Hello Dutch Uncle,
You're welcome.
I don't know how you figure that last one. The numbers say otherwise. If you're discounting people like me who considered their votes 'for her' to actually be 'against him,' then what's the flip side of that equation? My understanding is the majority of votes which were cast for DT were actually people who were voting against Hillary. With noses pinched. So, if your premise is valid, then in the same sense, it also applies to DT. And he owns one stain which cannot be washed away. He lost the popular election. Wanted a landslide, dreamed of it, tried to imagine it happened, fooled himself that it did, tried to float that BS out there, but the reality is all of that nonsense was a lie. He barely squeaked by, by the thinnest of margins. He successfully divided the nation, and has kept it as polarized and contentious as ever.