Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

Abortion means to terminate something, doesn't it? It's my understanding, abortion is the termination of the life process of a human fetus, am I mistaken on that? If it's not alive, it wouldn't need to be aborted.

You can believe it's not alive just like I can believe you are not alive, that doesn't make it so. There is proof that a fetus is a living organism, just as there is proof you are alive, so I don't know where you get that it isn't, a fetus is most certainly alive. You seem to be denying reality here, and contradicting logic.

Abortion is to terminate something, not necessarly life.

You lack an understanding of basic reasoning EINSTEIN.
I'm sorry, but science doesn't determine things based on hypothetical scenarios or what people would do in given circumstance. I wouldn't go into a burning building to save you, and I think we can conclude you are a human. So, your little experiment fails the test of logic and scientific accuracy.

Everybody knows you wouldn't run into a burning fertitily clincic, risking your life, to save a petri dish of embryos. Your lying, if you think you would.

And you're the one who made the big deal about a soul, and a human life being created at conception. A human life every bit as worthy as your or my life.

But, you'd let those embryos burn, in the fertitiliy clinic. You know you would. You wouldn't risk your life, running through flames and collapsing building parts, to save the petri dish.

You'd let them burn.

Which means, your either a phony christain who espouses phony "values".

Or, you're a liar.
Abortion is to terminate something, not necessarly life.

Well, yes, abortion means to terminate something... so in regards to aborting a human fetus, what is the abortion terminating?
See... the problem is, God didn't say that YOU could decide what is or isn't a human. If a fetus is not human, what form of life is it? Because, it is indeed living, otherwise, it would not have to be killed.

There are a number of passages in the Bible, which relate to the taking of innocent life, and particularly, the life of children. As I said before, the references in the Bible speak of "children" in the womb, not "fetuses". Let's turn the tables... can you show us where God or Jesus condones abortion?

I don't KNOW what form of life it is. I know that a fertilized chicken egg is life, but it is not yet a chicken.... I don't find any passage that condones abortion. Do YOU find a passage that condones SHOCK and AWE? that condones dropping hundreds of 500 lb bombs on cities filled with innocent civilians?

And I certainly don't CONDONE abortion either.... as I said, I think it is an onerous process...I would not recommend my daughter ever have such a procedure (except in the case where she had become impregnated by YOU, of course) The only thing more onerous than abortion, from my perspective, is allowing government to become so intimately involved in the inner workings of a woman's anatomy that they could legally ban the procedure.
Everybody knows you wouldn't run into a burning fertitily clincic, risking your life, to save a petri dish of embryos. Your lying, if you think you would.

And you're the one who made the big deal about a soul, and a human life being created at conception. A human life every bit as worthy as your or my life.

But, you'd let those embryos burn, in the fertitiliy clinic. You know you would. You wouldn't risk your life, running through flames and collapsing building parts, to save the petri dish.

You'd let them burn.

Which means, your either a phony christain who espouses phony "values".

Or, you're a liar.

You're entitled to your opinion, I suppose, but I've never known of any valid scientific evaluation to be based on such a hypothetical scenario. It's almost as idiotic as the people who thought it a valid way to prove someone was a witch, by throwing them into the river and seeing if they float or sink.

Maybe you think the moon is made of blue cheese too? I mean, it looks like it could be, and a lot of people used to think that, so maybe they are right?

As I said, I wouldn't run into a burning building to save you, but that doesn't mean you aren't a human being. Your logic is flawed.

Now, answer the damn question... If a fetus is not human life, what sort of living organism is it?
"typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything..."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach..."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"NO ONE who claims to love Jesus would EVER so cavelierly ignore his FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT as you do."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"No doubt, when Dixie arrives in Hell, he will be utterly surprised."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ."

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

"you faux Christian"

This statement is not a scoff, it is a direct judgement of my Christian faith.

Last Sunday I served Communion...

This is a pious statement.

last night was the board of deacon's meeting...

This is a pious statement.

tonight was choir practice...

This is a pious statement.

this Sunday I read the New Testament reading and my family lights the advent candle.

This is a pious statement.

I am a devout Christian and am insulted by your rantings that would suggest otherwise.

This is a pious statement.

I have lived amongst muslims... not on some army base guarded from them, but amongst them. I know that they are peaceful people...from years of experience...experience you do not share.

This is a pious statement.

My faith is shown in my actions.

This is a pious statement.

Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ.

This is a pious statement.

You really need to read the Bible before you preach from it. Shame on you.

This is a pious statement.


These are things I found in THIS thread alone. So, we've established, you are indeed a liar. You are as pious as the day is long, and a hypocrite who is casting judgement on others, as well. I certainly hope you will have a long talk with God about this, and repent your sins before you die. Eternity is a long time to burn in Hell.

I have read your opinions as to character of my sentences above. I disagree with them. I am not a liar. I am not a hypocrite. I am certainly not minister would piss his pants laughing if someone were to accuse me of piety.

and as I have said, I have done and will no doubt do again things that are more onerous to God than calling you on your faux Christianity. I will work hard to be a better Christian and to be a better person in the years ahead as I have tried to do up til now.

How do you intend to repent for the sins of cheering the death of thousands of innocents as you did on the eve of our ground invasion of Iraq when our bombers dropped hundreds of deadly 500 lb bombs on a densely populated urban area filled with innocent civilians? Do you think that God MIGHT find that a bit more onerous than my suggesting that you talk you faith a lot louder than you walk it? I certainly hope so.
You're entitled to your opinion, I suppose, but I've never known of any valid scientific evaluation to be based on such a hypothetical scenario. It's almost as idiotic as the people who thought it a valid way to prove someone was a witch, by throwing them into the river and seeing if they float or sink.

Maybe you think the moon is made of blue cheese too? I mean, it looks like it could be, and a lot of people used to think that, so maybe they are right?

As I said, I wouldn't run into a burning building to save you, but that doesn't mean you aren't a human being. Your logic is flawed.

Now, answer the damn question... If a fetus is not human life, what sort of living organism is it?

I answered your first question, on whether an embryo is a life.

YOUR TURN. Answer my question:

Would you run into a burning fertility clinic, risking grave injury or death, to save a petri dish of embryos? Embryos that you claim are a human life, and have a soul??
I answered your first question, on whether an embryo is a life.

YOUR TURN. Answer my question:

Would you run into a burning fertility clinic, risking grave injury or death, to save a petri dish of embryos? Embryos that you claim are a human life, and have a soul??

Dixie is a chickenhawk...he wouldn't go out of his way to save anybody, but he would certainly wave pompoms while YOUR children went and died FOR his stupid ideas.
Abortion is to terminate something, not necessarly life.

Well, yes, abortion means to terminate something... so in regards to aborting a human fetus, what is the abortion terminating?

The further development of the fetus.
I don't KNOW what form of life it is.

Well, sure you do! It's a human life! It simply can't be any other form of life. It is a human life at its earliest stage of development, a human being in their most innocent form. As humans go, the unborn are the weakest among us, which means, in God's eyes, they are the greatest.

And I certainly don't CONDONE abortion either....

Well, yes you do! You support it, condone it, and stand up for women to have the right to do it! You oppose those who speak out against it, you chastise those who condemn it, and you will continue to make absurd examples to justify your viewpoints, in defiance of God's will.
As I said, I wouldn't run into a burning building to save you, but that doesn't mean you aren't a human being.

Not very christian of you.

If I saw you drowning or burning, I'd try to help.

Ever gonna answer my quesiton? Its a simple yes or no question.
I answered your first question, on whether an embryo is a life.

No, you avoided my question and gave me your invalid opinion. I'll ask you again, what kind of life form is a fetus, if not human?

YOUR TURN. Answer my question:

Would you run into a burning fertility clinic, risking grave injury or death, to save a petri dish of embryos? Embryos that you claim are a human life, and have a soul??

I answered your question. No, and I also wouldn't risk grave injury to save your life. This is not a valid scientific criteria for determining a damn thing. It's nice sophistry, it's interesting rhetoric, but it's not valid scientific evaluation or observation.
I don't KNOW what form of life it is.

Well, sure you do! It's a human life! It simply can't be any other form of life. It is a human life at its earliest stage of development, a human being in their most innocent form. As humans go, the unborn are the weakest among us, which means, in God's eyes, they are the greatest.

And I certainly don't CONDONE abortion either....

Well, yes you do! You support it, condone it, and stand up for women to have the right to do it! You oppose those who speak out against it, you chastise those who condemn it, and you will continue to make absurd examples to justify your viewpoints, in defiance of God's will.

How pious of you to claim to know God's will on this issue.

I do NOT think that a fetus is a person any more than I think a fertilized egg is a chicken.

and I do not condone abortion. I do NOT condone government telling a woman what she cannot do to her own body.
Dixie is a chickenhawk...he wouldn't go out of his way to save anybody, but he would certainly wave pompoms while YOUR children went and died FOR his stupid ideas.

It's becoming apparent that Dixie doesn't think embryos have souls, or are human life. Evidently, he'd let them burn, rather than try to save them from a burning fertility clinic.

This simple real-world test, demonstrates Dixie doesnt' really think life begins at concpeption, and a soul is created at conception.
I answered your first question, on whether an embryo is a life.

No, you avoided my question and gave me your invalid opinion. I'll ask you again, what kind of life form is a fetus, if not human?

YOUR TURN. Answer my question:

Would you run into a burning fertility clinic, risking grave injury or death, to save a petri dish of embryos? Embryos that you claim are a human life, and have a soul??

I answered your question. No, and I also wouldn't risk grave injury to save your life. This is not a valid scientific criteria for determining a damn thing. It's nice sophistry, it's interesting rhetoric, but it's not valid scientific evaluation or observation.

So you won't answer the question.

What a chicken.

You know you'd let those poor little embryos - human lives with souls, every last one - burn while you watched.
I don't KNOW what form of life it is.

Well, sure you do! It's a human life! It simply can't be any other form of life. It is a human life at its earliest stage of development, a human being in their most innocent form. As humans go, the unborn are the weakest among us, which means, in God's eyes, they are the greatest.

And I certainly don't CONDONE abortion either....

Well, yes you do! You support it, condone it, and stand up for women to have the right to do it! You oppose those who speak out against it, you chastise those who condemn it, and you will continue to make absurd examples to justify your viewpoints, in defiance of God's will.

Beliving something should be legal is not the same as condoning it, Einstein.

I believe Satin worshp should be legal, I surely do not condone it!
Abortion is to terminate something, not necessarly life.

Well, yes, abortion means to terminate something... so in regards to aborting a human fetus, what is the abortion terminating?

Further development of the fetus.