Is this the White Power sign?

Stay on the topic.

Dumb lying hypocrite thinks this is on topic:

Junior is friends of the WSEs and, IMO, was the go-between for his daddy and the militias for 1/6.


Hunter is an admitted reformed coke addict.

Junior is still in denial and not yet reformed.

trump like his drugs in pill form. Biden is more straight laced.

Here is a sign I personally chose just for you!


Link or just your opinion, Terry?

Your hatred for anything and anyone left of your own position is extreme. Are you sick? Wife divorcing you? Kids hate you? Something has caused you to become a rancid pile of bile. It's not normal nor healthy.

Because your WSE groomer told you so, Fredo?

You truly are going to make a good patsy, Fredo.

Nice list. Not all are factual court losses since the suits are still in play or the link is an opinion. Their silence on Hamas is interesting.

Your continued hatred of anything Left of you is also noted.

Makes you want to drive a truck bomb into their offices, doesn't it, Fredo?

You make a good wingman for Terry, Down Under.

You sad caricature if ignorance and stupidity. :palm:
Did the guy flash the white power sign?

That's not the topic halfwit. The topic is, "being a leftist hack, I want to promote the moronic narrative that white supremacists are the greatest threat to the Republic because Biden told me so".

The simple answer is, NO you DUMB FUCK. :laugh:
That's not the topic halfwit. The topic is, "being a leftist hack, I want to promote the moronic narrative that white supremacists are the greatest threat to the Republic because Biden told me so".

The simple answer is, NO you DUMB FUCK. :laugh:

Wow you really are retarded.
They're more like terrorists as is ALF, Earth First! and Deep Green Resistance.

Assisted Living Facility, Terry? Is that why you've become so angry over the past two years? Or do you mean, Alien Life Form?


As for the others, I haven't read or heard about them in years. Perhaps the FBI you hate so much took them out.
Assisted Living Facility, Terry? Is that why you've become so angry over the past two years? Or do you mean, Alien Life Form?


As for the others, I haven't read or heard about them in years. Perhaps the FBI you hate so much took them out.

Animal Liberation Front. These 'tards go around attacking farmers and ranchers for raising livestock of various sorts. They particularly hate on fois gras producers, mink farms, and the like. They burn down (aka arson) meat packing plants, stuff like that.

All of them still exist, the problem for them is because they are seen as the domestic terrorists they are they are under heavy scrutiny by law enforcement and many of their members are either in prison or have done enough time that they're too old and geriatric to get out there and spike trees, commit arson, and the like. In that sense, they're sort of like the KKK today, a bunch of over-the-hill has-beens who are just reliving their glory days in their minds...
Animal Liberation Front. These 'tards go around attacking farmers and ranchers for raising livestock of various sorts. They particularly hate on fois gras producers, mink farms, and the like. They burn down (aka arson) meat packing plants, stuff like that.

All of them still exist, the problem for them is because they are seen as the domestic terrorists they are they are under heavy scrutiny by law enforcement and many of their members are either in prison or have done enough time that they're too old and geriatric to get out there and spike trees, commit arson, and the like. In that sense, they're sort of like the KKK today, a bunch of over-the-hill has-beens who are just reliving their glory days in their minds...
Never heard of them. Link of their latest attack?

Since terrorism is a crime, I'd be happy to drop a dime on them to the FBI. Would you give your name and address to the FBI to report violent terrorists, Terry?
antifa is an idea not a group!

Yea, what tard told you that?




Does that look like an "idea?"

Antifa has:

A uniform: Black block
Symbols: The red and black flag, the three spears in a circle as two of those
Organized chapters: Rose City Antifa is shown above
Websites: (one of hundreds worldwide)
A magazine: Rolling Thunder
A website for organizing "action:"

It is a fully organized, decentralized, worldwide, group that has a common set of goals and ideas and operates in coordination across many nations. Anyone who says it's no more than an idea is either oblivious, full of shit, or both.
Yea, what tard told you that?




Does that look like an "idea?"

Antifa has:

A uniform: Black block
Symbols: The red and black flag, the three spears in a circle as two of those
Organized chapters: Rose City Antifa is shown above
Websites: (one of hundreds worldwide)
A magazine: Rolling Thunder
A website for organizing "action:"

It is a fully organized, decentralized, worldwide, group that has a common set of goals and ideas and operates in coordination across many nations. Anyone who says it's no more than an idea is either oblivious, full of shit, or both.

i think jerry nadler said it.