Is this the White Power sign?

No shit, Terry, but we were talking about domestic terrorism and your hate for the SPLC.... Couldn't help yourself, eh? LOL

The fact you support shredding the Constitution, especially the First Amendment is a consistent pattern you've had for some time now. I've observed your move from Right of Center to Alt-Right over the past two years. IMO, there's always reasons for radical changes in a person's behavior over relatively short periods of time, which you've done. Hence my interest and questions to you on the matter...questions you've dodged.
We monitor hate groups and other extremists throughout the United States and expose their activities to the public, the media and law enforcement.

The SPLC "monitors" and designates only groups, individuals, and organizations that are not politically aligned with the thinking at the SPLC. That is, they only list rightwing and far right groups ignoring radical Leftist ones entirely.

The SPLC Is Massively Overcounting 'Hate' Groups—and It's Not Just Moms for Liberty
At this rate, the Southern Poverty Law Center's notorious hate map might eventually describe everyone as an extremist.
In no way does it say that.

That is the overt tone of the article, and it comes through loud and clear.

The article makes no mention of the $1 to $2 billion in property damage and injuries Antifa and BLM riots caused in 2020 for example.

It's true that, in 2020, protests over Floyd's death were estimated to have caused about $2 billion in damage.

BLM's 'Mostly Peaceful' Riots Cost 1000x More in Damage Than Jan. 6 Capitol Unrest

Antifa groups have been increasingly active in protests and rallies over the past few years, especially ones that include far-right participants. In June 2016, for example, Antifa and other protestors confronted a neo-Nazi rally in Sacramento, California, with at least five people stabbed. In February, March, and April 2017, Antifa members attacked alt-right demonstrators at the University of California, Berkeley using bricks, pipes, hammers, and homemade incendiary devices. In July 2019, William Van Spronsen, a self-proclaimed Antifa, attempted to bomb the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility in Tacoma, Washington, using a propane tank but was killed by police.
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Of course it comes that way to you.

I added examples. Antifa is extremely violent, if not exactly in the same way the radical Right is. While the radical Right has individuals who rack up body counts, Antifa and the radical Left cause billions in property damage, personal injuries, and general mayhem that far exceeds the cost of the lives taken on by the radical Right. The Left and radical Left focus only on deaths because that allows them to excuse their own behavior and crimes.

Looked at objectively, there are individual actors on the radical Right who are murderous thugs. On the radical Left there are large mobs of thugs who destroy whole city downtowns, wreck thousands of lives, and create massive problems for government and law enforcement at enormous cost, but they only rarely kill people.
Of course it comes that way to you.
He's seeing through a glass darkly. My guess is major health or personal issues.

1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
What's gone wrong in your life, Terry? Why have you turned down such a dark path?


I suggest you try a different drug...
He's seeing through a glass darkly. My guess is major health or personal issues.

1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Yea, what tard told you that?




Does that look like an "idea?"

Antifa has:

A uniform: Black block
Symbols: The red and black flag, the three spears in a circle as two of those
Organized chapters: Rose City Antifa is shown above
Websites: (one of hundreds worldwide)
A magazine: Rolling Thunder
A website for organizing "action:"

It is a fully organized, decentralized, worldwide, group that has a common set of goals and ideas and operates in coordination across many nations. Anyone who says it's no more than an idea is either oblivious, full of shit, or both.

:palm: Okay, once more for the cheap seats.

Short for “anti-fascists,” antifa is not a single organization but rather an umbrella term for far-left-leaning movements that confront or resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations.

There is no hierarchical structure to antifa or universal set of tactics that makes its presence immediately recognizable, though members tend to espouse revolutionary and anti-authoritarian views, said Mark Bray, a historian at Rutgers University and author of “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.”

“They do different things at different times in different ways, some of which there is evidence of them breaking the law. Other times there is not,” Bray said.

Literature from the antifa movement encourages followers to monitor the activities of white supremacist groups, publicize the personal information of perceived enemies, develop self-defense training regimens and compel outside organizations to cancel any speakers or events with “a fascist bent,” according to a 2018 Congressional Research Service report.

See, MAGA mooks like you just love to revise history, definitions and reality to suit YOUR agenda and justify your actions. You're like the see/hear no evil monkey, because you just can't handle the truth.

I would really like to see the word you use to describe a "hate group" that advocates against and targets neo-nazi, white supremacist/nationalist groups.
No. The white power sign includes a circle (the p) with the thumb and forefinger with the rest of the fingers forming the "w" and they usually show it with the "w" upside down... Like this:


What the guy is doing is showing another officer which unit they work in... the "sign" was for the uniform at the end of the line and it told him in which precinct he worked.

Yeah, and there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell ya cheap! Observe: