Islam 101

You mean bigotry 101, as you know nothing about the religions you slander. You are no follower of Christ, you're on your own.
Exactly. The Muslim haters always use sites like that to back up their dubious claims. They never look at sites by real Muslim scholars.

Do you really think "real Muslim scholars" are going to have a non biased opinion? Maybe we should ask the DNC if Democrats are better than Republicans.
The same poster doesn't know anything about Catholicism or Judaism or any of the Orthodox churches either.

I'm sure you're going to claim you are. Typical arrogant, leftwing piece of shit.

Tend to your grandkids, grandma. It's the best thing you can do.
Islam is the world's biggest lie, and a cancer on the human race. No woner libs like it so much. What's ironic though is after they are done throwing the gays off buildings and raping all the woman not wearing full length black capes and matching mesh bags on their heads, they will kill all the liberals expressing progressive thoughts.
Islam is the world's biggest lie, and a cancer on the human race. No woner libs like it so much. What's ironic though is after they are done throwing the gays off buildings and raping all the woman not wearing full length black capes and matching mesh bags on their heads, they will kill all the liberals expressing progressive thoughts.

Meanwhile, back on the planet Earth, ......................
Here it is. Everything you need to know about Islam, and why it is a global threat. For you Muslim ass kissers, don't even bother trying to refute this. You can't. Everything in this article is based on the writings of Moohammed and his followers.

That's beautiful, a pamphlet authored by a noted Islamophibic author running on a site famous for its hatred of Islam and this one expects anyone to take it serious?h
Meanwhile, back on the planet Earth, ......................

LOL Are you denying that in Islamic countries, gays are routinely thrown off buildings? Or are you denying that Sweden has turned into the rape capital of the world due to a massive migration of Islamic followers?
LOL Are you denying that in Islamic countries, gays are routinely thrown off buildings? Or are you denying that Sweden has turned into the rape capital of the world due to a massive migration of Islamic followers?

Gays are NOT routinely thrown off buildings. That was ISIS in Syria.. Gad, you are stupid.