Is this the White Power sign?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
:palm: I notice you don't link your source. No matter. You see, not everyone covers everything. But being that you didn't even do the bare minimum of researching the SPLC site, it's not surprising that you missed the following:

You're pathetic, TA. Your half assed efforts to prove your point and NOT acknowledge contrary information is worthy of being a spin doctor for the GOP and Trump legal team. Unlike you, I have no problem acknowledging hate groups WHOMEVER they are. And that the SPLC does the same just doesn't fit into your myopic world view. TFB. Carry on.

So, now you try a pathetic appeal to authority coupled to an ad hominem. Look the fucking groups up yourself. I don't need to link them to list them.

You have a habit of trying deem any and everything that logically and factually proves your just a stupid MAGA troll as an "ad hominem". Look up the definition, you doesn't apply here or anywhere in our exchange. And to whose "authority" am I trying to appeal to? YOU? :laugh:

It's like this, genius: You didn't give a source because that source would reveal a bias that is NOT in the material from the SPLC I provided. Please explain to the reading audience why I should spend an inordinate amount of time trying to locate source of your list when YOU should be able to, being you are presenting the material. The SPLC lists some non-white hate groups that are NOT on your "list". So your entire diatribe falls flat.

Bottom line: the dolt cop did flash a white power sign, there's no rational excuse of explanation for that. And all the roads and avenues dolts like you run down won't change that. But do carry on, I find your foolishness quite entertaining in a pathetic sort of way.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You're a liar, T.A. You only know about the SPLC what your right wing wonkish sites tell you. That's why I had to educate you. But in typical intellectual cowardice and dishonesty found in you MAGA types, you throw out something that is (a) has nothing to do with the OP (b) has nothing to do with your ignorant attitude that the SPLC has a bias that keeps it from criticizing non-white groups.

Essentially, it's SOS of trying to shift the conversation so you don't have to admit you're wrong and at the same time insinuate a correlation to justify your initial flawed claim.

Now, run-a-long and tell the guy you see in the mirror and all your buddies about your victory as you repeat the SOS.

I just proved you wrong, completely wrong.

Sorry toodles, the chronology of the posts doesn't support your fantasy. As I've said before, saying something and proving something are two different things. Also, what the dummy you see in the mirror agrees with has no bearing on reality. You're doing EXACTLY as I previously said you would. Carry on.
Sorry toodles, the chronology of the posts doesn't support your fantasy. As I've said before, saying something and proving something are two different things. Also, what the dummy you see in the mirror agrees with has no bearing on reality. You're doing EXACTLY as I previously said you would. Carry on.

You're not sorry, you're pathetic.

Your whining without any sort of refutation amounts to ad hominem. That is, you attack me rather than attempt to refute anything I actually said because you know you can't refute it.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Sorry toodles, the chronology of the posts doesn't support your fantasy. As I've said before, saying something and proving something are two different things. Also, what the dummy you see in the mirror agrees with has no bearing on reality. You're doing EXACTLY as I previously said you would. Carry on.

You're not sorry, you're pathetic.

Your whining without any sort of refutation amounts to ad hominem. That is, you attack me rather than attempt to refute anything I actually said because you know you can't refute it.

All you're doing is doubling down on your stupidity because you don't have the cojones to just concede a point. You're done and I'm done here with you.
I find the explanation by Wayne Craigmiles interesting, being that Jr., like his orange daddy, didn't serve in the military.

That cop should be scrutinized by Internal Affairs, but I doubt he will be.

Making stupid uneducated comments seems to be your forte'. :palm: