Islam and women


Will work for Scooby snacks
Quran 3:195: "Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE, YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER........."

supposedly, according some things of been reading about islam, many of the terrible discriminatory practices against women in arabic countries, come for local cultural, tribal, and pagan customs that go back many centuries, and are not directly linked to the Koran, or the teachings of the prophet Muhammed:

More rights than one might think

Some Americans believe that Muslim women are oppressed by their religion, forced to cover themselves completely, denied education and other basic rights.

It is true that Muslim women, like women all over the world, have struggled against inequality and restrictive practices in education, work force participation, and family roles. Many of these oppressive practices, however, do not come from Islam itself, but are part of local cultural traditions. (To think about the difference between religion and culture, ask yourself if the high rate of domestic violence in the United States is related to Christianity, the predominant religion.)

In fact, Islam gives women a number of rights, some of which were not enjoyed by Western women until the 19th century. For example, until 1882, the property of women in England was given to their husbands when they married, but Muslim women always retained their own assets. Muslim women could specify conditions in their marriage contracts, such as the right to divorce should their husband take another wife. Also, Muslim women in many countries keep their own last name after marriage.

The Quran explicitly states that men and women are equal in the eyes of God. Furthermore, the Quran:

-forbids female infanticide (practiced in pre-Islamic Arabia and other parts of the world)
-instructs Muslims to educate daughters as well as sons
-insists that women have the right to refuse a prospective husband
-gives women rights if they are divorced by their husband
-gives women the right to divorce in certain cases
-gives women the right to own and inherit property (though in Sunni Islam they get only half of what men inherit. Men are expected to care for their mothers and any unmarried female relatives, and would, it is reasoned, need greater resources for this purpose.)

While polygamy is permissible, it is discouraged and on the whole practiced less frequently than imagined by Westerners. It is more frequent in the Gulf, including Saudi Arabia. Many Muslims cite the Quranic phrase "But treat them equally... and if you cannot, then one [wife] is better" and argue that monogamy is preferable, or even mandatory.

As the Islamic state and religion expanded, interpretations of the gender roles laid out in the Quran varied with different cultures. For example, some religious scholars in ninth- and 10th-century Iraq were prescribing more restrictive roles for women, while elite women in Islamic Spain were sometimes able to bend these rules and mix quite freely with men (see Walladah bint Mustakfi below).

Some contemporary women -- and men as well -- reject the limitations put on women and are reinterpreting the Quran from this perspective.

Today there is a small but growing number of women in the parliaments of Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon, and in the fall of 2002, the Moroccan parliament is hoping to bring women into 25 percent of its seats. Contemporary Muslim women heads of state have included Megawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia, Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, Tansu Ciller of Turkey, and Khaleda Zia and Sheik Hasina Wazed of Bangladesh.

Yeah, but they are still worse on women than the Baptists!
but maybe not so much worse than the extreme Moremoans.
then there are the Amish.
Uh Huh...

supposedly, according some things of been reading about islam, many of the terrible discriminatory practices against women in arabic countries, come for local cultural, tribal, and pagan customs that go back many centuries, and are not directly linked to the Koran, or the teachings of the prophet Muhammed:

Muhammed the author of the good 'Book of Islam'(Koran)...liked little girls..heck he even married a 8 year old...not to forget his preaching of anhilating all the infidels...but hey thats cool if ya believe eh':rolleyes:
Muhammed the author of the good 'Book of Islam'(Koran)...liked little girls..heck he even married a 8 year old...not to forget his preaching of anhilating all the infidels...but hey thats cool if ya believe eh':rolleyes:

Muhammed was a fundamentalist Moremoan ? who woulda thunk it....
Yeah, but they are still worse on women than the Baptists!
but maybe not so much worse than the extreme Moremoans.
then there are the Amish.

Western culture was terrible on women until the enlightenment.

Muslim countries just don't ever seem to have gone through an enlightenment...
The in the distant deserts of Arizona and Nevada...the leader is serving time for this abomination!;)

yeah but just their leader so far. They are still a failry large and powerful group with a lot of money. He is a martyr to the cause...
ahh contre..........

yeah but just their leader so far. They are still a failry large and powerful group with a lot of money. He is a martyr to the cause...

This cult is under observation/surveillance as we write..;) 'Just a Matter of Time' (stolen from a song title!)
yeah survaliance, and how many years did it take us to nail the leader ? Remember over 80% of Utah's lawmakers are moremoan and sympathies exist.

I wonder what ever happened to that federal judge that would not prosecute them ?
Yeah, but they are still worse on women than the Baptists!
but maybe not so much worse than the extreme Moremoans.
then there are the Amish.

Its a mixed bag, and obviously its dangerous to generalize.

Clearly, the muslim countries that are dominated by conservative traditions, going back to local tribal and pagan mores, have made conditions for women intolerable. Like the taliban and the wahhabists.

I found the histocials subtext interesting. Islamic ideolgoy prior to the 20th century, confered more rights for women, than in comparable western societies. And they certainly usurped and replaced some truly horrid practices against women in the pre-islamic, pagan days of the arabian pennisnula.

I have no idea how to differentiate local social custons, from theology, and their effect on social patriarchy . I think it's an exercise for someone smarter than me. It's interesting to me, that article states that numerous muslim countries have had women leaders. Morroco's parliament supposedly has 25% women. How many women leaders have the devoutly christian countries of latin america had? Eva Peron is the only one I can think of. But, maybe there have been more.
So it is bad to generalise Muslim countries, but ok to generalise when talking about Christian countries?

Why are all negative traits of the Western attributed to Christianity and not culture?

yeah survaliance, and how many years did it take us to nail the leader ? Remember over 80% of Utah's lawmakers are moremoan and sympathies exist.

I wonder what ever happened to that federal judge that would not prosecute them ?

was a Liberal Judge check with Billy Bob on this one...!
Looks like Darla was right on the money again. Oppressing women isn't a part of Islam as a religion.
Darla is usually correct.

People of the Islamic faith have been used by their religious leaders just like those in most other religions have been.
Power and control...

Looks like Darla was right on the money again. Oppressing women isn't a part of Islam as a religion.

alert again...will you idiots never learn? Ya attack LE who is your savior as well as the military...Good God 'Who let the Dogs Out'!!! (stolen from a song)
Darla is...........

Darla is usually correct.

People of the Islamic faith have been used by their religious leaders just like those in most other religions have been.
Power and control...

a classic Bimbo...who toots her own praises...get a clue UScit!