Islam and women

The problem for women under contemporary Islam, is that these societies interpret the Koran the way we interpret the US Constitution. For example, Mohammad justified polygamy on the grounds that the wives were all treated equally well. Eventually, the Arab concept of separate spheres, had it that women were separated but served an equal role in Islamic society (yes, we've seen this here to). Thus, things like domestic violence, genetal mutilation, segregation, laws against things like women driving cars, are all justified on the grounds that women are safe within their sphere. The words of the Koran are thus being met.
Because we are...............

My point is ...why do we think we are ohh so much better than they are ?

We don't wackoff the heads of non-believers,don't circumsize our women,they can drive and flirt and all those normal kinda/sorta thingees!
The list goes on and on!
I am proud to be called an idiot by an idiot. If you two are smart enough to understand what that means.
There are good people and assholes in all sexes and religious based cultures. I avoid the assholes in all areas.
I have a few Muslim friends and a few women friends. Heck I even have a few republican friends ;)
There are good people and assholes in all sexes and religious based cultures. I avoid the assholes in all areas.
I have a few Muslim friends and a few women friends. Heck I even have a few republican friends ;)

But islam, as a religion, teaches violence toward and subjugation of women. It's good that some muslims ignore the actual teachings of their religion. Good for them.

Wrongo Netpervo.

I have no problem finding willing women . One of the benefits of my age bracket, lots more women than decent men. esp if you have a bit of money. Social diseases are not as common in the elderly either.

but I have a nice pretty petite and smart lady friend for now. And no children ! A mere youngster too, only 42 :D
Wrongo Netpervo.

I have no problem finding willing women . One of the benefits of my age bracket, lots more women than decent men. esp if you have a bit of money. Social diseases are not as common in the elderly either.

but I have a nice pretty petite and smart lady friend for now. A mere youngster too, only 42 :D

IS she three dimensional and warm blooded?