Isn't a Coronavirus Stimulus check a form of Socialism?

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Of course. That's just math. As anyone who cares to look can see, neither candidate received more than 50% of the vote. Even magical, wonderful Queen Hill herself only received 48.2% of the vote, a fact no Democrat or Left-Winger has ever posted that I've seen. All I've seen is the ubiquitous "3 millions votes" bullshit. Something you and I both know is both deceptive and dishonest in presentation.

It's not a "debate tactic", it's a facet. Ten people can look at a diamond from ten different sides and truthfully tell you what they see even though each view is different. What they see is determined by the facet of their viewpoint. In this case, there are multiple mental facets such as cultural differences, political bias, national bias, mental health, etc. All views can be truthfully told even if they are factually flawed. In the diamond analogy one facet's view may not reveal a fundamental flaw in the diamond even though the person honestly doesn't see it.

Continuing with this analogy, the hard part for the person with view of the flaw has a difficult time proving to a person who sees no flaw that such a flaw exists.

Facet, debate tactic, semantics. Look. New shimmer is a floor wax. No, it's a desert topping. Hold it you two, it's both.
The Republicans who whine about welfare and "hand-outs" will be first in line, hand extended, to receive their free gubment money. When the dust settles, they have no choice but to admit that free-market capitalism is dangerous. Socialist capitalism is the way forward.
Hello and welcome Michael_Panetta,

The Republicans who whine about welfare and "hand-outs" will be first in line, hand extended, to receive their free gubment money. When the dust settles, they have no choice but to admit that free-market capitalism is dangerous. Socialist capitalism is the way forward.

I totally agree.

We have actually had that for a very long time, and even during the supposed time 'when America was great.' (Not that such an era has ever been identified by the person who claims to know how to replenish such 'lost greatness.')

Whenever that is, we have had a component of socialism in our government and economy. And it worked for us!

-Very well.
Hello PoliTalker
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Facet, debate tactic, semantics. Look. New shimmer is a floor wax. No, it's a desert topping. Hold it you two, it's both.
Is Snark and Sarcasm your new debate tactic? If so, you will fit in with the majority of far Left and far Right members of this forum.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Hello PoliTalker

Is Snark and Sarcasm your new debate tactic? If so, you will fit in with the majority of far Left and far Right members of this forum.

Anyone who wants to talk primarily about the issues does not fit in well around here.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Anyone who wants to talk primarily about the issues does not fit in well around here.

LOL. So I've noticed. Lots of complaints about "sock puppets" by those with lots of sock puppets too. Strange but also amusing.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

LOL. So I've noticed. Lots of complaints about "sock puppets" by those with lots of sock puppets too. Strange but also amusing.

Oh yeah, I totally don't get that.

I just find the whole sock thing silly. I don't get the pretense. What are these people? Practicing / aspiring actors? That seems like so much work. No thanks.

You can only be one person at a time.

Why not just be the same person all the time? Be the best person you can.

A person's life is what that person makes it. It only seems logical to make it the best life one can.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Oh yeah, I totally don't get that.

I just find the whole sock thing silly. I don't get the pretense. What are these people? Practicing / aspiring actors? That seems like so much work. No thanks.

You can only be one person at a time.

Why not just be the same person all the time? Be the best person you can.

A person's life is what that person makes it. It only seems logical to make it the best life one can.

Agreed about the sock thing. I think it's because they are weak egos and seek to puff themselves up by giving themselves virtual handjobs via sock puppets. It also allows them to double or triple their attacks on those who disagree with them.
Good morning Dutch Uncle,

Agreed about the sock thing. I think it's because they are weak egos and seek to puff themselves up by giving themselves virtual handjobs via sock puppets. It also allows them to double or triple their attacks on those who disagree with them.

The way I see it, if somebody is attacking another person? Instead of their political view?

That is the same as conceding the political argument.

It's like saying: "OK, I can't really come up with a better political argument, so instead I am going to run away from that, change the subject, and, as a distraction, talk about the person who voiced the view I disagree with."

And if it is a post that does both?

Attacks the political view AND the poster who made it?

That is the same as saying: "I don't feel confident enough in my position to let it stand on it's own merit, so I am going to help prop it up with this personal attack, you know, because my political view is so weak/compromised that it needs help."
Good morning Dutch Uncle,

The way I see it, if somebody is attacking another person? Instead of their political view?

That is the same as conceding the political argument.

It's like saying: "OK, I can't really come up with a better political argument, so instead I am going to run away from that, change the subject, and, as a distraction, talk about the person who voiced the view I disagree with."

And if it is a post that does both?

Attacks the political view AND the poster who made it?

That is the same as saying: "I don't feel confident enough in my position to let it stand on it's own merit, so I am going to help prop it up with this personal attack, you know, because my political view is so weak/compromised that it needs help."

Agreed 100% Of course the sock puppet user/attacker won't ever admit it, but certainly all the intelligent, educated and sane users can see that a person who slings insults instead of responds with a logical argument for or against a topic is a person who comes up short on intelligence, education and/or sanity. It's pretty easy to spot those people. What is a bit more of a challenge is spotting their sock puppets but the idiots people who use socks end up revealing themselves over time.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Agreed 100% Of course the sock puppet user/attacker won't ever admit it, but certainly all the intelligent, educated and sane users can see that a person who slings insults instead of responds with a logical argument for or against a topic is a person who comes up short on intelligence, education and/or sanity. It's pretty easy to spot those people. What is a bit more of a challenge is spotting their sock puppets but the idiots people who use socks end up revealing themselves over time.

I think there are a lot of people who are really smarter than they come across, or could be smarter, but they are simply in the habit of acting dumber than they really are. This gets into psychology. The reasons they do this are complicated and may have to do with herd mentality and wanting to 'fit in.' If these habits are well-ingrained from childhood, they can become locked in as adults. Change is possible, but difficult.

Think of the phenomenon where black children can be mocked if they 'act too white,' as a possible example. Children want to 'fit in.' (So do adults.) Some school social group situations result in children who feel embarrassed to excel. A clique in school could be led by an individual of a certain intelligence level. Members of that clique might fear expulsion from the clique if they display intelligence greater than that of the most popular person, so they establish the habit of dumbing themselves down. This habit becomes set for life. The same phenomenon can exist in a couple.

Humans are creatures of habit. Habits are mental. Habits are difficult to change. I became fascinated with the subject long ago. Are we controlled by our habits? Or are we in control of our habits... I learned that it is possible to change your habits, even long-standing ones. I've experimented with it and found this to be true. It's hard to change your personality, but that doesn't mean it is impossible. I have purposely changed habits to improve my life. I have observed that most people are oblivious to this and become defined by their habits.

This is part of the phenomenon where it is said that most of us use less than a tenth of our brain power. I believe that is very true. I suspect trolls are really smarter than they come across, and are actually envious of those they mock in some cases. One thing is clear. We have no control over other people, but we actually have ultimate control over how we come across. We just don't always exercise it. If we are not true to ourselves, it is bothersome and makes it difficult to know true happiness. Hint: True happiness is not a factor of making other people feel worse. It is a factor of making ourselves feel better.

Disparaging others may make individuals feel better in the moment, but it is short lived, and does not lead to true happiness because it has to be constantly repeated with reduced benefits in each repetition. Happiness is feeling good about ourselves, not badly about others. There are a lot of unhappy people out there.
I think there are a lot of people who are really smarter than they come across, or could be smarter, but they are simply in the habit of acting dumber than they really are. This gets into psychology. The reasons they do this are complicated and may have to do with herd mentality and wanting to 'fit in.' If these habits are well-ingrained from childhood, they can become locked in as adults. Change is possible, but difficult.

Think of the phenomenon where black children can be mocked if they 'act too white,' as a possible example. Children want to 'fit in.' (So do adults.) Some school social group situations result in children who feel embarrassed to excel. A clique in school could be led by an individual of a certain intelligence level. Members of that clique might fear expulsion from the clique if they display intelligence greater than that of the most popular person, so they establish the habit of dumbing themselves down. This habit becomes set for life. The same phenomenon can exist in a couple.

Humans are creatures of habit. Habits are mental. Habits are difficult to change....
Some people are braggarts, some are not. Some are extroverts, some are introverts. That's the real world, but this virtual world some people are their natural selves and some are their hidden selves; most commonly their darker selves.

There little reason for a person to hide themselves on a forum where they are already hidden behind an anonymous user name. That said, your comment about "herd mentality" still applies since forum members usually pick a side and rarely are willing to stand in the middle.

Yes, people are creatures of habit but online they are more like "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts" since they are safe behind an anonymous keyboard.

Rarely are members as Teddy Roosevelt once spoke about in his famous "Citizenship in a Republic" speech:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

People respond to good examples and good leadership so we each should strive to be good examples and good leaders. We are human, so we're not perfect, but those who try will be noticed by similarly good people.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Wow, awesome post:

Some people are braggarts, some are not. Some are extroverts, some are introverts. That's the real world, but this virtual world some people are their natural selves and some are their hidden selves; most commonly their darker selves.

There little reason for a person to hide themselves on a forum where they are already hidden behind an anonymous user name. That said, your comment about "herd mentality" still applies since forum members usually pick a side and rarely are willing to stand in the middle.

Yes, people are creatures of habit but online they are more like "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts" since they are safe behind an anonymous keyboard.

Rarely are members as Teddy Roosevelt once spoke about in his famous "Citizenship in a Republic" speech:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

People respond to good examples and good leadership so we each should strive to be good examples and good leaders. We are human, so we're not perfect, but those who try will be noticed by similarly good people.

What great words of wisdom. And a great thanks to you, sir, as I had never before seen that quote. And it sure sounds like him, doesn't it? He wasn't daunted by anything. He went. He did. Nothing held him back. And he meant well, thought well of others. What a great leader. Natural born leader. Great uniter. A selfless man. Wow. When I think of all he did for this country. All the national monuments and parks, preserved open space. He NEVER would have allowed drilling in those preserved spaces. Wow. We were so lucky to have a leader like that. Wish we had a leader like that now.

We could sure use one just about now...
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Wow, awesome post:

What great words of wisdom. And a great thanks to you, sir, as I had never before seen that quote. And it sure sounds like him, doesn't it? He wasn't daunted by anything. He went. He did. Nothing held him back. And he meant well, thought well of others. What a great leader. Natural born leader. Great uniter. A selfless man. Wow. When I think of all he did for this country. All the national monuments and parks, preserved open space. He NEVER would have allowed drilling in those preserved spaces. Wow. We were so lucky to have a leader like that. Wish we had a leader like that now.

We could sure use one just about now...

Thanks. Agreed about Teddy Roosevelt and, unfortunately, agreed on how he'd be treated today. "Modern Conservatives" would label him a RINO at best and a tree-hugging lib at worst. Heck, they'd label Reagan and GHW Bush RINOs too. Dumbasses today would focus on the fact he pushed "progressive reforms" and not the fact he stood for self-responsibility, hardiness, civic duty and a strong military.

Strongly agreed we could use more leaders like Teddy Roosevelt today.

Not sure if this is the entire speech since it was reportedly 35 pages long, but here is what I found: