Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, let's try it from another angle. Although you may lean to the right or the left, your objectivity can function outside of that. That's the basis for our court systems (or it should be), and why the ACLU can get on everyone's nerves because they defend EVERYONE'S civil rights.
In another response, I met your challenge regarding the SPLC and black hate groups. Get back to us when you've gone through the material.
No, you didn't.
Let's add these obvious ones:
Brown Berets: Hispanic separatists and racists
La Raza: Hispanic racists
MEChA: Hispanic racists
MSA (Muslim Student's Association): Radically antisemitic
Antifa: Anti-government extremists
John Brow Gun Club: Radical Leftist militia
Redneck Revolt: Radical Leftist militia
Red Brigades: Radical anti-government hate group
Pueblos sin Fronteras: Radical anti-government group that supports terrorism against US and demands open borders.