Is Trump stupid? Or EVIL!

Great! Now you are a self-licking ice cream cone just like your idol Donald Trump!

Keep licking your own self and feathering your own ass!

You trumptards are the most self-important self-congratulating people I have ever know about!

Legends before your own time!

we're empowered.

how do you want to feel?

your heart is powerful.

all it takes for evil to fail is for good men to do nothing.
we're empowered.

how do you want to feel?

your heart is powerful.

all it takes for evil to fail is for good men to do nothing.

Everyone I know, relatives, friends, neighbors, and work associates wants to get back to work and pursue a live as we once knew it pre-Corona.

But, everyone of those people I have personally discussed this with pretty much agree that until we are all tested, they are not willing to risk pretending we we will be safe by just returning to work and hoping for the best.

Some of those I mentioned have been tested and they are ready to go now. Some are essential, and have been working throughout the crisis- BUT DAMN WORRIED ABOUT IT. Others have jobs that they are able to work from home.

And I have relationships, business as well as family, who are Republican and Democrat.

And no one I know personally, is trying to politicize this crisis. These people want what is best for themselves and their families.
Bill, I with a lot of baited breath and restraint, I was also optimistic about Donald Trump the day after Election night 2016. Well that is after I got over my original shock of him winning the election in the first place. But, by the next day, I said to myself, "Oh well, I'm going to be fair and give him the benefit of the doubt, and give him a little time to give me some kind of prove that my intuitions about him could be wrong. I mean, let us see if he really intends to set politics aside and try to bring the nation back together again. I was willing to leave my politics aside- IF HE WOULD- or COULD!

But then he gave that horrific Inauguration speech, and then the lying started the very next day, and I realized we had a dangerous leader who was the worst example of a decent, earnest, compassionate, and civil human being I have ever known about, much less as someone with the attributes to be qualified to be a president of the United States or leader of the Free world.

He has failed America on every level. His actions and policies have come across to the majority of people in this country like the shrill sounds you would get from fingernails intentionally clawing across a chalkboard, or the sound and damage one would get from dropping a 1" ball bearing into a Blender already revved up at it's highest speed.

TO be clear here..... I am not stating I was or am optimistic about trump, but that he, trumpism & his merry followers will pass..

I was never optimistic about him.. They said he would change if he won this or that, Super Tues then he will start acting presidential (& the SOB is a two bit actor), then if he won the nom, then if he won the presidency........ Those same fools are still here defending him, sadly still unwilling to acknowledge their own mistaken view of him & now his job performance....

I posted a thread earlier, piers morgan would agree w/ you

Thread: Piers Morgan:trump "is failing the American people’ as a war-time leader"
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TO be clear here..... I am not stating I was or am optimistic about trump, but that he, trumpism & his merry followers will pass..

I was never optimistic about him.. They said he would change if he won this or that, Super Tues then he will start acting presidential (& the SOB is a two bit actor), then if he won the nom, then if he won the presidency........ Those same fools are still here defending him, sadly still unwilling to acknowledge their own mistaken view of him & now his job performance....

I posted a thread earlier, piers morgan would agree w/ you

Thread: Piers Morgan:trump "is failing the American people’ as a war-time leader"

Yes Bill, our parents raised us to not grow up and become someone like a Donald Trump. taught us how to be aware that people like him exist, and to beware of people like him. And that is the way we raised our own children. So yes, we saw him coming, and just as we knew all our fears about him have now come true.

When Donald Trump said he could go out on 5th Ave, and kill someone and they would still vote for him, I'll even go so far as to say, "He could go out and Shit on 5th avenue and his followers would slurp it up like hogs at a trough"!
Everyone I know, relatives, friends, neighbors, and work associates wants to get back to work and pursue a live as we once knew it pre-Corona.

But, everyone of those people I have personally discussed this with pretty much agree that until we are all tested, they are not willing to risk pretending we we will be safe by just returning to work and hoping for the best.

Some of those I mentioned have been tested and they are ready to go now. Some are essential, and have been working throughout the crisis- BUT DAMN WORRIED ABOUT IT. Others have jobs that they are able to work from home.

And I have relationships, business as well as family, who are Republican and Democrat.

And no one I know personally, is trying to politicize this crisis. These people want what is best for themselves and their families.

you know a lot of totalitarian douches
Yes Bill, our parents raised us to not grow up and become someone like a Donald Trump. taught us how to be aware that people like him exist, and to beware of people like him. And that is the way we raised our own children. So yes, we saw him coming, and just as we knew all our fears about him have now come true.

When Donald Trump said he could go out on 5th Ave, and kill someone and they would still vote for him, I'll even go so far as to say, "He could go out and Shit on 5th avenue and his followers would slurp it up like hogs at a trough"!

he won simply for his china views. the world is rejecting globalist trade stupidity. look at the knots you tie yourself in to avoid this simple rational truth.
This Thread:

he's the one letting governors decide, dipshit.

Hey Shit-K-Bob! Donald Trump does not want to take responsibility for all the things that can go wrong and all the people that could die needlessly from the decisions that the governors will be making on sending people back to work too early.

Donald Trump is not letting them make the decisions- IT HAS BEEN THEIR DECISION ALL THIS TIME!