This is where you really piss me off. You are interpreting something incorrectly here, and it needs to be pointed out before you get punched in the mouth. Republicans are NOT OPPOSED TO HELPING PEOPLE! Republicans contest continually and endlessly extending UI benefits, because we have to be realistic. At some point, we have to draw the line and say, sorry... can't do any more UI! We just can't keep paying people not to work, Apple. This is a classic example of how Liberalism clashes with reality and the viewpoint of conservatives. Many moons ago, Republicans and Democrats came together and agreed, we need to have some safety net in place for people who lose their jobs, so we invented unemployment insurance. We talked about it, and decided that 12 weeks was an appropriate amount of time for someone to look for another job and find something reasonably acceptable. Everyone should have been happy! The Liberals got what they wanted, to help people in need, the Republicans capitulated and allowed the program to be established.... but everyone was not happy, were they, Apple? Since then, Liberals have pushed for more and more time... 18 weeks... 24 weeks... 52 weeks... and we are now over 2 years, and pressing for more! When Republicans stand up and say, wait a minute.... they are hooted down by miscreants like you, claiming they don't want to help people!
IF there were any way to verify and confirm it, I would love to compare what I do yearly for the needy to what you do. I'd be willing to bet everything I own, that I am more benevolent than you in my personal life. And that's how it often is with Conservatives and Liberals, because while Conservatives believe in rolling up their sleeves and helping others with their individual effort, Liberals believe in stealing the money out of the pockets of others and giving it to someone else....that's how they help!
I support government programs because it avoids the free rider problem. I'm not a naive idiot.
You don't want to have to lift a finger to help anyone, because you know that you won't help anyone, and it makes you think that everyone is as selfish and self-centered, and so you've developed a political philosophy around that.
It doesn't even matter if they're selfish and self-centered. If I run a company, and there is no federal minimum wage, and I decide to take it upon myself to be the good guy and pay it all on my lonesome, I'm going to go out of business. We shouldn't even expect companies to do that. If companies are allowed to pay disgustingly low wages, it is the fault of society for abandoning its duty to protect its citizens, not the fault of the companies for doing what they had to do. If we can avoid this situation, which no one truly wants, but are forced into anyway, by passing a law that mandates a minimum wages, why on Earth shouldn't we? Should we plug our ears and sing "la-la-la-la-la", and pretend that such situations do not exist, and are truly the best for everybody? When did the last defense of conservatism become idiotic naivety?
We could solve the prisoners dilemna easily by taking away the option that harms the other, and everyone would be better off. Yet no, we can't do that! The right to live in misery and shit is our most precious of freedoms!