Israel says they will go it alone against Iran

As for the NK threat. They don't have any missles that can reach the US. The can reach Japan and a few islands to the south which they don't have the guidance systems to really hit. They are a backward stupid people still in the 50's frame of mind that they are somehow a powerful country and without the support of china they would collapse. They are regionally dangerous but they strut a lot to extort things from their neighbors. They are a complete welfare system relying completely on outside support. SK doesn't want them as they are so far behind that the infrastuture would have to be complete rebuiilt, its even worse than e. germany was. They could do a lot of immediate damage to the area, but they would go down in a week if push came to shove. Especially if china doesn't support them.

I understand that NKs technology isn't good. In fact I even talked with a guy in the Air Force who said that the Soviet Union's guidance systems were so bad that an ICBM targeted for DC would have hit Baltimore instead.

That said why should be be afraid of Iran then if it is North Korea helping them develop their technology.
If we have even a remote reason to believe that they were involved with terrorists using a nuclear weapon they would be wiped off the face of the map. The mullahs know this they will not destroy themselves in this way.

Exactly, hence the idea of them not getting nuclear abilities. However with them already at work with nuclear properties, and talking of wiping out israel one must wonder how they are claiming they seek nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
Now, the UN body of corruption will hold talks once again on irans decision to want to keep their capabilites but to talk further( another stall tactic), and Russia, and China will grant them this option, heck Russia supplied them, as they have something to gain as well. Just like the iraq issue that took forever to act upon, should we wait say 12 years and see what happens? Yes, I see iran as a much bigger issue than NK at the present moment.

Exactly, hence the idea of them not getting nuclear abilities. However with them already at work with nuclear properties, and talking of wiping out israel one must wonder how they are claiming they seek nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

I don't believe them but I think they are building them for defense and not offense. Its insane to nuke Israel from Iran anyway it is only a few hundred miles away. The nuclear fallout would kill many Iranians. Not to mention that a nuclear strike against any nation is generally considered justification for nuking the initiating country.

Now, the UN body of corruption will hold talks once again on irans decision to want to keep their capabilites but to talk further( another stall tactic), and Russia, and China will grant them this option, heck Russia supplied them, as they have something to gain as well. Just like the iraq issue that took forever to act upon, should we wait say 12 years and see what happens? Yes, I see iran as a much bigger issue than NK at the present moment.

Yes the UN will not help. I also don't think the US will suffer if Iran develops he bomb anymore than we did when North Korea built it.
"Iran hasn't claimed anything because they want to operate from the idea right now that it is for peaceful purposes. Once the bombs are built they will declare them and use them as a bargaining chip in foreign relations.

As for putting them in the hands of terrorists I doubt it. Mainly because Iran may try to hide its links with terror but they are well known. If we have even a remote reason to believe that they were involved with terrorists using a nuclear weapon they would be wiped off the face of the map. The mullahs know this they will not destroy themselves in this way."

You are one naive silly man. Once iran has nukes they will attack Israel with them. They have stated as much. They only talk to buy time to build up. That is the islamic way. Talk, lie, do anything you have too until you are in a positon to act. They don't hide their connections with terror, they openly support hezbollah and many other such organizations. They even suppiled troops to assist hezbollah. They have suicide brigades, ever heard of the martyrs brigade. The IED's in iraq come from iran. These guys and their thought processes are so far removed from yours that you might as well sit down and talk to a rabid dog about why it shouldn't bite you.

You can bet if iran can get a nuke they can load on a ship they will turn it over to one of the terrorist groups to sail it into one of our harbors. The crazy mullahs over there want to start an apocolyptic war to bring back the 12th imam. This is their stated goal. And their own deaths in the process don't matter.
The thing is with suicide bombings is that it is a tactic of the desperate who have no hope of prevailing. Iran is a relatively powerful nation with a fairly good quality of life. Few Iranians would so willingly give their life away. It is not like the Palestinians who feel this is the only way they can prevail or kamikazes who think Americans will slaughter their countrymen if they manage to hit the beaches.

The whole iranian cartoon episode has been pretty well documented, I have no instant link for you at the moment but you will find it in a quick serch on the net.
I saw one of the clips as well, and it sure does show a child dropping himself onto a vehicle well strapped with bombs.

Iraq was at one time considered the power of the region as far as military might, we marched through them instantly before entering a guerilla war, I would feel pretty desperate in the iranians place as well, especially with the card they are trying to stack now. You are right though in their quality of life, and it shows as many of their own is very much against what they are currently doing. I saw on the news a political figure, can't remember who but it could of been a democrat as I remember thinking to myself "finally someone that is making sense on the situation" anyway this person suggested having communication open with them as it would help find a way to create an uprise by those who oppose the government there.
You are one naive silly man. Once iran has nukes they will attack Israel with them. They have stated as much. They only talk to buy time to build up. That is the islamic way. Talk, lie, do anything you have too until you are in a positon to act.

I am not naive. You fail to look at history or the nature of war and politics. If Muslims are so trigger happy with the nukes why hasn't Pakistan the second largest muslim country in the world nuked India or at least given the nukes to a terrorist organization to do it for them. Because they know they will be nuked in return or they simply view it as not worth it.

They don't hide their connections with terror, they openly support hezbollah and many other such organizations.

Supporting Terror doesn't equal being suicidal. Just because Iran gives money to Hezbollah to fire rockets full of nails at Israel doesn't mean they will launch a nuclear strike which will automatically be retaliated against culminating in the extinction of the Republic of Iran.

They even suppiled troops to assist hezbollah.

Thats actually not true. Iran interestingly enough stopped Iranian people from crossing the border to link up with Hezbollah. Obviously its not because they are good it is political but this bears mentioning.

They have suicide brigades, ever heard of the martyrs brigade.

You're thinking of palestinians not Iranians. I reiterate that no Iranian national has been involved with suicide bombings since the revolution.

The IED's in iraq come from iran.

Why would Iran give IED to sunnis so that they can kill fellow shiites. This makes no sense.

These guys and their thought processes are so far removed from yours that you might as well sit down and talk to a rabid dog about why it shouldn't bite you.

What guys the leaders of Iran? They aren't as crazy as you think their devotees are but they can be controlled and are.

You can bet if iran can get a nuke they can load on a ship they will turn it over to one of the terrorist groups to sail it into one of our harbors. The crazy mullahs over there want to start an apocolyptic war to bring back the 12th imam. This is their stated goal. And their own deaths in the process don't matter.

The grunts and the guys on the bottom always want to do this stuff not the guys on top. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Khameini like living I can assure you and won't sacrifice their own lives for the cause. Using a nuclear weapon against the US is a guaranteed way for them to end their lives.

It is almost always the case that the leader of a movement of terrorism doesn't live up to the standard they preach. Osame bin laden broke many Quranic rules in his own home life. Mullah Omar the leader of the Taliban lived in plush homes while the people starved.

These guys wouldn't surrender their life and neither will the mullahs. They are talking shit not unlike Nikita Khruschev with his shoe talking about burying us.
Iraq was at one time considered the power of the region as far as military might, we marched through them instantly before entering a guerilla war, I would feel pretty desperate in the iranians place as well, especially with the card they are trying to stack now.

Maybe but we aren't going to do the same in Iran. But yes you are probably right if we invaded Iran and occupied them they would use suicide tactics maybe even their nuclear arsenal. That is why they are building one to make sure we don't invade. Thats what they want to do not nuke Israel.

We are not able to invade Iran now anyway nor should we.

The Iranians are pretty moderate as a whole. Do you remember the former President of Iran. His name was Mohammad Khatami and he was a reformer a lot of people had hope with him but the mullahs wouldn't listen to him and he resigned in frustration. This event showed me that the office of president in Iran is meaningless. As far as what Iran is going to do I worry more about Khameini than Ahmadinejad. And although the mullahs are repressive they aren't especially beligerent either.
The Iranians are pretty moderate as a whole. Do you remember the former President of Iran. His name was Mohammad Khatami and he was a reformer a lot of people had hope with him but the mullahs wouldn't listen to him and he resigned in frustration. This event showed me that the office of president in Iran is meaningless. As far as what Iran is going to do I worry more about Khameini than Ahmadinejad. And although the mullahs are repressive they aren't especially beligerent either.

Agreed! that is why I thought the point I made about whoever it was that said leaving the communication channel open to help had the right idea. many of their own are against the current ideology of their government. I would prefer seeing an uprising of their own as opposed to us going in there for sure, but still think it's best to leave all option open at this point.
I support neutrality in world affairs but if we had to do something I'd recommend arming the dissidents in Iran clandestinely to topple the government. This has gotten us in trouble before but still beats invasion.
The kamakazi's of Japan commited suicide attacks because they believed to die for the emperor was a sure ticket to heaven. Sound familiar.

The mullahs and president imalittlehitler of iran are not worried about living. They want an apocolyptic war. You can bet they live well and they have lots of fanatics to send off to blow themselves up. But they have a goal to either subjigate the world or destroy it, whichever comes first.

They don't want nukes for defensive purposes.

As for pakistan. The dictator there (that's what he is) while muslum is not a religious fanatic and wants to live and stay in power. His state and livelyhood come before his religion. If he ever loses power and one of those crazies gets in all hell will break loose.
I would bet we already have clandestine operations going on in iran. But the government there has an iron fist on the populus and I don't think they will be able to do anything unless we provide direct military support.
So if one ant stomps another ant the next target is an elephant ?

Ya know pops, you go and start this thread and then leave me to all the answering and now you come back with this question?:shock:

If an ant stomps another ant, the elephant stomps the said ant! hows that one work? :cof1:
2 weak powers compared to the USA. If One stomps the other one how thaes that equate to the surving weak power stomping us especially considering it will be weakened ?
Ie Iran kicks Israels butt, which I doubt. so therefore it will come after the USA ?
Ie Iran kicks Israels butt, which I doubt. so therefore it will come after the USA ?

Only if they were to succed in this ambition, its what they want! The whole thing of them attemting to gain nuclear powers is over this very issue.

So I understand correctly though, you would not oppose iran having nukes? or you oppose the idea that they would use them?
I oppose the idea of Iran having nukes, but I don't think we should go to war over it. We did not invade Pakistan or other countries as they got the bomb. We survived the cold war, etc.
I would someday like to see Israel admit to having nukes and bio/chem WMD's as well and be included in all nuke control talks.