now..THAT is a lie. I do not tell lies. I dare you to show me one lie or have the decency to retract that statement. The muslim religion has absolutely no "relationship" with liberalism. As I stated earlier, your "observations" have a great deal to do with heat and controversy and little to do with illumination or discovery. that is why you are a gadfly
Yes, you tell lies all the time. You maintain that you always try to speak in a manner in which God would approve, and that isn't the case, as we both know from past experiences. I promised not to bring the past up, so I can't really present you with things you have said that contradict your lie that you always speak in a manner consistent with Jesus' teachings. As for the relation between Islam and Liberalism, I think I made valid points that have yet to be specifically addressed in any way, so until that happens, I don't think you can just proclaim them invalid. That's not how debate works. Your opinion is something you are entitled to, and I will not deny you that, but it doesn't make you right and me wrong.
I happen to believe that capturing Osama would be infinitely more significant than killing zarqawi. The "movement" might very well carry on, but the figurehead would be eliminated and his capture would do immeasurable good for American morale.
And that is fine as well, you are entitled to this opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. We both agree, eliminating one single man is not going to eliminate the radical Islamofascist movement, that is the point that needs to be established and understood here, and the only one I made.
you willfully ignore the first and greatest commandment. We obviously have a difference of opinion as to its importance. Unlike you, when Jesus commands me to do something, I try really hard not to willfully ignore Him
I have never ignored any commandment, let alone the greatest and first. We have a difference of opinion as to what the commandment means, and how to obey it, but that doesn't mean you are abiding by it, and I am ignoring it, it means we have a difference of opinion. Seems to me, if you support abortion, you are being contradictory to what Jesus commands, but you've managed to somehow justify your position. Seems to me, if you oppose eliminating a tyrant who is killing innocent children of God, you are ignoring what Jesus taught as well, but again, you've managed to justify your position. Mostly what you do, is take bits and pieces of what Jesus said, and apply them where you need to, and disregard the rest. It's my understanding, this isn't how it's supposed to work, we are supposed to take it all, not just the parts we want to apply.
turning a blind eye is not the only alternative to invasion, conquest, occupation, torture and mass killing. I think there were many alternatives that would have allowed us to remain engaged in and concerned with the region shy of starting a war in it
Well, the problem is, Jesus didn't say that we were to just be "concerned" with it, we are supposed to take action and do whatever we can. That's exactly what we did, and you opposed it. You've offered no alternative here, you claim we had other alternatives, but nothing you can present is any better than what we did to eliminate Saddam. In any event, we can't go back and change what we did, and you seem to think this is possible now. Would Jesus prefer that we leave Iraq and allow radical nuts to take over, oppress the people, kill innocent children of God, and wipe out the Jews? Or would Jesus prefer we stand for what is right in the eyes of God, and help protect innocent human life? I have my opinion, and you have yours, and I can accept that without casting judgement on your Christianity or soul.
I am not JUDGING you Dixie....I am merely "observing" you. I make an observation concerning your hypocrisy based upon the things that you say.
"typical of your type of Christian who don't feel the need to DO anything..."
"YOur kind of Christian turns my stomach..."
"NO ONE who claims to love Jesus would EVER so cavelierly ignore his FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT as you do."
"No doubt, when Dixie arrives in Hell, he will be utterly surprised."
"Unlike you, as a Christian, I feel compelled to follow the teachings of Christ."
Maine, this certainly sounds as if you are judging my faith and what kind of Christian I am.
why are you not forcefully advocating the use of American military might to stop the other tyrants of the world?
I'm all for it, but I don't think we can actually take on the entire world in one day. I believe we can advocate freedom and democracy, and if we have the opportunity to defend it, we should.
WHy are you not forcefully advocating the invasion, conquest and occupation of Iran and Syria and North Korea and China and Somalia and all the other places where tyranny reigns?
Because it's not practical to do so, and in some cases, might not even be necessary.
Why do you ignore Jesus when He told you what His most important commandment was?
Jesus didn't say that any one commandment was more important than the others, or that the others can be disregarded as long as you follow the greatest one. The commandment is to love God, and I do. The other commandment is to love thy neighbor, and I do. I have no hatred for anyone, including George W. Bush or you, or even Saddam Hussein. Now, I would certainly describe the vitriol and bitterness expressed by you, towards Bush & company, as "hate" in its purest form. I'm not making a judgement of what is truly in your heart, rather a judgement of what you've articulated on this very board, and how I perceive it as a Christian. I'll let God decide if you followed his greatest commandment with regard to Bush.... maybe he will listen to your spin and you can fool him into believing your lies? If not, I'm sure God will cut you some slack, since you served for a quarter century in the Navy and administered communion at your church.