Islam 101

I can assure you that the nice Westernized Muslims next door are not an accurate representation of Muslims in their natural habitat.

The same guy that posted this thread posted another thread bashing the Catholic church, of which I am a member, with lies from the internet. So no, I don't take sites like Jihad Watch or Wiki Islam as anything more than promoters of hate and lies. Nor do I believe that the Muslims you met on the battlefield are the same as the Muslims working and raising their families in the rest of the country.
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Here it is. Everything you need to know about Islam, and why it is a global threat. For you Muslim ass kissers, don't even bother trying to refute this. You can't. Everything in this article is based on the writings of Moohammed and his followers.

Bigotry, racism, and Islamophobia is never a good look.

I bet you are the life of the party, eh? Assuming you even get invited to parties, do people try to back away from you, and get out of having to talk to you within five minutes of meeting?
LOL Are you denying that in Islamic countries, gays are routinely thrown off buildings? Or are you denying that Sweden has turned into the rape capital of the world due to a massive migration of Islamic followers?

Statistic don't back your claim about Sweden being the rape capital of the world. You must have gotten that from trump. His stupid statement caused the entire country of Sweden to say "huh"?

trump: Here’s the bottom line... We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening. We’ve got to keep our country safe. (Applause.) You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden? Who would believe this? Sweden? They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.

Bewildered Swedes took to social media to express confusion about what Trump may have meant, sparking the ironic Twitter hashtag #LastNightInSweden:

more Muslim violence! Things are so bad, #ABBA is requesting refugee status in Switzerland!
— Trump Paradise (@nopenochange)
More insults. LOL! You atheist progs cannot refute what I posted. Do any of you have the guts to try to refute what I posted? Notice I said try. But you won't even try. As I've already mentioned, everything in that article was taken from the writings of mohammed or his followers. It is historical fact. That's why you avoid any rational discussion about it. Pathetic. Come on. Put on your big boy pants and actually discuss something, for once in your pathetic lives.
Statistic don't back your claim about Sweden being the rape capital of the world. You must have gotten that from trump. His stupid statement caused the entire country of Sweden to say "huh"?

trump: Here’s the bottom line... We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening. We’ve got to keep our country safe. (Applause.) You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden? Who would believe this? Sweden? They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.

Bewildered Swedes took to social media to express confusion about what Trump may have meant, sparking the ironic Twitter hashtag #LastNightInSweden:

more Muslim violence! Things are so bad, #ABBA is requesting refugee status in Switzerland!
— Trump Paradise (@nopenochange)

Ignoring facts is why they are past saving.