Islam 101

LOL Are you denying that in Islamic countries, gays are routinely thrown off buildings? Or are you denying that Sweden has turned into the rape capital of the world due to a massive migration of Islamic followers?

And now for the facts,
Do you really think "real Muslim scholars" are going to have a non biased opinion? Maybe we should ask the DNC if Democrats are better than Republicans.

Do you think the non-Muslim, non-scholars on a site that promotes Islamophobia and conspiracy theories are going to present unbiased opinions? If so you're pretty gullible.
Notice that not one person has even attempted to refute anything from the OP. Assuming they even read it. which I sincerely doubt. Liberals cannot handle the truth. They prove it time and time again. Whenever they are confronted with the truth, they become hostile, call you names, try to discredit the source...etc. Same M.O. Every single time. Like clockwork. What they will never do is debate you on the facts. They know they would lose if they tried.
Notice that not one person has even attempted to refute anything from the OP. Assuming they even read it. which I sincerely doubt. Liberals cannot handle the truth. They prove it time and time again. Whenever they are confronted with the truth, they become hostile, call you names, try to discredit the source...etc. Same M.O. Every single time. Like clockwork. What they will never do is debate you on the facts. They know they would lose if they tried.

No one can argue with anyone as ignorant as you or with a dedicated propaganda site like Jihad Watch.
No one can argue with anyone as ignorant as you or with a dedicated propaganda site like Jihad Watch.

If it's propaganda, then you should have no problem refuting it. You should be eager to do so. But you haven't even tried. All you're capable of doing is hurling insults. As you prove every time you open your ignorant mouth. Go on. Refute it. It should be easy.
Do you think the non-Muslim, non-scholars on a site that promotes Islamophobia and conspiracy theories are going to present unbiased opinions? If so you're pretty gullible.

You can take the side of "surrender or submit", and will stick with the Islamophobia that I gained after serving in Desert shield and Desert Storm. It is amazing how quickly one can be infected with Islamophobia when being around Muslims in their natural habitat.
You can take the side of "surrender or submit", and will stick with the Islamophobia that I gained after serving in Desert shield and Desert Storm. It is amazing how quickly one can be infected with Islamophobia when being around Muslims in their natural habitat.

You mean after invading their countries and killing their people? You must have been one of those people who were duped into thinking we'd be considered liberators and greeted with candy and flowers.
You mean after invading their countries and killing their people? You must have been one of those people who were duped into thinking we'd be considered liberators and greeted with candy and flowers.

I can assure you that the nice Westernized Muslims next door are not an accurate representation of Muslims in their natural habitat.
Notice that not one person has even attempted to refute anything from the OP. Assuming they even read it. which I sincerely doubt. Liberals cannot handle the truth. They prove it time and time again. Whenever they are confronted with the truth, they become hostile, call you names, try to discredit the source...etc. Same M.O. Every single time. Like clockwork. What they will never do is debate you on the facts. They know they would lose if they tried.

Are you joking, that thing is forty four pages long, it's a joke, the guy has taken select sections of the Koran and framed him to "support" his conclusions, anybody could do the exact thing with the Bible or Torah to reach similar conclusions on both of those religions. Are you really that naive?

Got to love the part in the end when he implies Arab civilization never contributed anything, ah, last I knew, mathematics traces its origin back to the Middle East
Are you joking, that thing is forty four pages long, it's a joke, the guy has taken select sections of the Koran and framed him to "support" his conclusions, anybody could do the exact thing with the Bible or Torah to reach similar conclusions on both of those religions. Are you really that naive?

Got to love the part in the end when he implies Arab civilization never contributed anything, ah, last I knew, mathematics traces its origin back to the Middle East

Also navigation..

Read up on Muslim Spain.. the Golden Age of Judaism .. They had street lights and garbage pick up.