Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

Yeah Dix it is a comparison which eludes your comprehension apparently.
Now I understand how you can say you are a Christian and still be so screwed up. You don't understand what you read in the Bible.
Well Ofty Goofty, the same way 'justifiable homicide' is legal. Because there is a tenable justification for the action. I am not saying this makes it "okay" or "acceptable in the eyes of God", just that there is a reasonable justification for it, in a free society. If there is no justification for killing someone, it is murder. Abortion is premeditated murder.

When its self defense the justification is that you had to do it to save yourself.

Now see thats the kind of explination I am looking for. Why because a "child"'s father is a rapist should it be legal to "kill" that child. No answer yet, you just keep saying its justifyable... I am asking what is the justification?
Hmmm... From what I read he said that there could be an argument for it, but that he doesn't personally believe that it would be right to abort the product of rape.
Hmmm... From what I read he said that there could be an argument for it, but that he doesn't personally believe that it would be right to abort the product of rape.

what can the argument be for condoning premeditated murder?

he is a gadfly...a moron...a blowhard and a hypocrite.
what can the argument be for condoning premeditated murder?

he is a gadfly...a moron...a blowhard and a hypocrite.

Yes, I can celarly see how this is the way Jesus and God want Maine to speak, and how they want him to treat others. It's sooo Christian-like! He certainly does live up to that principle.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the instantaneous humanity of zygotes.

No, that is simple biological science. A human zygote is human, it can't be anything but human life. When are you going to present some tangible evidence, that God creates man in his own image, yet doesn't give a human life a soul until later?
I don't think that "spirit" is synonymous with "soul" in that passage. I believe that the "spirit" being discussed was the Holy Spirit that Jesus left with us...

I think this is ridiculous, because it would then be a comparative statement about the same two things. It would be the equivalent of saying "Just as and apple is red, so is an apple!" That makes absolutely no sense in the world, and is not even reasonable, much less accurate.

Let's also keep in mind, this is not the lone scripture in the Bible, which indicates God gave you a soul when your life began. There are tons of them, but amazingly enough, none of them say with clear and precise specificity, that God gives you a soul at conception. (Perhaps God assumed you'd be smart enough to figure that out.)
When its self defense the justification is that you had to do it to save yourself.

Now see thats the kind of explination I am looking for. Why because a "child"'s father is a rapist should it be legal to "kill" that child. No answer yet, you just keep saying its justifyable... I am asking what is the justification?

Still no answer Einstein?

I did not think so... Because there is not one... You are not creditable because you make claims that you cant explain... Just saying it could be justified does not make it so!
what can the argument be for condoning premeditated murder?

Ask Michael Schiavo!

But see, liberals are totally consistent: Terri Schiavo, and embryos are subject to the private decisions of individuals, their doctors, and their God.

In contrast, you've painted yourself into a corner with a variety of wildly inconsistent postions: e.g., abortion is "murder", just like "shooting someone in the head". Then, you spin around and find justifications to commit abortion/murder, and you don't complain about unused embryos at fertility clinincs going up in flames in an incinerator.
Yes, I can celarly see how this is the way Jesus and God want Maine to speak, and how they want him to treat others. It's sooo Christian-like! He certainly does live up to that principle.

Jesus would not have a problem with calling people assholes who deserve it.... look what he did to the moneychangers at the temple. Jesus had little patience for pompous pricks like you.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the instantaneous humanity of zygotes.

No, that is simple biological science. A human zygote is human, it can't be anything but human life. When are you going to present some tangible evidence, that God creates man in his own image, yet doesn't give a human life a soul until later?

right after you present tangible evidence that he gives us our souls at conception. Is that coming anytime soon?
what can the argument be for condoning premeditated murder?

Ask Michael Schiavo!

I am asking you. You have said that there were reasonable arguments for allowing abortion in the case of rape or incest..... and I ask you, if all embryos are human beings then what argument are you talking about that you consider reasonable for murdering the human being who happened to have been created by a rape?
I don't think that "spirit" is synonymous with "soul" in that passage. I believe that the "spirit" being discussed was the Holy Spirit that Jesus left with us...

I think this is ridiculous, because it would then be a comparative statement about the same two things. It would be the equivalent of saying "Just as and apple is red, so is an apple!" That makes absolutely no sense in the world, and is not even reasonable, much less accurate.

Let's also keep in mind, this is not the lone scripture in the Bible, which indicates God gave you a soul when your life began. There are tons of them, but amazingly enough, none of them say with clear and precise specificity, that God gives you a soul at conception. (Perhaps God assumed you'd be smart enough to figure that out.)

or perhaps God didn't say that because it wasn't the case... Like I said, you have nothing to show that the soul in bestowed upon the embryo at conception and not at some other time - ordained by God- after conception and before birth.

And what James was saying was that a person who has not accepted the holy spirit into their body is "dead", just as faith itself is dead if it is not accompanied by good works (as opposed to the Pauline theory that grace alone saves anyone who wished to be saved regardless of their lack of good works), Dixie, are a Paulist in that regard. I tend to agree more with the brother of Jesus than Paul the misogynist....but that is entirely understandable, given your lack of good works and your own narrowminded and bigoted approach to life and humanity.
In contrast, you've painted yourself into a corner with a variety of wildly inconsistent postions: e.g., abortion is "murder", just like "shooting someone in the head". Then, you spin around and find justifications to commit abortion/murder, and you don't complain about unused embryos at fertility clinincs going up in flames in an incinerator.

The only inconsistencies are the ones you seem to be reading into what I post. I've not found a justification for abortion, I merely stated that a legitimate argument could be made, under certain circumstances, not that I agree or support that argument.

It seems to me, the act of objective reasoning is greek to you. For some reason, it's impossible for you to even comprehend what I am saying here, that allowing a justification to be argued, is not the same as agreement with the argument. Are you that closed-minded and intolerant? An argument can be made for aliens visiting our planet, it doesn't mean I believe aliens have visited, just that an argument can be made for it. An argument can't reasonably be made for aliens controlling the bodies of all human inhabitants on Earth, because that argument is without basis. An argument can be made for allowing television celebrities to run for president, it doesn't mean that I support any such celebrity, and it doesn't mean that Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny can run, that argument is without merit. An argument can be made for abortion in the case of rape or incest, it doesn't mean I agree with that argument, and it doesn't mean there is any argument that can be made for abortion-on-demand as a form of birth control.

See... I am "Pro-Choice", but I am also "Pro-Consequence" and therein lies the rub. I think a woman should have a choice, and if she chose to have unprotected sex and thus became pregnant, that WAS her choice, she shouldn't have unlimited choices, no one does. If a woman is raped, it's a different story, she didn't have a choice, and she does deserve one in that case. I'm not saying she should get an abortion, just that she should have a choice, and that is reasonable and justifiable (her having a choice, not abortion) under the circumstances.

If you just want to deliberately misconstrue what I am saying, you can do that, but it's not intellectually honest, and it's patently unfair. I don't feel that I am being a hypocrite at all, my personal feelings on abortion are the same across the board, it's not our place to extinguish human life which God created, and we shouldn't ever do it. This doesn't mean I am so intolerant as to not understand that other people could have a reasonable argument for why abortion could be justified, under certain circumstance. Apparently, you are that intolerant and closed-minded, and can't even understand objectivity.
Yes, I can celarly see how this is the way Jesus and God want Maine to speak, and how they want him to treat others. It's sooo Christian-like! He certainly does live up to that principle.

and please note.. the principle that I live by does not ask me to be "Christian-like" at all..... It asks me to be "Christ-like".

A big difference.... especially if the "Christian" that I would model myself after would be a faux-Christian such as you.
Here we go with the casting of judgement again. Maine, for the record, I could care less, what "kind" of Christian you think I am, or what you think of my faith in God. It doesn't bother me, it doesn't irritate me, it doesn't hurt me in any way, for you to continue casting judgement after judgement on me. I only mentioned it to you because I am concerned for your soul, and hope that you realize the error of your ways and repent your sin.

If you want to continue to cast judgement after judgement on my faith, that is entirely up to you, I can't make you not do it. God is clear on what the punishment will be for this, and as much as I hate to see you sin, all I can do is pray for you and hope you get right with God. As my brother in Christ, I love you, this is what Jesus taught me, and how I am supposed to feel in my heart about you, regardless of how many times you judge me, condemn me, forsake me or attack me.
I merely point out that your obvious aversion to "works" as opposed to the much easier path of "grace" explains your inability to understand what James is saying.... he is talking about DOING the work of the Lord - actually asking yourself, "What would Jesus DO?" and not settle for asking "what would Jesus SAY?"

The quote from James regards works, it has not one scintilla to do with predicting the moment that God gives souls to infants.

And your wonderful slip about being "Christian-like" as opposed to "Christ-like" was quite telling. It shows that you try to be "like" a Christian.... instead of actually BEING a Christian and DOING the work of Christ. You're a poseur. and a fraud.

but don't think for a moment that we all didn't know that about you long before today.