Is this the White Power sign?

:palm: Okay, once more for the cheap seats.

Short for “anti-fascists,” antifa is not a single organization but rather an umbrella term for far-left-leaning movements that confront or resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations.

There is no hierarchical structure to antifa or universal set of tactics that makes its presence immediately recognizable, though members tend to espouse revolutionary and anti-authoritarian views, said Mark Bray, a historian at Rutgers University and author of “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.”

“They do different things at different times in different ways, some of which there is evidence of them breaking the law. Other times there is not,” Bray said.

Literature from the antifa movement encourages followers to monitor the activities of white supremacist groups, publicize the personal information of perceived enemies, develop self-defense training regimens and compel outside organizations to cancel any speakers or events with “a fascist bent,” according to a 2018 Congressional Research Service report.

See, MAGA mooks like you just love to revise history, definitions and reality to suit YOUR agenda and justify your actions. You're like the see/hear no evil monkey, because you just can't handle the truth.

I would really like to see the word you use to describe a "hate group" that advocates against and targets neo-nazi, white supremacist/nationalist groups.

Okay, for the really obstinate and retarded like you:

Antifa is an organization. It follows a decentralized model of command and control to avoid letting government infiltrate and identify leaders of the group.


Decentralized command structures are frequently used by terrorist networks, in guerrilla warfare, and other non-conventional means of fighting.

Al-Queda for example, used the same methodology. It too is an organization that has a common purpose and goals, just like Antifa.


Antifa has much in common across all of its cells:

A common flag
Common symbols
A common uniform
Common tactics and training
Organized chapters that network with other chapters informally
It uses the Internet, both open and dark, to communicate and plan operations.

Historian Mark Bray is clearly an idiot, or being obtuse. Maybe he doesn't grasp the concept of decentralized command and control. But it's clear he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Literature from the antifa movement encourages followers to monitor the activities of white supremacist groups, publicize the personal information of perceived enemies, develop self-defense training regimens and compel outside organizations to cancel any speakers or events with “a fascist bent,” according to a 2018 Congressional Research Service report.

This, from your post, echoes exactly what I stated. They are organized, use similar tactics and operational strategies, and network. But they are a decentralized organization. They learned to be that way from predecessor organizations and groups that maintained a hierarchical structure, like say Earth First! or the Weathermen of the SDS. They decentralized to avoid infiltration by law enforcement and to make identifying leaders and members harder. Al Queda did the same thing, for the same reason. Decentralized command and control, often using the dark web or clever means of communication on the internet, to avoid being tracked or their intentions known, has become common for radical Leftist, violent hate groups like Antifa.
Okay, for the really obstinate and retarded like you...

...Antifa has much in common across all of its cells:

A common flag
Common symbols
A common uniform
Common tactics and training
Organized chapters that network with other chapters informally
It uses the Internet, both open and dark, to communicate and plan operations.

Just like the Alt-Right White Supremacists!

Your extreme hatred for all of those left of you is a Red Flag, Terry. Hopefully there are those who love you who will turn you in before you do something fucking stupid.



Just like the Alt-Right White Supremacists!

Your extreme hatred for all of those left of you is a Red Flag, Terry. Hopefully there are those who love you who will turn you in before you do something fucking stupid.




Thanks for agreeing that Antifa should be listed as a "hate group" by the SPLC--but it isn't because the SPLC acts like Sgt. Schultz when it comes to hate, racism, and the like on the Left--it sees nothing, knows nothing...
Thanks for agreeing that Antifa should be listed as a "hate group" by the SPLC--but it isn't because the SPLC acts like Sgt. Schultz when it comes to hate, racism, and the like on the Left--it sees nothing, knows nothing...
You're welcome, Terry. Now admit you are an Alt-Right White Supremacist.

On that, you are full of shit with a capital FULL OF SHIT!

Disagreed, Terry, but I'm happy to let others decide for themselves simply by reading posts of yours like this:
The SPLC? You are using a thoroughly discredited source, you know. It's not just that they're radical Leftists, it's that they've repeatedly been smacked down, even in court, for lying, obfuscating, and just plain making shit up, not to mention being selective in who they call a "hate group" (you are not going on their list if you're a radical Leftist hate group).
Are you an apologist for the SPLC? They're one-sided scum who have no scruples about lying to destroy someone they disagree with. As a source, they're thoroughly discredited. They make Alex Jones look good.

So, your myopic and jaundiced view of history as told to you by equally idiotic Leftist academics is fucked up. Well over a million Whites, mostly Europeans ended up enslaved in Africa where the slave trade originated.

You can take your shit, racist, views of history and shove them up you ass.

You're another one that can't grasp the idea that one can oppose or not stand with Trump and still point out when he is being treated unreasonably or unfairly. That dichotomy escapes you completely.
No, I believe the Left (aka Democrats) have such shitty ideas, political positions, and are running shit candidates that are so awful that it makes Trump who is awful look appealing...
The number of people wrongly convicted is miniscule. And, what I suggested only applies to those with life sentences in any case, a small fraction of those incarcerated.
This is untrue. Nobody particularly likes Biden on the world state. He's an embarrassment to be with or around, while world leaders all think he's a senile idiot.
For me, it's not like I think Trump is worthy of whatever, but more supporting him means I'm not supporting the Left and the Left historically is the most evil, vile, destructive, rapacious, monstrous political force to ever exist. The Left will destroy you and me to get what they want, no matter how insane what they want appears. That is worth opposing at any cost, and if that cost is electing Trump, then sobeit.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, once more for the cheap seats.

Short for “anti-fascists,” antifa is not a single organization but rather an umbrella term for far-left-leaning movements that confront or resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations.

There is no hierarchical structure to antifa or universal set of tactics that makes its presence immediately recognizable, though members tend to espouse revolutionary and anti-authoritarian views, said Mark Bray, a historian at Rutgers University and author of “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.”

“They do different things at different times in different ways, some of which there is evidence of them breaking the law. Other times there is not,” Bray said.

Literature from the antifa movement encourages followers to monitor the activities of white supremacist groups, publicize the personal information of perceived enemies, develop self-defense training regimens and compel outside organizations to cancel any speakers or events with “a fascist bent,” according to a 2018 Congressional Research Service report.

See, MAGA mooks like you just love to revise history, definitions and reality to suit YOUR agenda and justify your actions. You're like the see/hear no evil monkey, because you just can't handle the truth.

I would really like to see the word you use to describe a "hate group" that advocates against and targets neo-nazi, white supremacist/nationalist groups.

Okay, for the really obstinate and retarded like you:

Antifa is an organization. It follows a decentralized model of command and control to avoid letting government infiltrate and identify leaders of the group.


Decentralized command structures are frequently used by terrorist networks, in guerrilla warfare, and other non-conventional means of fighting.

Al-Queda for example, used the same methodology. It too is an organization that has a common purpose and goals, just like Antifa.


Antifa has much in common across all of its cells:

A common flag
Common symbols
A common uniform
Common tactics and training
Organized chapters that network with other chapters informally
It uses the Internet, both open and dark, to communicate and plan operations.

Historian Mark Bray is clearly an idiot, or being obtuse. Maybe he doesn't grasp the concept of decentralized command and control. But it's clear he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Literature from the antifa movement encourages followers to monitor the activities of white supremacist groups, publicize the personal information of perceived enemies, develop self-defense training regimens and compel outside organizations to cancel any speakers or events with “a fascist bent,” according to a 2018 Congressional Research Service report.

This, from your post, echoes exactly what I stated. They are organized, use similar tactics and operational strategies, and network. But they are a decentralized organization. They learned to be that way from predecessor organizations and groups that maintained a hierarchical structure, like say Earth First! or the Weathermen of the SDS. They decentralized to avoid infiltration by law enforcement and to make identifying leaders and members harder. Al Queda did the same thing, for the same reason. Decentralized command and control, often using the dark web or clever means of communication on the internet, to avoid being tracked or their intentions known, has become common for radical Leftist, violent hate groups like Antifa.

:palm: First off, there's no link to your charts. Not surprising, as your mindset rarely likes to expose exactly who they are and their agenda.

Not quite, bunky. Note the following:

Some contend that Al Qaeda remains essentially a centrally governed organization, with the
group’s leaders providing marching orders to its various affiliates; others describe a “hub and spoke” model in
which leaders provide inspiration, strategic vision, and some financial support but little in the way of direct tactical
supervision. In 2022, the analytical consensus appears to view AQ as having “devolved operational responsibility to
regional affiliates as it has shifted away from centrally directed plotting,” per the 2022 annual threat assessment.
Al Qaeda may persist as a group that inspires ideologically motivated terrorism against U.S. interests around the world
and opportunistically enters (or secures the allegiance of participants in) local conflicts. Changes in the relative
balance of these elements of the group’s identity and structure may in turn spur changes in the focus of U.S.
counterterrorism efforts over time.

A lot of "maybe" there, which infers that in 20 some odd years our intelligence guess work since last year is just that....guesswork. This report hardly supports the demonstrative cartoon and subsequent supposition and conjecture you lay out ... much less applying such to Anti-fa.

But of course YOU know more than the CRS, because you can factually back up what you say with valid source material. Oh wait, that's right .... YOU DIDN'T! And one more thing, you still haven't explained how you can label something as a "hate group" when it advocates against and targets neo-nazi, white supremacist/nationalist groups, who are openly anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional and anti-American.

Carry on.
:palm: First off, there's no link to your charts. Not surprising, as your mindset rarely likes to expose exactly who they are and their agenda.

Not quite, bunky. Note the following:

Some contend that Al Qaeda remains essentially a centrally governed organization, with the
group’s leaders providing marching orders to its various affiliates; others describe a “hub and spoke” model in
which leaders provide inspiration, strategic vision, and some financial support but little in the way of direct tactical
supervision. In 2022, the analytical consensus appears to view AQ as having “devolved operational responsibility to
regional affiliates as it has shifted away from centrally directed plotting,” per the 2022 annual threat assessment.
Al Qaeda may persist as a group that inspires ideologically motivated terrorism against U.S. interests around the world
and opportunistically enters (or secures the allegiance of participants in) local conflicts. Changes in the relative
balance of these elements of the group’s identity and structure may in turn spur changes in the focus of U.S.
counterterrorism efforts over time.

A lot of "maybe" there, which infers that in 20 some odd years our intelligence guess work since last year is just that....guesswork. This report hardly supports the demonstrative cartoon and subsequent supposition and conjecture you lay out ... much less applying such to Anti-fa.

But of course YOU know more than the CRS, because you can factually back up what you say with valid source material. Oh wait, that's right .... YOU DIDN'T! And one more thing, you still haven't explained how you can label something as a "hate group" when it advocates against and targets neo-nazi, white supremacist/nationalist groups, who are openly anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional and anti-American.

Carry on.

On that, you are full of shit with a capital FULL OF SHIT!

I suggest you try a different drug...
Nice try idiot.
What, are you illiterate or just stupid?
Always whines about others using ad hominems against him but happily slathers them all over others. :laugh:
Thank you for the meaningless and gratuitous ad hominem.
Ah, the old resort to ad hominem when you can't prove your point...
This is where the Left can't defend their position so they shift to ad hominem in the form of whataboutisms then demand more proof in an extension of that fallacy.
Nice bit of ad hominem there. Try again.
Ad hominem, the last resort of a Leftist to a rational, factual argument...

Translation: T.A. gets his ass handed to him in a logic and fact based debate, so he sputters and fumes like a schoolyard kid. This gives him time to scurry and seek valid, reputable documentation (or some right wing wonk site/pundit who parrots his mindset) to post. We'll wait.

And he should really stop looking in the mirror when he types this stuff.
Translation: T.A. gets his ass handed to him in a logic and fact based debate, so he sputters and fumes like a schoolyard kid. This gives him time to scurry and seek valid, reputable documentation (or some right wing wonk site/pundit who parrots his mindset) to post. We'll wait.

And he should really stop looking in the mirror when he types this stuff.

Wrong. That was an accurate rebuttal to your post using a meme.
Only to the intellectually bankrupt trying to bluff, the MAGA stubborn and the substance impaired. See ya tomorrow kid .... maybe you'll grow up or sober up....which ever comes first.

It wasn't a "bluff," it was an insult that you, in your intellectual inferiority, failed to grasp.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Only to the intellectually bankrupt trying to bluff, the MAGA stubborn and the substance impaired. See ya tomorrow kid .... maybe you'll grow up or sober up....which ever comes first.

It wasn't a "bluff," it was an insult that you, in your intellectual inferiority, failed to grasp.

:rolleyes: Say goodnight, Gracie. See ya on another thread.