is watermark going to ever chill out?

Will watermark ever chill out?

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actually by the time you went to sleep you already knew you were fucked. I remember election night I still thought it was close but once I saw you demoralized I knew great things were to come

Agreed. He knew it was over long before he went to sleep. I remember it well.

It was one of the most enjoyable moments of election night for me

On a separate note does any one really think Skidmark means anything he says?

I don't think he believes one tenth of what he says.
watermark and I come from the same school where we use extreme hyperbole to cover up our actual insanity.
*meh* go ahead and be the angry young man when you are young -it's good & just to feel outraged.

Sooner- rather then later- "the nail that sticks up gets hammered down" ( Japanese proverb)
Nice try Grind. You have a long way to go to ever even contemplate replacing Skidmark as the intellectual leader of the Trinity.

Watermark lashes out at the hypothetical thousands of populations, while Grind takes glee in a class of kindergarteners getting shot-up. Are you possibly overlooking Grind on this one?
*meh* go ahead and be the angry young man when you are young -it's good & just to feel outraged.

Sooner- rather then later- "the nail that sticks up gets hammered down" ( Japanese proverb)

I used to believe that the Japanese were all the same, but my youngest son disabused me of that belief. He has travelled around Japan, speaks fluent Japanese and he soon realised that Japan is quite diverse. Tokyo and Osaka are both on the main island of Honshu but speak quite different dialects.
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works​ all the time.

Maybe with the mouth breathers but you're not fooling me.

There is a big difference between you and Skidmark. Skidmark is definitely superior in intellect to you by virtually every measurable metric but his being a manic depressive with ADD will always hold him back.

Not so with you. As a psychopath you'll probably be the first of the Trinity to become a CEO or an elected official or a felon. A lack of mental health will not hold you back.
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