Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

Yep, comparing a few rightwing so called christian nuts with islam is rediculous.

The libs continue to be appolgists for the islamist and support them in everyway they can. Then try to make comparisons like jarod did above.

islams coming to get you jarod. And it won't be some rightwing christian cutting your head off.

It wasn't just Eric Rudolph and the "Christian Identity" cult:

NBC News: There were 1,700 acts of violence against abortion providers between 1977 and 1994, with four people killed in 1994 and one in 1993, according to statistics from the National Abortion Federation. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has logged 167 attacks against abortion clinics over the past 15 years.

In 1984, there were 18 bombings against abortion clinics. In 1993, there were 78 death threats aimed at clinic employees. And, in 1996, bombings, threats and harassment affected about one-third of U.S. abortion clinics.

But, like I said, terrorism in this country by american christians has been very limited. Terrorism in this country by american muslims is non-existant, to my knowledge.

Terrorsim by foreign muslim and foreign christian terrorists is much wider spread and violent.
[now..THAT is a lie. I do not tell lies. I dare you to show me one lie or have the decency to retract that statement. The muslim religion has absolutely no "relationship" with liberalism. As I stated earlier, your "observations" have a great deal to do with heat and controversy and little to do with illumination or discovery. that is why you are a gadfly

Yes, you tell lies all the time. You maintain that you always try to speak in a manner in which God would approve, and that isn't the case, as we both know from past experiences. I promised not to bring the past up, so I can't really present you with things you have said that contradict your lie that you always speak in a manner consistent with Jesus' teachings. As for the relation between Islam and Liberalism, I think I made valid points that have yet to be specifically addressed in any way, so until that happens, I don't think you can just proclaim them invalid. That's not how debate works. Your opinion is something you are entitled to, and I will not deny you that, but it doesn't make you right and me wrong.

I do try to speak in a manner which God would approve. Sometimes I fail. Sometimes you do too...sometimes you accuse me of things that you know are untrue and you know that God would not approve of..... now I suppose that you try to speak in a manner in which God would approve and I would never call you a liar because you were a human sinner. And you have made ridiculous points..... and because I don't care to waste my time in refuting them does not, by default, make them valid. As I said, you only care to generate heat, and not light

I happen to believe that capturing Osama would be infinitely more significant than killing zarqawi. The "movement" might very well carry on, but the figurehead would be eliminated and his capture would do immeasurable good for American morale.

And that is fine as well, you are entitled to this opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. We both agree, eliminating one single man is not going to eliminate the radical Islamofascist movement, that is the point that needs to be established and understood here, and the only one I made.

YOU were the one who made the statement that Zarqawi's death would spell the end of the insurgency. Unlike you, I have NEVER suggested that the death of any one man would have any impact on the insurgency or on the islamic extremist movement. YOu need to own up to yet another in a very long line of totally incorrect prognostications. You need to accept the fact that most folks could get really rich betting against your prognostications....that is, of course, if they bet with someone other than YOU, who reneges on your bets

you willfully ignore the first and greatest commandment. We obviously have a difference of opinion as to its importance. Unlike you, when Jesus commands me to do something, I try really hard not to willfully ignore Him

I have never ignored any commandment, let alone the greatest and first. We have a difference of opinion as to what the commandment means, and how to obey it, but that doesn't mean you are abiding by it, and I am ignoring it, it means we have a difference of opinion. Seems to me, if you support abortion, you are being contradictory to what Jesus commands, but you've managed to somehow justify your position. Seems to me, if you oppose eliminating a tyrant who is killing innocent children of God, you are ignoring what Jesus taught as well, but again, you've managed to justify your position. Mostly what you do, is take bits and pieces of what Jesus said, and apply them where you need to, and disregard the rest. It's my understanding, this isn't how it's supposed to work, we are supposed to take it all, not just the parts we want to apply.

Jesus said to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. The meaning of that is not really open to any interpretation, except by faux-Christians who want to continue killing those neighbors of theirs that they do not like. And if you can find a single sentence uttered by Jesus that states that abortion is not allowed, I'd love to hear it. And I opposed the invasion, conquest and occupation of Iraq. I did not oppose the elimination of Saddam. I happen to know that we have several methods available to eliminate leaders without invading, conquering, occupying and starting a civil war in their country. I would point you to Salvadore Allende as a prime example of a republican administration eliminating the leader of a foreign government with methods less intrusive than invasion. And HE was democratically elected! One would think that if republicans could find a way to assassinate the democratically elected leader of a nation, that we would have been able to find the gumption to assassinate the butcher of Baghdad

turning a blind eye is not the only alternative to invasion, conquest, occupation, torture and mass killing. I think there were many alternatives that would have allowed us to remain engaged in and concerned with the region shy of starting a war in it

Well, the problem is, Jesus didn't say that we were to just be "concerned" with it, we are supposed to take action and do whatever we can. That's exactly what we did, and you opposed it. You've offered no alternative here, you claim we had other alternatives, but nothing you can present is any better than what we did to eliminate Saddam.

I just did

In any event, we can't go back and change what we did, and you seem to think this is possible now. Would Jesus prefer that we leave Iraq and allow radical nuts to take over, oppress the people, kill innocent children of God, and wipe out the Jews? Or would Jesus prefer we stand for what is right in the eyes of God, and help protect innocent human life? I have my opinion, and you have yours, and I can accept that without casting judgement on your Christianity or soul.

Jesus, without question, would prefer that we love the Lord our God with all our hearts and souls and minds AND LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELVES. Do you really think that "shock and awe" and Abu Ghraib and Haditha are instances in which Jesus would be pleased with our actions?

I am not JUDGING you Dixie....I am merely "observing" you. I make an observation concerning your hypocrisy based upon the things that you say.
"typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything..."
"YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach..."
"NO ONE who claims to love Jesus would EVER so cavelierly ignore his FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT as you do."
"No doubt, when Dixie arrives in Hell, he will be utterly surprised."
"Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ."

Maine, this certainly sounds as if you are judging my faith and what kind of Christian I am.

no "judging" taking place at all....merely "observing" what kind of Christian your own words portray you to be. I have no idea whether you actually feel the way you write or act the way you observations are just that.

why are you not forcefully advocating the use of American military might to stop the other tyrants of the world?

I'm all for it, but I don't think we can actually take on the entire world in one day. I believe we can advocate freedom and democracy, and if we have the opportunity to defend it, we should.

I think we should advocate freedom and democracy as well. I just think that Jesus would not support the application of shock and awe as a means of softening up a country prior to invading it with 150K combat troops and causing tens of thousands of innocent civilian casualties as a valid advocacy technique

Why are you not forcefully advocating the invasion, conquest and occupation of Iran and Syria and North Korea and China and Somalia and all the other places where tyranny reigns?

Because it's not practical to do so, and in some cases, might not even be necessary.

So you think that Jesus only wanted us to do what was right when it was "practical" to do so? How "practical" has this stupid bloody war in Iraq been, by the way?

Why do you ignore Jesus when He told you what His most important commandment was?

Jesus didn't say that any one commandment was more important than the others.

Oh really?

From Mark 12: "One of the scribes, when he came forward and heard them disputing and saw how well he had answered them, asked him, "Which is the first of all the commandments?" Jesus replied, "The first is this: 'Hear O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with al1 your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."

You really need to read the Bible before you preach from it. Shame on you.
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There is no other commandment greater than these."

Doesn't mean that other commandments are less important. It means no commandment is greater. There is no commandment "more important" than the others, and that wasn't what he said.
but you go find the one that says we should unleash shock and awe on Iraqi civilians and show me how that is of equal importance.

I'll wait.

you faux Christian
All Ialamic people are not nuts.
Unless you consider all religiopus people nuts ?

I consider all islamic people as practicing and evil religion. Some are more evil than others. But then I'm just an islamobigot.

And I don't believe in religion.
MaineMan says:
And if you can find a single sentence uttered by Jesus that states that abortion is not allowed, I'd love to hear it.

Jesus doesn't talk about what is and isn't allowed. But I'm pretty damned sure that Jesus would not be neutral to abortion. Abortion is inconsistent with Jesus' teachings. That should be extraordinarily, flagrantly, "poke you in the eye" obvious. Seriously.
I am not JUDGING you Dixie....I am merely "observing" you. I make an observation concerning your hypocrisy based upon the things that you say.
"typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything..."
"YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach..."
"NO ONE who claims to love Jesus would EVER so cavelierly ignore his FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT as you do."
"No doubt, when Dixie arrives in Hell, he will be utterly surprised."
"Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ."
"you faux Christian"

And the list grows!
Battling like sunni's and shea.

My impression of minnieman is that he's the type that see heaven as sitting on on a cloud looking down and laughing at the souls burning hell.
MaineMan says:
And if you can find a single sentence uttered by Jesus that states that abortion is not allowed, I'd love to hear it.

Jesus doesn't talk about what is and isn't allowed. But I'm pretty damned sure that Jesus would not be neutral to abortion. Abortion is inconsistent with Jesus' teachings. That should be extraordinarily, flagrantly, "poke you in the eye" obvious. Seriously.

Someone also need to teach Maine some geography, insurgents in Iraq, are not our neighbor.

The very idea of intentionally killing an unborn child—or even worse, killing them by the hundreds and thousands,—is totally foreign to the lives of God's people in the Bible, and so it is never mentioned. However, the Bible, as well as Jesus, makes it very clear this is forbidden in the eyes of God.

"And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in My name receiveth Me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."—Matthew 18:2-5.

"Whosoever shall receive this child in My name receiveth Me, and whosoever shall receive Me, receiveth Him that sent Me. For he that is least among you all, the same shall be greatest."—Luke 9:48.

Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person."—Deuteronomy 27:24.

"These . . things doth the Lord hate: . . A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood."—Proverbs 6:1617.

The prophet Amos condemns the Ammonites "because they ripped open expectant mothers in Gilead" (Amos 1:13).

"Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3).

"You knit me in my mother’s womb . . . nor was my frame unknown to you when I was made in secret" (Psalm 139:13,15).

"God… from my mother’s womb had set me apart and called me through his grace" (St. Paul to the Galatians 1:15).

"Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17) and Christ reaffirms it (Matthew 19:18 - notice that He mentions this commandment first). The Book of Revelation affirms that (unrepentant) murderers cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (Revelation 22:15).

"They mutilated their sons and daughters by fire…till the Lord, in his great anger against Israel, put them away out of his sight" (2 Kings 17:17-18)

Genesis 9:6 - Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man.

In the Bible, our worth as a human being or our "personhood" does not depend on how far along on life’s journey we have come. Instead, we are beings who are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). Each person is valuable because God created him or her that way. It doesn’t matter whether a person is still in his mother’s womb, a newborn, a toddler, an adolescent, or a senior citizen. Only quite recently has the concept of "personhood" surfaced. There are some in our society who want to find a developmental stage where they can justify that the fetus is only a collection of organs, not really a person. Carl Sagan put that fetal stage at perhaps 6 months, when the cerebral cortex is in place. Only then, he feels, should we confer "personhood" on a fetus.4 Such ideas are clearly subjective. It would seem that these discussions of personhood only arose from a need to justify the act of abortion. Certainly, they are not expressed in the Bible. Quite to the contrary, the Bible story shows that "personhood", or reaching one’s full potential, comes from knowing God. A person develops and is preserved through his communion with a personal God who reveals Himself to us in love. The Bible consistently links our "personhood" to the time we are formed (conception), or even before in God’s "mind".
no "judging" taking place at all....merely "observing" what kind of Christian your own words portray you to be.

How can you "observe" my relationship with God, or what is inside of my heart? You are casting judgement on me, based on your personal perception of my words. That is a sin in the eyes of God... judge not, lest ye be judged. When you make the statement that I am a "faux Christian" that isn't an observation, it is a judgement, a label you have applied to me. You don't have this right, nor do you have the right to tell me I'm not the right "kind" of Christian. These are judgements that are supposed to be left to God alone, not Maineman! Of course, I'm sure you can schmooze God and show him your Navy medals, and he will appreciate your work with the choir and delivering communion, and just take your word for it, that I am not the "right kind of Christian", thus condemning me to eternal damnation.
Christians are obligated to speak out when another Christian has lost their way.....examine the fruit they bear...a good tree will bear only good fruit but a rotten tree will bear rotten fruit....

this is not to condemn them to hell, but to know who you are dealing with and to keep God's word pure and not distorted by those rotten fruit bearers... :D
A lot of those scriptures Dixie posted can also be used against war and killing in general....
Would Jesus support the Iraq war ?
A lot of those scriptures Dixie posted can also be used against war and killing in general....
Would Jesus support the Iraq war ?

Of course NOT.

The Iraq war was an UNJUST war, in every manner because it was built on lies, the intentional misleading of the public by the President, by his administration and by senators and congressmen that followed this arrogant and bold, destroyer of all.... :(

over 600,000 people have been killed in just a few years because of US....YES US. Not because of Saddam....but because of our actions and inactions in taking the safety of the iraqi innocense seriously, as the Occupier of the country, we failed too...which also is why the war was an unjust war action on our part...we failed to protect the innocent people of Iraq, which is a REQUIREMENT of a JUST WAR....

and good morning uscit! Is it still cold down there? we have snow everywhere, about 4 inches...and it is cold!!!
Yes Jesus did not turn away the Gentiles, now did he ?

How can any TRUE Christian support the Iraq war ?
jesus believed in converting by example not force.

GM Care no Snow , but warmer this morning was 14, I think it was about 6 yesterday morning.

Just got back in from feeding the kitties and stoking up a fire for them in my workshop.
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Someone also need to teach Maine some geography, insurgents in Iraq, are not our neighbor.

The very idea of intentionally killing an unborn child—or even worse, killing them by the hundreds and thousands,—is totally foreign to the lives of God's people in the Bible, and so it is never mentioned. However, the Bible, as well as Jesus, makes it very clear this is forbidden in the eyes of God.

"And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in My name receiveth Me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."—Matthew 18:2-5.

"Whosoever shall receive this child in My name receiveth Me, and whosoever shall receive Me, receiveth Him that sent Me. For he that is least among you all, the same shall be greatest."—Luke 9:48.

Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person."—Deuteronomy 27:24.

"These . . things doth the Lord hate: . . A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood."—Proverbs 6:1617.

The prophet Amos condemns the Ammonites "because they ripped open expectant mothers in Gilead" (Amos 1:13).

"Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward" (Psalm 127:3).

"You knit me in my mother’s womb . . . nor was my frame unknown to you when I was made in secret" (Psalm 139:13,15).

"God… from my mother’s womb had set me apart and called me through his grace" (St. Paul to the Galatians 1:15).

"Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17) and Christ reaffirms it (Matthew 19:18 - notice that He mentions this commandment first). The Book of Revelation affirms that (unrepentant) murderers cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (Revelation 22:15).

"They mutilated their sons and daughters by fire…till the Lord, in his great anger against Israel, put them away out of his sight" (2 Kings 17:17-18)

Genesis 9:6 - Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man.

In the Bible, our worth as a human being or our "personhood" does not depend on how far along on life’s journey we have come. Instead, we are beings who are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). Each person is valuable because God created him or her that way. It doesn’t matter whether a person is still in his mother’s womb, a newborn, a toddler, an adolescent, or a senior citizen. Only quite recently has the concept of "personhood" surfaced. There are some in our society who want to find a developmental stage where they can justify that the fetus is only a collection of organs, not really a person. Carl Sagan put that fetal stage at perhaps 6 months, when the cerebral cortex is in place. Only then, he feels, should we confer "personhood" on a fetus.4 Such ideas are clearly subjective. It would seem that these discussions of personhood only arose from a need to justify the act of abortion. Certainly, they are not expressed in the Bible. Quite to the contrary, the Bible story shows that "personhood", or reaching one’s full potential, comes from knowing God. A person develops and is preserved through his communion with a personal God who reveals Himself to us in love. The Bible consistently links our "personhood" to the time we are formed (conception), or even before in God’s "mind".

Thanks Dixie, much of those scriptures also says TRUE Christians cannot support the Iraq war....
Uscitizen, this is going to shock you, but I agree, you are somewhat right. Most of what I posted was regarding the killing of innocents, but Jesus made it clear, we are supposed to love life, and not destroy it. There are exceptions made for people guilty of killing innocent life, they are condemned to death by stoning, and this is apparently acceptable to God, Jesus never spoke out against it, and it's found throughout the Bible.

If we could convert the entire world to Christianity, and all live the message of Jesus, there would be no more wars or need for wars. Unless you are willing to try and convert the entire world population, I'm afraid wars are an unfortunate fact of the human condition. It would also be great if our government conducted itself like Jesus, I'm sure you and the Atheist crowd would just love that, but if we adopted such policy as a nation, our fate would likely parallel that of Jesus, and we would be crucified as a nation in short order.

So, while I wholeheartedly agree, Jesus would not approve of us killing innocent people in war, there isn't a whole heck of a lot we can do about it. We can stand up and demand our country not fight wars, but then, we are denying that our enemies are committing the sin of killing the innocents, and ignoring our responsibility to stop it, if we can.
Christians are obligated to speak out when another Christian has lost their way.....examine the fruit they bear...a good tree will bear only good fruit but a rotten tree will bear rotten fruit....

this is not to condemn them to hell, but to know who you are dealing with and to keep God's word pure and not distorted by those rotten fruit bearers... :D

There is a difference between pointing out unChristian-like behavior, and casting judgement on someone and their faith. Examining the fruit is somewhat a judgement, but it doesn't cast judgement. This illustrates the subtle difference between me telling Lummox he apparently doesn't know how a true Christian should behave, and Maineman telling me I am a fake Christian. Although judgements have to be made in both cases, one is a judgement of fruit, the other is a judgement of soul. We are not supposed to judge a person's soul, that is God's place. I can't tell you that you are "not the right kind" of Christian, I can witness to you and share my own understandings of what the "right kind of Christian" is, and I can observe your actions and make the determination you bear rotten fruit, but I can never speak for what is truly in your heart, or the relationship between you and God.