Israel says they will go it alone against Iran


Villified User
Headline on Drudgereport.

It seems to be working out as I predicted. Israel will open the can of worms and Bush/we will bail them out.
Headline on Drudgereport.

It seems to be working out as I predicted. Israel will open the can of worms and Bush/we will bail them out.

Yeah, them no good jews are going to start something now! Oh, but I guess iran poses no threat, right?
Thank you Sir!

Israel is not starting something. Iran says it will destroy Israel. Why do the libs seem to miss that? They say it time and time again. But per the article

>>Israel is carefully watching the world's reaction to Iran's continued refusal to suspend uranium enrichment, with some high-level officials arguing it is now clear that when it comes to stopping Iran, Israel "may have to go it alone," The Jerusalem Post has learned
Thank you Sir!
But per the article

>>Israel is carefully watching the world's reaction to Iran's continued refusal to suspend uranium enrichment, with some high-level officials arguing it is now clear that when it comes to stopping Iran, Israel "may have to go it alone," The Jerusalem Post has learned

Iran has been chanting the death of Israel and USA for a quarter century now, The presdient of iran recently said that the solution to peace in the middle east was easy "destroy israel". With the tension mounting over the nuclear issue who stands to get struck first should they produce a weapon of such? Even more unclear, who those are who buys the fact that iran has peaceful intentions.
Yes it's true, destroy or be destroyed is what it will come down to!
Hmm, does that include us ? Or would it perhaps be the best to let them go at it and diminsh the threats to us ? After all someone said it is better for the innocents of the enemy to die than our innocents ? wonder who that was ?
Israel will do what the rest of the world won't do for their own protection. They will be condemned in the un and lots of resolutions will be passed and hand wringing will go on and the un will say shame on you Israel. But they will be safe for a while longer from the madmen in the east.

If they do this it will be with full knowledge of the US as they will need flightover permission in iraq.
Its a lot of bluster frankly. I think Kim Jong Il is more unstable than than Ahmadinejad and he hasn't started nuking people.

BTW I feel inclined to frequently remind people that the President of Iran is not the leader of Iran. Ayatollah Khameini has the title of Supreme leader of Iran. He is the true leader.
Hmm, does that include us ? Or would it perhaps be the best to let them go at it and diminsh the threats to us ? After all someone said it is better for the innocents of the enemy to die than our innocents ? wonder who that was ?

Well the jews will be jews to some but I guess that would turn to heroes to some if they do it alone. I don't know exactly who you are accusing in your last piece of the thread but that is were the wonderful feature of the quote button comes in handy! Was not I who made that statement!
I believe Iran is building Nuclear weapons and their intentions are not peaceful. However I also do not believe that they are building them to lob over to Tel Aviv.

The most likely reason for their development is seeing that Iraq got invaded instead of North Korea. They know that nuclear powers are immune from foreign intervention. It is a weapon of deterrence. A man who buys a gun doesn't necessarily intend to shoot someone. I think this is a similar situation.
Hmm, does that include us ? Or would it perhaps be the best to let them go at it and diminsh the threats to us ? After all someone said it is better for the innocents of the enemy to die than our innocents ? wonder who that was ?

It was me. And I stand by it. Enemy civilians are still the enemy. And better them than us. Of course I won't include you in us.
Its a lot of bluster frankly. I think Kim Jong Il is more unstable than than Ahmadinejad and he hasn't started nuking people.

BTW I feel inclined to frequently remind people that the President of Iran is not the leader of Iran. Ayatollah Khameini has the title of Supreme leader of Iran. He is the true leader.

Kim Jong also claims that we are about to attack every other week! I don't see NK being near as a voatile situation as iran, I see them as the one that are all bluster. They are seeking more political issues such as aid like they constantly do to the south. However I don't say they are not of a serious danger as well, just not as much so as iran.

And as far as who has the final say in iran, do you really think the Ayatollah is any more stable minded than the president? The Ayatollah is the one who started the nation chanting the death stuff to the US & Israel!
A man who buys a gun doesn't necessarily intend to shoot someone. I think this is a similar situation.

Your speaking of a civilization that are keen on suicide bombers, having their children watch cartoon on suicide bombing but yet you think if they have a gun they will use it as a deterence?:eek:
So the best thing that could happen is for the UN to get it's act together and put sanctions on Iran to stop the bomb. But that is just wishfull thinking, it won't happen. the UN is useless.