. Or fuss and fume, lie and deny as is your forte. Carry on.