Is Trump Really on Track to Win Re-Election?

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Trumps old uneducated cracka base has died or is dying

Demographics also favor a Democrat. Young people often stay home. But the youth turnout is likely to be large this time and young people tend to be more progressive when they vote.

A lot of Trump’s base was old. Elderly voters were influenced last time by the demonizing of the Affordable Care Act, which is a lot more popular now; and Trump keeps trying to destroy it. Some of Trump’s older base will have died off. The potential Trump base, even with higher turnout, is shrinking, while the potential progressive base is growing.

For one thing, Democrats will probably win any turnout derby. Democratic turnout was depressed in 2016, both black and white. There was substantial falloff from the Obama coalition of 2008 and 2012. There were a lot of “I’m holding my nose and voting for Clinton bumper-stickers” as well as millions of potential Democratic voters who just didn’t bother to vote.
Trumps old uneducated cracka base has died or is dying
Racism. Bigotry.

Demographics also favor a Democrat. Young people often stay home. But the youth turnout is likely to be large this time and young people tend to be more progressive when they vote.
"Progressive" implies that progress is being made... Describe this "progress"... What makes it "progress" as opposed to simply being 'different'?

A lot of Trump’s base was old. Elderly voters were influenced last time by the demonizing of the Affordable Care Act, which is a lot more popular now; and Trump keeps trying to destroy it.
Obamacare is as unpopular as ever. It is unconstitutional. It is sinking under its own weight.

Some of Trump’s older base will have died off.
Same with the Dem nominee's base... Democrats die too, ya know... ;)

The potential Trump base, even with higher turnout, is shrinking, while the potential progressive base is growing.

For one thing, Democrats will probably win any turnout derby. Democratic turnout was depressed in 2016, both black and white. There was substantial falloff from the Obama coalition of 2008 and 2012. There were a lot of “I’m holding my nose and voting for Clinton bumper-stickers” as well as millions of potential Democratic voters who just didn’t bother to vote.
Many potential Republican voters didn't turn out either, you know...
Trump is staying with his base 40 percent no matter who the Dem is. That is a death knell to his election. From Warren to Buttigieg, Trump cannot get over 40. Even rightys can understand that is not enough to win, assuming they have a lefty who can explain it to them.
If Democrats fuck this up, they deserve to lose.

My greatest fear is if the Democrats appear to be the Anti-Worker Party. Supporting the importation of Third World Labor to replace them, is NOT a Winning Strategy.
Oh, and to the people that may not know this, Black people work for a Living too. Black people won't be voting for some idiot that wants to give their Jobs to a Mexican.
This thread reads like pure desperation on the left, considering their candidate line up, I can't say I blame them for their hysterical fears.
This thread reads like pure desperation on the left, considering their candidate line up, I can't say I blame them for their hysterical fears.

He seems like the easiest Candidate to beat. Course, I said that when he ran against Hillary. :(
The key point is that every decent, educated person should get out and vote against the fat bully. No crap, no hesitation: for the sake of the human race kick the bugger out!
The key point is that every decent, educated person should get out and vote against the fat bully. No crap, no hesitation: for the sake of the human race kick the bugger out!

Who are the "decent" "educated" persons who support the Democrat's, socialist neo-communism, hatred for Jews & Israel & support for the 4 anti-American bitches in the Congress and y'all's preposterous new green deal? Honest & educated Democrat, is a fucking oxymoron!
Who are the "decent" "educated" persons who support the Democrat's, socialist neo-communism, hatred for Jews & Israel & support for the 4 anti-American bitches in the Congress and y'all's preposterous new green deal? Honest & educated Democrat, is a fucking oxymoron!

They are people who are not twisted like you who believe right-wing lies. Trump is best buds with Russia, a communist country. He defends their dictator all the way.
I wondered who was dumb enough to think 4 powerless freshmen congresswomen were a huge thing. Now I know. Trump did his best to create a phony problem, Pelosi made it clear they are powerless. They are. But the right creates boogiemen to fool their followers. It works very well on you.
Trump is not expanding his base. He is relying on turnout of the haters and rightys. I doubt that they can do much good in the election. He also has voter repression and fixed voting machines. But even that will not be enough this time.
Who are the "decent" "educated" persons who support the Democrat's, socialist neo-communism, hatred for Jews & Israel & support for the 4 anti-American bitches in the Congress and y'all's preposterous new green deal? Honest & educated Democrat, is a fucking oxymoron!

Ask them to let you out for a week or two and meet the normal world.
Trump is staying with his base 40 percent no matter who the Dem is. That is a death knell to his election. From Warren to Buttigieg, Trump cannot get over 40. Even rightys can understand that is not enough to win, assuming they have a lefty who can explain it to them.

There is no "base 40 percent"... He had majority support in 2016 and will likely have majority support again in 2020.
Who are the "decent" "educated" persons who support the Democrat's, socialist neo-communism, hatred for Jews & Israel & support for the 4 anti-American bitches in the Congress and y'all's preposterous new green deal? Honest & educated Democrat, is a fucking oxymoron!

Not a single issue in the Dem platform is communist, neo-communist or otherwise.

If you're going to be such a pathetic whore, at least sober up first.
If Democrats fuck this up, they deserve to lose.
They already have fucked it up. They are unwilling to support a candidate with a reasonable head on their shoulders, such as Tulsi Gabbard. They instead wish to support candidates who grope little girls, can't remember where they are, can't form coherent sentences, lie about their race to get ahead, sleep their way to power, etc...

My greatest fear is if the Democrats appear to be the Anti-Worker Party.
They already appeared that way in 2016. That's why they lost ground in the Midwest States... They are seemingly doubling down on this position for 2020.

Supporting the importation of Third World Labor to replace them, is NOT a Winning Strategy.
Correct. See above.

Oh, and to the people that may not know this, Black people work for a Living too. Black people won't be voting for some idiot that wants to give their Jobs to a Mexican.
Is Trump Really on Track to Win Re-Election?

No! He is on track to having a nervous breakdown and a cardiac arrest!

And becoming the most hated and craziest president ever in the history of the United States in the History Book!
There is no "base 40 percent"... He had majority support in 2016 and will likely have majority support again in 2020.
No, he doesn’t have the “Never Hillary” crowd backing him, sorry. There are also segments of his base he has lost, coal miners, steel workers and auto workers. Unions will back Biden.
As the Herd gets willowed down, we'll see who is 'last man standing'.

They already have fucked it up. They are unwilling to support a candidate with a reasonable head on their shoulders, such as Tulsi Gabbard. They instead wish to support candidates who grope little girls, can't remember where they are, can't form coherent sentences, lie about their race to get ahead, sleep their way to power, etc...

They already appeared that way in 2016. That's why they lost ground in the Midwest States... They are seemingly doubling down on this position for 2020.

Correct. See above.
