Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

You are wrong dix. A liberal allows others to do their own thing, a conservative, like the Jewish Church of Jesus's time do not , you have to toe the line.
I got my info from Theologians at the local seminary. I think they are a bit more knowledegable than you.
You are wrong dix. A liberal allows others to do their own thing, a conservative, like the Jewish Church of Jesus's time do not , you have to toe the line.
I got my info from Theologians at the local seminary. I think they are a bit more knowledegable than you.

Show me where Jesus ever said that it was okay to "do your own thing" and I'll agree that he was a Liberal. I don't believe he ever suggested anything so ridiculous. I don't care what "theologian" said Jesus was a Liberal, he wasn't. Jesus was the Son of God, a perfect man, without sin. He was not a Liberal, he was not a Conservative, he was not a Libertarian, he was not a member of any political party. If anything, Jesus would have condemned such labels, and told us to forsake our political ideologies and follow the Word of God.

Jesus certainly does instruct us to follow the Word of God, he doesn't say... but if you don't really want to, you don't have to! That's what Liberals say! Jesus never said there were to be no consequences for our behavior, or that we can do whatever we want as long as we love each other. He instructed us to follow God's Word without regard for our personal desires, and to repent for our sins. He didn't condone sin, he did teach forgiveness for it. Liberals condone sin in every way imaginable, and this is not consistent with the teaching of Jesus.
MaineMan says:
And if you can find a single sentence uttered by Jesus that states that abortion is not allowed, I'd love to hear it.

Jesus doesn't talk about what is and isn't allowed. But I'm pretty damned sure that Jesus would not be neutral to abortion. Abortion is inconsistent with Jesus' teachings. That should be extraordinarily, flagrantly, "poke you in the eye" obvious. Seriously.

I am glad that you are pretty damned sure of what Jesus would think about abortion. Excuse me if I respectfully disagree, especially with your comments about how obvious it is
I am not JUDGING you Dixie....I am merely "observing" you. I make an observation concerning your hypocrisy based upon the things that you say.
"typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything..."
"YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach..."
"NO ONE who claims to love Jesus would EVER so cavelierly ignore his FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT as you do."
"No doubt, when Dixie arrives in Hell, he will be utterly surprised."
"Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ."
"you faux Christian"

And the list grows!

no judgment there at all DIx... God will judge you. I certainly think that your own words clearly portray your refusal to abide by Jesus's greatest commandment.... I merely make those observations.
no "judging" taking place at all....merely "observing" what kind of Christian your own words portray you to be.

How can you "observe" my relationship with God, or what is inside of my heart? You are casting judgement on me, based on your personal perception of my words. That is a sin in the eyes of God... judge not, lest ye be judged. When you make the statement that I am a "faux Christian" that isn't an observation, it is a judgement, a label you have applied to me. You don't have this right, nor do you have the right to tell me I'm not the right "kind" of Christian. These are judgements that are supposed to be left to God alone, not Maineman! Of course, I'm sure you can schmooze God and show him your Navy medals, and he will appreciate your work with the choir and delivering communion, and just take your word for it, that I am not the "right kind of Christian", thus condemning me to eternal damnation. is not up to me to judge you....God will do that soon enough. I comment on my observations.... and again...still no words from Jesus about abortion.... I didn't think so.... and I really don't think you want to get into Old Testament stuff here, do you? My guess is that, if OT laws and edicts were what you felt Christians needed to follow, you would be sadly lacking as much as I would.

And I don't have to show God anything. He knows that I serve communion. He knows I am a deacon. He knows I sing in the choir. He knows I work at the soup kitchen. Just like He knows that the blood of thousands of Americans and Iraqis has dried on your hands. I don't need to schmooze God to get Him to see all of that... he knows that self righteous pretentiously pious men who revel in the death of thousands are not really following Christ's greatest commandment....and He would, I would imagine, be pretty disappointed if folks who claimed to follow Him, were to split hairs as to proximity between them and other children of His and claim that "neighbor" in the sense that Jesus said it really only pertained to the folks in the house next door.
He knows that I serve communion. He knows I am a deacon. He knows I sing in the choir. He knows I work at the soup kitchen.

Does he know about your piety? :)
You know, I hear this argument made often, and somehow, I just can't picture Jesus condoning abortion on demand, taking 'God' out of the pledge, or marching in the Gay Pride parade. Maybe he would, but I just don't see it. Jesus was tolerant of sinners, he befriended a prostitute, he spent much of his life healing the outcast and accepting the ones society had turned its back on. In that regard, Jesus was liberal, but it was only in regard to his tolerance. Liberals accept these things, not out of tolerance, but out of a willing acceptance of things the Bible speaks out against and sometimes forbids. Jesus never believed it was acceptable to allow people to do as they pleased, and not get involved, just mind his own business and let them do as they wished with no consequence. He was a big proponent of personal responsibility, something totally foreign to most liberals.

One of the great misconceptions liberals have in this argument, is through attempting to apply worldly political attributes to Jesus, the Son of God. This was a perfect man, a human without sin, he wasn't a liberal, conservative, libertarian, or anything other than the Son of God. If anything, Jesus would have condemned labeling each other with preordained ideology, and establishing our beliefs on that basis. He would have most likely said, forsake your political affiliations and follow the word of God always, that is the only true guide in life.

The fact that you cannot picture Jesus condoning abortion is not synonymous with proof that Jesus condemned it. Do yo think that abortion is a modern day anomoly? Do you think that women did NOT have abortions in the time of Jesus? I wonder why He never mentioned it? Maybe it wasn't quite as big a deal to HIM as it is to the wacko faux Christians like you who claim to know what he would or would not condone?
He knows that I serve communion. He knows I am a deacon. He knows I sing in the choir. He knows I work at the soup kitchen.

Does he know about your piety? :)

I am not pious at all.... I do what I think Jesus would want me to do.... there are many times when I selfishly chose to do something other than what I think Jesus would want me to do.... I never said I was perfect....only forgiven.
no judgment there at all DIx... God will judge you. I certainly think that your own words clearly portray your refusal to abide by Jesus's greatest commandment.... I merely make those observations.

The things I listed were not mere observations, you can claim that all you like, they were judgements. Determinations, not observations, you made about me and my personal faith in God. This is forbidden by God, and you will be punished if you don't repent for it.

"Your statement is not consistent with the teachings of Christ" is an "observation"... "You are a fake Christian" is a proclaimed definitive statement of judgement. There is a humongous difference there, and you need to learn it before you die and burn in hell for all eternity.
my guess is that I will have a better chance of avoiding Hell for the sin of scoffing at YOUR "brand" of Christianity that would split hairs about the proximity of people that you need to treat in accordance with great commandment than YOU will for the sin of cheering the application of shock and awe upon Baghdad, or the minimization of the gravity of Abu Ghraib or Haditha or the war in Iraq in general.

I have done a lot of things in life that are further from Christ's teachings than calling you out for being a pious hypocrite.
The fact that you cannot picture Jesus condoning abortion is not synonymous with proof that Jesus condemned it. Do yo think that abortion is a modern day anomoly? Do you think that women did NOT have abortions in the time of Jesus? I wonder why He never mentioned it? Maybe it wasn't quite as big a deal to HIM as it is to the wacko faux Christians like you who claim to know what he would or would not condone?

Oh, Jesus most certainly condemned the intentional taking of innocent life, if you want me to repost all the various quotes, I can. There are many things Jesus didn't mention, he didn't say a word about smoking cigarettes, taking LSD, or homosexuals marrying each other, either. This doesn't mean that he condoned it or was "okay" with it, the lessons and principles are there, you just choose to ignore them.

I think it was a "big deal" to him, people who were hypocrites, and cast judgement on others. I think it was a "big deal" to him, anyone who wasn't following the Word of God and obeying his commandments, and I don't think you can show me otherwise. You can think whatever you want to, abortion is the intentional and malicious taking of an innocent life, and that is punishable by death in the Bible, ordained by God and supported by Jesus.
my guess is that I will have a better chance of avoiding Hell for the sin of scoffing at YOUR "brand" of Christianity that would split hairs about the proximity of people that you need to treat in accordance with great commandment than YOU will for the sin of cheering the application of shock and awe upon Baghdad, or the minimization of the gravity of Abu Ghraib or Haditha or the war in Iraq in general.

I have done a lot of things in life that are further from Christ's teachings than calling you out for being a pious hypocrite.

Let's be clear, it's not a sin to "scoff" at "my brand" of Christianity, and call me a hypocrite, you can do that all you like, and God doesn't have a problem with it. It's when you cast judgements on me, and proclaim that I am not "the right kind" of Christian, or that I am a "fake Christian", that God has a problem with you. It's not up to you to decide what kind of Christian I am, or if I am indeed a Christian by your standards, that is left solely up to God, and forbidden for you to judge, and if you continue to do it without repent, you will burn in hell, according to the Bible.
since most folks on the planet believe that life begins at birth, I don't think you can show me where Jesus thought that fetuses - especially those in the first or second trimester - were considered innocent LIFE.

Do you celebrate the day that you were born as your birthday, or do you celebrate the day that that john knocked up your mother?
Let's be clear, it's not a sin to "scoff" at "my brand" of Christianity, and call me a hypocrite, you can do that all you like, and God doesn't have a problem with it. It's when you cast judgements on me, and proclaim that I am not "the right kind" of Christian, or that I am a "fake Christian", that God has a problem with you. It's not up to you to decide what kind of Christian I am, or if I am indeed a Christian by your standards, that is left solely up to God, and forbidden for you to judge, and if you continue to do it without repent, you will burn in hell, according to the Bible.

again...I scoff at you, I don't judge you...and again....I have done a whole lot worse things than scoff at faux Christians..... have YOU done a lot worse than cheer the death of thousands?

and don't say you didn't...because you CERTAINLY cheered the arrival of Shock and Awe......

shame on you.
since most folks on the planet believe that life begins at birth, I don't think you can show me where Jesus thought that fetuses - especially those in the first or second trimester - were considered innocent LIFE.

Do you celebrate the day that you were born as your birthday, or do you celebrate the day that that john knocked up your mother?

You'll have a very hard time convincing me that you actually believe Jesus would be neutral on abortion. That's absurd. On this issue, pick an identity, the one that's consistent with Jesus' teachings, or the one that's consistent with the Democrats. You can't have it both ways here. You can't honestly believe that Jesus wouldn't care about abortion. LOL Anything for the democrats eh? Trying to say that Jesus wouldn't care about the unborn whatsoever is totally stupid and you know it. You just can't admit it because after all, you're a deacon, you eat communion, you get ashes put all over your face, and you are a pious man of God right?

And my brother is a recovering drug addict. He celebrates his birthday on the anniversary of the day he got clean 11 years ago. Doesn't mean that he was not alive prior to that.
since most folks on the planet believe that life begins at birth, I don't think you can show me where Jesus thought that fetuses - especially those in the first or second trimester - were considered innocent LIFE.

Do you celebrate the day that you were born as your birthday, or do you celebrate the day that that john knocked up your mother?

Go read the Bible, life begins at conception. Reference after reference is found of this. Babies in the womb are referred to as "children" and several instances, the Bible indicates they were given souls by God while in the womb, not after they were born. This modern idea of "personhood" just recently emerged as an excuse to justify abortions.