Islam and women

Without Christianity, for instance, in many parts of the world the death penalty would still be in practice. Christians silence on that issue and creative interpreting of the bible to twist it to mean that Christ believed in the method of punishment that killed him is the reason it's still in practice here.
For bb,
I am satisfied with my conclusions about life.
I am not worried that you disagree with them. Actually the fact that some / many disagree with me is a good thing from my point of view. It indicates to me that I am not like them.
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Without Christianity, for instance, in many parts of the world the death penalty would still be in practice. Christians silence on that issue and creative interpreting of the bible to twist it to mean that Christ believed in the method of punishment that killed him is the reason it's still in practice here.

You have no support for that statement whatsoever.
I am satisfied with my conclusions about life.
I am not worried that you disagree with them. Actually the fact that some / many disagree with me is a good thing from my point of view. It indicates to me that I am not like them.

Uscitizen doesn't want your 9-5 man!

Someone is stuck in the high school "I have to be different!" mode.
You are entitled.........

I am satisfied with my conclusions about life.
I am not worried that you disagree with them. Actually the fact that some / many disagree with me is a good thing from my point of view. It indicates to me that I am not like them.

to your opinion as we all are! Opinions are akin to ones ass..everyone has one...however some need to wipe more often..the smell is atrocious!;)
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Darla is usually correct.

People of the Islamic faith have been used by their religious leaders just like those in most other religions have been.
Power and control...

I agree.

And I stipulate that SECULAR societies, are the most enlightened of all.

Just check out Sweden. :)
Secular societies like any modern democracy?

Or do you mean atheistic societies? They do pretty well also (Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Vietnam-- very good at committing atrocities).
Looks like Darla was right on the money again. Oppressing women isn't a part of Islam as a religion.

Actually, she's displaying her ignorance again.
"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great. (Shakir's version of the Koran, Quran, 4:34)
It's the koran though. It is. really. Don't be a dipshit.

I believe you it is from the Koran. I was not doubting that, you mistook my intent. Perhaps it was poorly stated. sorry.

but the resemblance to scriptures about women in the bible is pretty close don't you think ?

It's called the truth. Try it some time, moron.

or TP would be nice!...Gotta run the Bro e-mailed me about his and my new forum...he needs input! I am not the geek he is Iwill leave the mechanics to just good for ideas and such...! Chow y'all!
I believe you it is from the Koran. I was not doubting that, you mistook my intent. Perhaps it was poorly stated. sorry.

but the resemblance to scriptures about women in the bible is pretty close don't you think ?

yeah, there's similar shit in the bible.

But, yet again, we have the armchair theology experts googling a couple phrases from the koran, and posting it as a laughable demonstration of their theological expertise.

Its like when an armchair scientist like superfreak tries to "draw a straight line" between two solitary data points, to prove he knows what he's talking about on global warming.

It's cherry picking. And its what self proclaimed armchair experts do, when trying to demonstrate knowledge of a subject they have absolutly no training or education in. Google makes everyone an armchair expert.

All the old holy books have crazy passages in them, that are open to historical interpretation and context. The bible allows a lot of crazy shit, like killing your children, owning slaves, sexual depravity, slaughter, etc.

The only thing that interests me, is what actual experts say: that the tradition of islam was centuries ahead of western civlization in terms of the status of women's rights with respect to property, marriage, and inheritance. And the spread of islam across the arabian pennisula, was a vast improvement for women over the horrid pagan traditions that existed pre-islam. And as far as the experts I've been reading, the Koran has many explicit passages conferring equality on women. Making them explicity equal to men. I have no idea if the bible has similar passages.

Anyway, islamic feminists and modern reformers are waged in this battle against the conservative, cultural idiots like the taliban and wahhabists. And it does the reformers and feminsts no good if their entire religion is stereotyped by western wingnuts.
yeah, there's similar shit in the bible.

But, yet again, we have the armchair theology experts googling a couple phrases from the koran, and posting it as a laughable demonstration of their theological expertise.

Its like when an armchair scientist like superfreak tries to "draw a straight line" between two solitary data points, to prove he knows what he's talking about on global warming.

It's cherry picking. And its what self proclaimed armchair experts do, when trying to demonstrate knowledge of a subject they have absolutly no training or education in. Google makes everyone an armchair expert.

All the old holy books have crazy passages in them, that are open to historical interpretation and context. The bible allows a lot of crazy shit, like killing your children, owning slaves, sexual depravity, slaughter, etc.

The only thing that interests me, is what actual experts say: that the tradition of islam was centuries ahead of western civlization in terms of the status of women's rights with respect to property, marriage, and inheritance. And the spread of islam across the arabian pennisula, was a vast improvement for women over the horrid pagan traditions that existed pre-islam. And as far as the experts I've been reading, the Koran has many explicit passages conferring equality on women. Making them explicity equal to men. I have no idea if the bible has similar passages.

Anyway, islamic feminists and modern reformers are waged in this battle against the conservative, cultural idiots like the taliban and wahhabists. And it does the reformers and feminsts no good if their entire religion is stereotyped by western wingnuts.

SO the bible is racist and sexist too. What's your point, dimwit?