Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

are way more valuable and meaningful than a handful of cells which may or may not make it all the way through the gestation process to become a human life.....

Sorry, but biology suggests this is not so. A living growing fetus is not a mere clump of cells that will one day be human life, it is human life already, unless you can define what other element is needed to make it human life.

According to the Word of God, this innocent human life, the weakest among us, are the greatest in his eye. What you consider more or less important is of no consequence to God, I hope you realize this, he doesn't really care what you think about life he creates as a blessing and gift, as the Bible so describes the fetus in the womb.

dixie...we have a difference of opinion...

Yes we do, and your opinion is not based in any relevant facts, or at least, you have yet to present them for consideration here. My opinion is supported by biology and science, which makes it far more valid than yours.
swimming pool...HA.... now if I chose to fill in the hole with water and make it a swimming would be MY hole and MY water and MY pool and none of your concern.

Right, so the nature of the hole can change or be altered, unlike a life form. If you decide you want a swimming pool, that is what the hole becomes, if a mother decides she wants a baby moose, she can't change the human fetus inside her. If you wanted chicken for dinner, you wouldn't go out and buy fertilized and incubated eggs, although these eggs are a living chicken life form, and eventually you could raise them into edible chickens, but if you changed your mind and wanted beef for dinner, you couldn't make the eggs hatch cows.

You are trying to apply an analogy about a building project, to the biology of life, and the two things just don't apply to one another.
And this thread too turns to abortion ......hmmm

Yeah, and what's freakin hilarious to me is this...

dixie...we have a difference of opinion...

Duh! No shit, Sherlock! I think that has been established already!

It's amazing how Maineman can play the chess game to the final move, then just before his opponent yells 'checkmate' he looks at his watch and says... My goodness, look at the time, I didn't realize it was so late, we'll just have to call this a draw!

In summary, I have presented hard scientific and biological evidence that a fetus is a living human life, I have presented evidence that God and Jesus oppose the taking of innocent human life, and I have proven that no other argument can be made on these things from an ethical, religious or scientific standpoint, with any validity whatsoever. Maine has presented his beliefs, his opinions, and his irrelevant analogies with chicken eggs and building projects.

Yes, we DO have a difference of opinion, that's why one of us is absolutely right and one of us is dead wrong. Of course, in Maine's eyes, I am a lesser Christian than he, because he has deemed me a fake, and he has participated in the choir and served communion, so it must be me who is wrong here. What a JOKE!

Pft! :rant:
Yeah, and what's freakin hilarious to me is this...

dixie...we have a difference of opinion...

Duh! No shit, Sherlock! I think that has been established already!

It's amazing how Maineman can play the chess game to the final move, then just before his opponent yells 'checkmate' he looks at his watch and says... My goodness, look at the time, I didn't realize it was so late, we'll just have to call this a draw!

In summary, I have presented hard scientific and biological evidence that a fetus is a living human life, I have presented evidence that God and Jesus oppose the taking of innocent human life, and I have proven that no other argument can be made on these things from an ethical, religious or scientific standpoint, with any validity whatsoever. Maine has presented his beliefs, his opinions, and his irrelevant analogies with chicken eggs and building projects.

Yes, we DO have a difference of opinion, that's why one of us is absolutely right and one of us is dead wrong. Of course, in Maine's eyes, I am a lesser Christian than he, because he has deemed me a fake, and he has participated in the choir and served communion, so it must be me who is wrong here. What a JOKE!

Pft! :rant:

Sorry...I just got home from church.... my son, the choir director, and I sang an alto-tenor duet by Handel.... lot's of fun.

Dixie.... we have already established that you are a coward.... and therefore, you would not rush into a burning fertility clinic to save the embryos in petri dishes... I have two simple questions:

1. Would you risk your life and run into a burning building to save your daughter who was trapped inside?


2. Would you risk your life and run into a burning building to save an embryo in a petri dish that was the result of YOUR sperm and your wife's (if you had one, of course) egg?

We are not talking about just any embryo here...we are talking about an embryo that, by your definition, would be your own different in any way from your daughter.

My guess is that you quickly said yes - almost automatically - to the first question... and that you paused a bit before answering the second.
and I won't be able to check back to read your inspirational response because my son is the artistic director of the Freeport Community Chorus and we are going to attend their Christmas concert this afternoon.

Merry Christmas Dixie.
Maine, I will tell you, just as I told the other pinhead, this is not a valid scientific way to determine anything at all. It is similar to the Salem judges who threw women into the river, to see if they were witches. It has no basis in fact, and proves nothing.

If the scenario you described were to happen, I would do everything in my power to save the living, growing, human fetus that was my child, and if I couldn't save them, I would mourn the loss no less than if it had been an infant or toddler in the building. I would rest assured that God had preserved their soul in heaven, just the same as if it had been birthed, because I do believe the human life would have a soul from the point it became a human life, conception.

I hope this puts an end to this stupid question, because it's absolutely ridiculous, as well as insulting, and irrelevant to the discussion we are having here. Life begins at conception, there is no way to argue against that, and you have presented nothing to refute this, and you simply can't. This is why you have to go to such outrageous extremes to try and make a point. If your car was rolling off a cliff, would you grab the bumper and try to keep it from careening over the edge? If not, does that mean it wasn't a car? Does that mean you didn't love your car? Does that mean it wasn't as important to you as the car in your garage? You can see where this is just a stupid and ridiculous argument, with no basis and no relevance in establishing the facts of the matter. It's a red herring, a deliberate attempt to bail on the fundamental argument and take the easy way out.

You know, in your heart of hearts, that abortion is wrong. That it's the intentional and malicious taking of innocent human life. You know that God does not condone it and is not okay with it. You know that a living, growing human fetus is indeed a human life, and does indeed have a soul. Yet you will continue to throw out your lame and unfounded arguments and opinions, and pretend you believe something to the contrary. Not only will you take this position, you'll do it with all the pompous and arrogant piety you can muster, because you somehow believe that makes it alright in the eyes of God.

May he have mercy on your soul, is all I have to say.
and I won't be able to check back to read your inspirational response because my son is the artistic director of the Freeport Community Chorus and we are going to attend their Christmas concert this afternoon.

Merry Christmas Dixie.
and I won't be able to check back to read your inspirational response because my son is the artistic director of the Freeport Community Chorus and we are going to attend their Christmas concert this afternoon.

Merry Christmas Dixie.

No piety at all.
Dixie.... we have already established that you are a coward.... and therefore, you would not rush into a burning fertility clinic to save the embryos in petri dishes... I have two simple questions:

1. Would you risk your life and run into a burning building to save your daughter who was trapped inside?


2. Would you risk your life and run into a burning building to save an embryo in a petri dish that was the result of YOUR sperm and your wife's (if you had one, of course) egg?

Of course he wouldn't run through flames and collapsing walls to save his embryo in the petri dish.

Which means of course, that Dixie doesn't really think that a soul and a life is created at conception - a life every bit as worthy as yours, mine, or his.
Maine, I will tell you, just as I told the other pinhead, this is not a valid scientific way to determine anything at all. It is similar to the Salem judges who threw women into the river, to see if they were witches. It has no basis in fact, and proves nothing.

If the scenario you described were to happen, I would do everything in my power to save the living, growing, human fetus that was my child, and if I couldn't save them, I would mourn the loss no less than if it had been an infant or toddler in the building. I would rest assured that God had preserved their soul in heaven, just the same as if it had been birthed, because I do believe the human life would have a soul from the point it became a human life, conception.

I hope this puts an end to this stupid question, because it's absolutely ridiculous, as well as insulting, and irrelevant to the discussion we are having here. Life begins at conception, there is no way to argue against that, and you have presented nothing to refute this, and you simply can't. This is why you have to go to such outrageous extremes to try and make a point. If your car was rolling off a cliff, would you grab the bumper and try to keep it from careening over the edge? If not, does that mean it wasn't a car? Does that mean you didn't love your car? Does that mean it wasn't as important to you as the car in your garage? You can see where this is just a stupid and ridiculous argument, with no basis and no relevance in establishing the facts of the matter. It's a red herring, a deliberate attempt to bail on the fundamental argument and take the easy way out.

You know, in your heart of hearts, that abortion is wrong. That it's the intentional and malicious taking of innocent human life. You know that God does not condone it and is not okay with it. You know that a living, growing human fetus is indeed a human life, and does indeed have a soul. Yet you will continue to throw out your lame and unfounded arguments and opinions, and pretend you believe something to the contrary. Not only will you take this position, you'll do it with all the pompous and arrogant piety you can muster, because you somehow believe that makes it alright in the eyes of God.

May he have mercy on your soul, is all I have to say.

you would have mourned the loss of an embryo in a petri dish as much as you would your daughter? That's bullshit and you know it.

And I do know in my heart of hearts that abortion is wrong.... absolutely.... just like I know that smoking cigarettes is wrong, and sleeping with someone else's wife is wrong.. or... or...or .... there are a lot of things that are "wrong" in this world that I would still not be comfortable with government prohibitions upon....

As I have said countless times, I find abortion to be an onerous and terrible option.... but I find the idea of government directing what happens in a woman's reproductive system to be even more onerous. As a conservative who claims to want government out of our lives, it would seem to me that you would find such intrusion on the part of the government onerous as well.

But then... I remember how you could have cared less that Texas policemen mistakenly broke into an apartment of two gay men who had not broken any laws whatsoever and charged them with sodomy while in the privacy of their own bedrooms, so I guess your claims of conservatism are pretty much bullshit.....
you would have mourned the loss of an embryo in a petri dish as much as you would your daughter?

We both know that there would be no living growing human embryo in a petri dish, in an empty burning building. A living growing and viable human embryo can not survive for very long outside of the mother's womb, and the only period of time it would have ever been in a petri dish, was to conduct the invetro-fertilization process. The technician would not have the egg introduced to the sperm in the petri dish and then just leave it in the lab overnight, that isn't how it works, and you are smart enough to know that.

Let's stop being ridiculous here, you know abortion is the intentional taking of human life, and you know that God is not okay with it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have a problem with it, you wouldn't give a shit if your daughter had it done, or anyone else. The fact that you will act like you are all concerned about abortions, is all the proof we need of this.

As I said, may God have mercy on your soul.
Which means of course, that Dixie doesn't really think that a soul and a life is created at conception

NO, it is YOU who doesn't believe this. I certainly DO believe this, and that is why I think it is WRONG!

When the heck do you think God gets around to giving the human life a soul? ...Oh, that's right, you don't believe in God or souls, right?
you would have mourned the loss of an embryo in a petri dish as much as you would your daughter?

We both know that there would be no living growing human embryo in a petri dish, in an empty burning building. A living growing and viable human embryo can not survive for very long outside of the mother's womb, and the only period of time it would have ever been in a petri dish, was to conduct the invetro-fertilization process. The technician would not have the egg introduced to the sperm in the petri dish and then just leave it in the lab overnight, that isn't how it works, and you are smart enough to know that.

Let's stop being ridiculous here, you know abortion is the intentional taking of human life, and you know that God is not okay with it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have a problem with it, you wouldn't give a shit if your daughter had it done, or anyone else. The fact that you will act like you are all concerned about abortions, is all the proof we need of this.

As I said, may God have mercy on your soul.

LOL - You've tap danced yourself into quite the conundrum here:

Dixie: "We both know that there would be no living growing human embryo in a petri dish"

You said a soul and a human life are created at the MOMENT of conception

And previously you said that embryonic stem cell research was "the taking of an innocent life". Which time were you lying? When an embryo was an innocent life with a soul? Or when an embryo in a petri dish "is not a living, growing human?"

Dixie: "A living growing and viable human embryo can not survive for very long outside of the mother's womb, and the only period of time it would have ever been in a petri dish, was to conduct the invetro-fertilization process. The technician would not have the egg introduced to the sperm in the petri dish and then just leave it in the lab overnight, that isn't how it works, and you are smart enough to know that."

This isn't the 1950s Dixie. They've been freezing embryos for decades now. The very same embryos, that you alternatively claim aren't "a living, growing human", and then spin around and say that they are "innocent life", with a soul, created at the moment of conception
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Just for you idiots who want to insist a fetus is not a life...



This is a human fetus at 56 days... less than 2 months after conception. You reckon God has gotten around to giving it a soul yet? Wow, it really doesn't look like a random clump of cells to me! It also doesn't look like a chicken egg or unfinished building project, or something in a petri dish.

By the way, at 56 days, many women are just finding out they are pregnant, and haven't even thought about an abortion procedure. Can you imagine what this "clump of cells" looks like, at say... 8 months, when partial-birth is performed?
And Prissy... save your keystrokes, you are back on ignore again. When you can objectively have a conversation like a rational adult, I might give you another chance, but I have no need to play your little juvenile word-parsing games. was a great concert, by the way...the Portland TV stations were covering it and my son was interviewed about what a turn around he had caused in the chorus since his arrival this fall.

While you were doing this, approximately 200 unborn human lives were destroyed by abortion. During the time you spend posting your response again, of how you don't really like abortion, but are unwilling to speak out against it, another 30 abortions will occur. Since the last time you voted for the man who vetoed a ban on partial-birth abortion twice, approximately 12 million more souls were sucked down a tube. But then, your God only requires your "concern" and not your action, and he is okay with it because you are such a good Christian who participates in church functions, and all.

Take a look at the pictures, Maine. Answer my questions... does this look like a clump of cells with no life or soul to you? Does this not look like a human being to you? If this is not a human life, what kind of life form is it? When does it become a human life form? And what additional ingredients are required after conception, to make it human life?

Yeah, we have a huge difference of opinion here, you apparently think it's okay to intentionally and maliciously take the innocent life from what is in the picture above, and I don't think God condones it, or wants it to happen, and mandates that we do everything in our power to prevent it from happening. That's the difference, you are too wrapped up in Liberalism to stand for what God wants, and you think your piety and church work is going to get you into heaven. God makes it very clear, what your duty as a Christian is, and you intentionally ignore it because being a good Liberal is more important to you.