Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

The deeper meaning to Jesus' teaching "love your enemies" is, of course "Have no enemies". By loving an enemy, they cease to be enemies. Thus when you have enemies within your own heart, you are not abiding by the teachings of Jesus.

Damn MBL, that's about the most christian thing anyone has said on this entire thread. And it sounds way more authentically christian, than Dixie's "shock and awe" bombing of iraq, and his love of war and war mongering.
Damn MBL, that's about the most christian thing anyone has said on this entire thread. And it sounds way more authentically christian, than Dixie's "shock and awe" bombing of iraq, and his love of war and war mongering.

That's why I say that Jesus would be deeply hurt by many of the things that "Christians" do in the name of Jesus. I'm not even a Christian anymore, but Jesus was one of the greatest men ever to walk the Earth. He was an incredible messenger, and it's unfortunate that his true message has been so grossly perverted by the political institution of religions. are so wrapped around WORDS and not WORKS..... it's all about talking the talk with you.... and with me, it's not about talking the talk at all...but all about walking the walk.

Well, no, the way I see it, YOU are the one wrapped up in words. You can arrogantly ignore what Jesus said about not boasting of your works, and tell us all what you do in the Church, and how you live your life as a good Christian, and lie about how you speak in a manner consistent with Jesus' teaching, but when it comes to standing up for the innocent life inside the womb, all you feel the need to do, is say that it "concerns" you, and that is it. As long as you utter those words of concern, you think nothing of continuing to support the liberal agenda of abortion rights, and never bat an eye. Your priorities in life, seem to be... 1. Maineman... 2. Liberalism... 3. The Democrat Party... 4. Abortion Rights... 5. God and Christ. And I am giving you the benefit of the doubt on that, in actuality, there are probably a number of liberal issues that come before your faith.

I will continue to pray for God to weigh heavy on your heart about what has been said in this thread, because I realize that you are not like many ignorant people of the world, you know that a fetus is a living human with a soul, and you understand it is wrong in the eyes of God. People who are ignorant, who think that fetuses are not human or not alive, they know no better, and God will probably forgive their stupidity, but he will not forgive you. are so wrapped around WORDS and not WORKS..... it's all about talking the talk with you.... and with me, it's not about talking the talk at all...but all about walking the walk.

Well, no, the way I see it, YOU are the one wrapped up in words. You can arrogantly ignore what Jesus said about not boasting of your works, and tell us all what you do in the Church, and how you live your life as a good Christian, and lie about how you speak in a manner consistent with Jesus' teaching, but when it comes to standing up for the innocent life inside the womb, all you feel the need to do, is say that it "concerns" you, and that is it. As long as you utter those words of concern, you think nothing of continuing to support the liberal agenda of abortion rights, and never bat an eye. Your priorities in life, seem to be... 1. Maineman... 2. Liberalism... 3. The Democrat Party... 4. Abortion Rights... 5. God and Christ. And I am giving you the benefit of the doubt on that, in actuality, there are probably a number of liberal issues that come before your faith.

I will continue to pray for God to weigh heavy on your heart about what has been said in this thread, because I realize that you are not like many ignorant people of the world, you know that a fetus is a living human with a soul, and you understand it is wrong in the eyes of God. People who are ignorant, who think that fetuses are not human or not alive, they know no better, and God will probably forgive their stupidity, but he will not forgive you.

again...anyone who claims to be a Christian and simultaneously waved pompoms when America shocked and awed the population of Baghdad really has no right whatsoever to preach to anyone about anything. I have never boasted about anything. I have merely chronicled my actions. I have not ever stated that my feeble attempts at doing my part to be the arms and legs and voice of Jesus here on earth are anything worthy of boasting. There are what I do. And in contrast, you talk about stuff... you wail about the lost souls fallen victim to premeditated murderous women having abortions and you are SILENT about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have died since we poked that hornet's nest in the single worst foreign policy/military blunder of the modern era. And I love it how you can be so incredibly pious and self righteous to imagine that YOU know who and for what God forgives. I, on the other hand, know that God's forgiveness is so vast and so unknowable, that he would probably forgive even you...he would probably forgive even you and your cheerleading at the death and destruction handed out by our country in Iraq... but I don't know that for sure. I can only rely on my belief in the wideness of God's mercy.
have you repented for your sins regarding your enthusiastic support for the application of shock and awe to the densely populated city of Baghdad?

fyi.... I don't know about you, but I repent for my sins every single day several times a day. You have no idea how many times I have repented for thinking evil thoughts about you, Dixie.... many times....many times....

I feel confident in God's love for me and in his infinite capacity for forgiveness and mercy. I know that He knows that I am trying....and I am fairly certain that HE knows that you are one sick and twisted motherfucker.
Why because a "child"'s father is a rapist should it be legal to "kill" that child. No answer yet, you just keep saying its justifyable... I am asking what is the justification?

5th time asked.... Come on Einstein havent you thought of something yet?
Why because a "child"'s father is a rapist should it be legal to "kill" that child.

I never said that I believed it should be legal. If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament.

That said, we do not live in a society where Dixie is the King, and Dixie gets to mandate the law of the land. Aren't you glad for that? In any event, I understand that we live in a society where people think and believe differently, and have different parameters regarding morality and life. Because I am willing to participate in this sharing of views and opinions we call democracy, I can be tolerant enough to listen to others and accept their viewpoints in some instances, with regard to certain circumstances.

I don't agree or condone abortion under any circumstance, however, a woman who becomes pregnant through no fault or action of her own, deserves to have the right to a different view than myself, and I understand it. That is all I am saying, and nothing more. You are trying desperately, to twist my view into some hypocritical acceptance of abortion under certain conditions, and I have not articulated that point of view. This is why I have refused to respond further to you, because you aren't interested in a reasonable discussion, you just want to stick it to Dixie.

Now, I have answered your question yet again, and you are about one post away from going back on the ignore list, if you can't grow up and join the adults in a reasonable dialogue. Understood?
If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament.

lol, Welcome to Dixie's Christian vision of Shariah law....

How do you justify killing as a response to killing, without your dusty books?
Last time you kept me on your ignore list for all of 30 sec....

Id consider it a badge of onor if you would put me back on it!
So what you are saying is that someone should be allowed to think abortion should be legal in the case of Rape but noone should be allowed to disagree with you about regular rape?
Why because a "child"'s father is a rapist should it be legal to "kill" that child.

I never said that I believed it should be legal. If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning, as God mandated in the Old Testament.

That said, we do not live in a society where Dixie is the King, and Dixie gets to mandate the law of the land. Aren't you glad for that? In any event, I understand that we live in a society where people think and believe differently, and have different parameters regarding morality and life. Because I am willing to participate in this sharing of views and opinions we call democracy, I can be tolerant enough to listen to others and accept their viewpoints in some instances, with regard to certain circumstances.

I don't agree or condone abortion under any circumstance, however, a woman who becomes pregnant through no fault or action of her own, deserves to have the right to a different view than myself, and I understand it. That is all I am saying, and nothing more. You are trying desperately, to twist my view into some hypocritical acceptance of abortion under certain conditions, and I have not articulated that point of view. This is why I have refused to respond further to you, because you aren't interested in a reasonable discussion, you just want to stick it to Dixie.

Now, I have answered your question yet again, and you are about one post away from going back on the ignore list, if you can't grow up and join the adults in a reasonable dialogue. Understood?

I never said that I believed it should be legal. If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning,

You said abortion/murder was justifiable for rape victims.

When fertility clinic dispose of unused embryos in incinerators, I've never heard you say a word, or lift a finger, to stop it.

How can you let all those human beings with souls, go up in flames and stand by?
Two statements by Dixie in the same thread!! Can you say FLIP FLOP!!!

"I never said that I believed it should be legal. If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning..."


"I personally don't believe in abortion under any circumstance, but I am willing to allow 'free will' for people in our society who became pregnant through no choice of their own, and allow the law to permit women who have been raped, to get an abortion, if that is what they so decide."
Dixie: ""I never said that I believed it should be legal. If it were up to me personally, there would be no legal abortion under any circumstance. If any abortion occurred for any reason, it would be a crime of murder, punishable by death, preferably stoning..."

Honestly, you should have the courage of your convictions, and work your heart and soul out to make this part of the GOP platform - at your State and national level.
What makes you think that he doesn't? However there are many more in the GOP that won't let that one stick.
What makes you think that he doesn't? However there are many more in the GOP that won't let that one stick.

"What makes you think that he doesn't?"


Dixie: "I personally don't believe in abortion under any circumstance, but I am willing to allow 'free will' for people in our society who became pregnant through no choice of their own, and allow the law to permit women who have been raped, to get an abortion, if that is what they so decide."