Israel says they will go it alone against Iran


Send your kids first. If you have no kids, go yourself, no matter how old you are. But I prefer you send your kids. Front lines.

Send them first. When you bullshitters and macho assholes who still haven't gotten over not having the biggest dick in the locker room and have been posturing ever since, start sending your own kids FIRST, then I'll have some respect. Until then you're just a piece of shit who likes to talk big and compensate for his shortcomings with the blood of other people's children.

Pack your kids up, and send them to the front lines of Iran.

Today. Don't wait. Send them. If this is a war that must be fought so badly, that it is worth the life of MY child, then it is worth the life of yours.

Send them today.

Holy shit, it's Cindy Sheehan!

The guy is a war veteran, he served is time! I'm the draft dodger, remember?

It amazes me how an opposing view automatically makes ya worthless around here....:rolleyes:
Wow, what a rant, i think I really pulled your chain on that one.

I mean what I say. The only things I have to go on are the reports that come from the area. Most of those are not good.

Talking with those fanatics just gives them more time to build up against us. That's the only reason they are talking now. This isn't the coldwar. MAD doesn't work with these guys. They use a 7th century tactic to come after us and you want to use a 20th century tactic to deal with them.

I'm an atheist. I don't believe in forgiveness and turning the other cheek. even rightwing christians don't come close to what these evil bastards will do. They are fundmentalist to the worst posible extreme. You really need to read up on islam a little more. And not the CAIR bullshit.

well you did pull my chain...first off, are you saying that Iran is a threat to us as in the usa? are you saying that if iran gets nukes that they would use them against us?

because if you are, your'e just plain nuts ;)......there would be... not a sand spec unturned in iran by us... iran would be blown in to smitherines by us...AND THEY KNOW IT.....!!! there is 5 to 7 years before their first nuke... is what i have read? if that is the case, alot of peaceful measures can be taken....

so, what's the rush to kill women and children via ''collateral'' damage?

and what's the rush to kill more of our soldiers?

ALL MEASURES POSSIBLE should always be taken before ever doing that...

why? because that is what is right and just, and that is what the PEOPLE of this country STANDS for....afterall, we are Americans.

and i am sick of people that are just arrogant war mongerers, sending our kin to die, for NO LEGITIMATE THREAT AGAINST US, THE USA, AT ALL....

so what is this really all about?

Just a bunch of scardy cats....afraid of the boogey man, just got 15,000 american soldiers dead or mamed....

and now you are chearleading for more war, more attacks, when NO ONE is any kind of military threat to us ALL OVER AGAIN.....korea after iran, then who? when will your gosh darn thirst for blood be over?

and as far as you being a conservative yet an athiest...i am beginning to think that the WHOLE LOT OF THEM MORAL Religious Right REPUBLICANS are really athiests! boym was i fooled initially! now, it is so obvious... they are certainly not christianlike! :(

have a nice evening.

well you did pull my chain...first off, are you saying that Iran is a threat to us as in the usa? are you saying that if iran gets nukes that they would use them against us?

because if you are, your'e just plain nuts ;)......there would be... not a sand spec unturned in iran by us... iran would be blown in to smitherines by us...AND THEY KNOW IT.....!!! there is 5 to 7 years before their first nuke... is what i have read? if that is the case, alot of peaceful measures can be taken....

so, what's the rush to kill women and children via ''collateral'' damage?

and what's the rush to kill more of our soldiers?

ALL MEASURES POSSIBLE should always be taken before ever doing that...

why? because that is what is right and just, and that is what the PEOPLE of this country STANDS for....afterall, we are Americans.

and i am sick of people that are just arrogant war mongerers, sending our kin to die, for NO LEGITIMATE THREAT AGAINST US, THE USA, AT ALL....

so what is this really all about?

Just a bunch of scardy cats....afraid of the boogey man, just got 15,000 american soldiers dead or mamed....

and now you are chearleading for more war, more attacks, when NO ONE is any kind of military threat to us ALL OVER AGAIN.....korea after iran, then who? when will your gosh darn thirst for blood be over?

and as far as you being a conservative yet an athiest...i am beginning to think that the WHOLE LOT OF THEM MORAL Religious Right REPUBLICANS are really athiests! boym was i fooled initially! now, it is so obvious... they are certainly not christianlike! :(

have a nice evening.


Listen, the next time, really let loose ok?


I couldn't agree more, btw!

Send your kids first. If you have no kids, go yourself, no matter how old you are. But I prefer you send your kids. Front lines.

Send them first. When you bullshitters and macho assholes who still haven't gotten over not having the biggest dick in the locker room and have been posturing ever since, start sending your own kids FIRST, then I'll have some respect. Until then you're just a piece of shit who likes to talk big and compensate for his shortcomings with the blood of other people's children.

Pack your kids up, and send them to the front lines of Iran.

Today. Don't wait. Send them. If this is a war that must be fought so badly, that it is worth the life of MY child, then it is worth the life of yours.

Send them today.

My son isn't acceptable for the military, but my nephew is already over there. On his third tour. If I could go you can believe I would be going. And I have been on the frontline. A little coldwar conflict called vietnam. That was part of the cold war.

I know and sympathize with the troops over there and with any that end up in iran. As I said in the draft post. I was a combat vet before I was old enough to vote or drink. i know about firefights and being mortared and being so scared you can't even move. I know about boobytraps and your friends getting blown up. A lot of what I learned over there the hard way have been passed on to the guys in the frontlines now. So they are better prepared.

You liberals want another coldwar, and to use the same strategies that didn't work in that. The soviets collapsed simply cause we out spent them. This islamic war is going to be a lot different and take a different strategy. The secret to beating them is not to stop and talk after a confrontation but to keep going. Don't give them the chance to rebuild and pretend friendship. That's what Bush is doing wrong now he's not following through and keeping the pressure on. A war should only be fought to the finish of your enemy, not till he just says oh I see your point I'll quit.

I'll go into the use of civilians as cannonfodder and PR in another post.
Listen, the next time, really let loose ok?


I couldn't agree more, btw!

what the heck is going on in this world?

black is now white?

injustice is now justice?

killing is saving?

evil is now good...


yeah, I am getting really pissed, pissed at everyone that is ready to go through this shit that we have gone through with iraq all over again in Iran only much worse of a situation with Iran being stronger...and for WHAT? For what?

this was my first post to the newbie gaffer....(and I am suppose to be "care4all"...)I'm certain my handle and name came off really well... :( Oh well...

I am just soooooooo sick of war...especially if the country is not an imminent threat, ready to attack many useless deaths occur....
My Nephew is joining the Army and going to the Language school, I took Russian there... Can you guess what language he is getting? (Remember this was the little guy I adopted long ago...) Man I'm proud of that kid.
and as far as you being a conservative yet an athiest...i am beginning to think that the WHOLE LOT OF THEM MORAL Religious Right REPUBLICANS are really athiests! boym was i fooled initially! now, it is so obvious... they are certainly not christianlike! :(

have a nice evening.


Hi Care, I'm a so called coservative, and a good little christian boy so we are not all atheists!

A little about Gaffer since he does not appear to be on at the moment. He is indeed a war veteran, so I don't really think he fits the bill of a war cheerleader, leave that one go for me since I am not a vet! He has a great deal of knowledge on a lot of these things he has studied pretty intensively.
There are some who see that war is a neccessary evil sometimes, I don't think he see's it as the only answer. He has family I believe in Iraq at the moment, put it all together and ya get a pretty pissed of American who know the tragedies of war!

Oh, and don't be too quick to discount iran! I don't think you are seeing it the same as some. For instance, I don't see them firing of a missile the moment they should get one, but handing over something to the terrorists is a whole different story, this is being played out right now in lebanon but only on a smaller scale. they will find the proxy to strike given the tools to do so!
First try! Yes, pretty much they are putting everybody with the ability to learn through Arabic right now. I wish I could afford to go back in, DLI is one awesome place of learning, I just can't be that poor and still pay the bills yet.
Hi Care, I'm a so called coservative, and a good little christian boy so we are not all atheists!

A little about Gaffer since he does not appear to be on at the moment. He is indeed a war veteran, so I don't really think he fits the bill of a war cheerleader, leave that one go for me since I am not a vet! He has a great deal of knowledge on a lot of these things he has studied pretty intensively.
There are some who see that war is a neccessary evil sometimes, I don't think he see's it as the only answer. He has family I believe in Iraq at the moment, put it all together and ya get a pretty pissed of American who know the tragedies of war!

Oh, and don't be too quick to discount iran! I don't think you are seeing it the same as some. For instance, I don't see them firing of a missile the moment they should get one, but handing over something to the terrorists is a whole different story, this is being played out right now in lebanon but only on a smaller scale. they will find the proxy to strike given the tools to do so!

Sir evil/ Gaffer

They don't need to get the nuclear material from Iran, and you should KNOW that....they can get it from all the Russian lefover nuke programs that were never protected...

and in addition to this... the iranians are primarily Shiia---persians, Alqaeda is primarily Sunni/Pashtun sp?, I believe.... they are not compatible....

so that is just a bunch of hog wash and nothing a good imigration and border policy couldn't take care of, if we spent the time and damn money and smart thinking that we should be protect ourselves...

shoot we have timothy mcveighs right here in our own country under foot that can do damage...

so why in heavens tarnation would Iran give nuke material to the terrorist to smuggle in to our country to blow us up...huh? Why? So we can trace the material back to Iran and blow them in to smitherines for doing it...OH, I AM SO CERTAIN that is what IRAN WANTS...not!

Nuclear material is readily available on the black market Gaffer...

the BIG OL BAD GUYS can get it already and do not need to wait 5 years for Iran to develop something... Shoot, it is more than like the terrorists will get their nuclear material from the pakistanis LONG before they would get it from the iranians...

and again...this fear mongering crap is the same thing you pulled the last time with saddam and his wmd's...that the terrorists would be given them by him and would attack us with them and that is why he had to be removed crap that you all were touting...

well, SORRYYYYYYYYYYYY, NO MORE for me...listening to you fear mongering scaredy cats....

and please ...get a grip on reality and stop giving up what America stands for just because someone has told you to be afraid....

And I know exactly what it is like to send a dad off to war, because my father served in vietnam...he was an Air force lifer and volunteered for the tour...and I clearly remember saying goodbye to him at kennedy International Airport...balling my eyes out thinking that I would never see my dad again as he was walking down the Tarmac.... because i just knew he was going to be killed in the war he was going to..... I remember how sick I was the whole time he was away....I remember being afraid, afraid that I would lose my dad...I cried all the time and lived in fear, fear of losing him...till the day he got home..... no 7 year old should have to go through that.....unless it is absolutely, the last resort imho...
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sir evil....I was primarily still ranting at gaffer in that post...but at you too since you are also ..."one of them" war supporters... hahahahaha!


I am a Dove, not a hawk...and always will be.

I understand that the world needs a little bit of both...some hawks and some doves.... but as with nature...the hawks are winning when put against a Dove...

and quite frankly, that sucs...

well you did pull my chain...first off, are you saying that Iran is a threat to us as in the usa? are you saying that if iran gets nukes that they would use them against us?

Yes I am say they are a threat to us in the USA. If they get nukes they will use there suicide troops to deliver as many as they can to our harbors. They don't have missiles capable of reaching us here, but they can reach europe and Israel.

because if you are, your'e just plain nuts ;)......there would be... not a sand spec unturned in iran by us... iran would be blown in to smitherines by us...AND THEY KNOW IT.....!!! there is 5 to 7 years before their first nuke... is what i have read? if that is the case, alot of peaceful measures can be taken....

They are a lot closer than 7 years from having a bomb or they wouldn't be spouting so much. You need to step out of your I'm safe at home mentality and realize these guys want you dead. The want a apocolytic war and they don't who dies in it. Their fanatisism drives them and they are not worried about dying. Study up on the 12th imam. google it and see what you find out about his return.

so, what's the rush to kill women and children via ''collateral'' damage?

Collateral damage, don't yeah love that phrase. Its killing people and destroying homes. It happens in a war, especially when the enmy sets ups is combat positions in villages and next to homes and in schoold and hospitals.

and what's the rush to kill more of our soldiers?
I would just as soon none of our soldiers got killed. But that's also a fact of war. The important thing is that we lose a lot less than they do.

ALL MEASURES POSSIBLE should always be taken before ever doing that...

That's true, but you only talk for so long and appeasement gets you nothing. And talking is a part of these guys strategy.

why? because that is what is right and just, and that is what the PEOPLE of this country STANDS for....afterall, we are Americans.

Just because we are right and just doesn't mean we should talk forever or until our enemy decides the time is right to strike.

and i am sick of people that are just arrogant war mongerers, sending our kin to die, for NO LEGITIMATE THREAT AGAINST US, THE USA, AT ALL....

iran is the head of the snake that is islamofacism. They have many arms under many names al queda, hezbollah, hamas, so many I can't list them all here. They all have the same goal and even though they might not like each other they will work together against the west. They have been sneaking cells into this country for years. They even have language training in spanish so they can slip people across the border disguised as mexicans.

so what is this really all about?

Just a bunch of scardy cats....afraid of the boogey man, just got 15,000 american soldiers dead or mamed....

The boogey man is coming to get you darla, he's called islam and he wants you dead or converted to his religion.

and now you are chearleading for more war, more attacks, when NO ONE is any kind of military threat to us ALL OVER AGAIN.....korea after iran, then who? when will your gosh darn thirst for blood be over?

nk may collapse under their own poverty. Tho japan may help them along a little its just a left over from the cold war. Some of what all that peace talk gained us for the past fifty years. We won't even go into the millions that starve to death every year in nk just so lil kim can have his nukes. I would really like to see iran taken down from within, but I don't foresee that happening at least until we start it rolling.

and as far as you being a conservative yet an athiest...i am beginning to think that the WHOLE LOT OF THEM MORAL Religious Right REPUBLICANS are really athiests! boym was i fooled initially! now, it is so obvious... they are certainly not christianlike! :(

I am not a religious rightie. I have no religion. Religion is exactly why we are in this present situation. islamic fundimentalism. And the christian's allow it to go on because they want to love their enemies, and turn the other cheek. religion is a system of control for the masses. And islam uses it to its fullest capacity. I tell it like I see it. Some don't like to hear it.

have a nice evening.

I will


The hard hearted warhawk
sir evil....I was primarily still ranting at gaffer in that post...but at you too since you are also ..."one of them" war supporters... hahahahaha!


I am a Dove, not a hawk...and always will be.

I understand that the world needs a little bit of both...some hawks and some doves.... but as with nature...the hawks are winning when put against a Dove...

and quite frankly, that sucs...


LOL, unload all ya need care, it will do ya good! Us mere voices of concern have these boards for that very option. Have ya any idea how political discussion boards dramatically increased since 911? We are all frustrated in one way or another! Now don't go taking too much of what I said in my post against Gaffer, I am only putting myself in his mindset and giving a reply with that, he may have an entirely different version than me!

My post though is not about fear at all, and certainly not trying to say anyone need fear for a reason to attack. We all have different feelings on how it would play out with the "if's" ours are just a little different. You suggest terrorist can simply buy these weapons from Russia, but you also suggest that if we traced them back to iran we would just blow them out of the water.
What would happen if we traced them back to Russia? Russia will supply the little stuff with little to no worries of backlash, they have been doing this, but Russia doe's not want to get into a nuclear standoff with us, they are smarter than that as we are. I would not put nothing past iran even though I also believe the majority of the mouth is political posturing. I don't buy too much into all the tribal factions stuff either, I think more would you unite for their cause than given credit for. Just a bunch of my own babble though, simply an opinion...
sir evil....I was primarily still ranting at gaffer in that post...but at you too since you are also ..."one of them" war supporters... hahahahaha!


I am a Dove, not a hawk...and always will be.

I understand that the world needs a little bit of both...some hawks and some doves.... but as with nature...the hawks are winning when put against a Dove...

and quite frankly, that sucs...


If it weren't for the hawks the doves would cease to exist. I am not hateful I just look deeper into things and I don't like what i see there. I really could care less about politics other than how it immediately effects me but I do follow world events and I do see what the politicians are doing wrong or right. Some of them worry me.

if we have to fight we should do it at a time and place of our chosing. is you, that needs to stop....stop being afraid...and i thank you for Nam, but you are being lead as a coward would be lead right now....imho.

you may think i have just a cushy little life....all you like! :)

now why don't you get out of your cushy but 'yellow' little corner that the administration has carefully put you in through fear, and do your own research on the i have done....
fool me once...shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

i, for one, am going to take a deep breath, read as much as i can from ALL SIDES, and not let these cronies fool America again...thru their fear mongering...hopefully, america will not follow in their and your footsteps again, and get another 15k killed and mamed....for no justifiable reason.

this below is just one of the MANY articles out there on the SOME reading.....please....please don't let them do this to our children again!

IRAN is not an imminent threat to us... iran is not the war on far as a bomb on a boat,,, sure, that is in the works already, from what i've read, they expect it.... so why not protect our ports? why waste the resources and money in iraq or iran? money doesn't grow on trees, contrary to what the republicans the past 6 years have believed....

we need to be SMART, not trigger happy or blood thirsty....imo!

Iran Is Judged 10 Years From Nuclear Bomb
U.S. Intelligence Review Contrasts With Administration Statements

By Dafna Linzer
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 2, 2005; Page A01

A major U.S. intelligence review has projected that Iran is about a decade away from manufacturing the key ingredient for a nuclear weapon, roughly doubling the previous estimate of five years, according to government sources with firsthand knowledge of the new analysis.

The carefully hedged assessments, which represent consensus among U.S. intelligence agencies, contrast with forceful public statements by the White House. Administration officials have asserted, but have not offered proof, that Tehran is moving determinedly toward a nuclear arsenal. The new estimate could provide more time for diplomacy with Iran over its nuclear ambitions. President Bush has said that he wants the crisis resolved diplomatically but that "all options are on the table."

The new National Intelligence Estimate includes what the intelligence community views as credible indicators that Iran's military is conducting clandestine work. But the sources said there is no information linking those projects directly to a nuclear weapons program. What is clear is that Iran, mostly through its energy program, is acquiring and mastering technologies that could be diverted to bombmaking.

The estimate expresses uncertainty about whether Iran's ruling clerics have made a decision to build a nuclear arsenal, three U.S. sources said. Still, a senior intelligence official familiar with the findings said that "it is the judgment of the intelligence community that, left to its own devices, Iran is determined to build nuclear weapons."

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Ummm Care, was'nt it US intelligence what lead us to iraq? Is this not the same US intelligence in this article?

Just an observation....
Sir evil/ Gaffer

They don't need to get the nuclear material from Iran, and you should KNOW that....they can get it from all the Russian lefover nuke programs that were never protected...
They can get some materials, which is what iran did, but it takes technology to put it all together. A little dirty bomb is not what they are looking for. The russians are making a lot of money providing iran with technology and materials and probablem chem and bio weapons as well.

and in addition to this... the iranians are primarily Shiia---persians, Alqaeda is primarily Sunni/Pashtun sp?, I believe.... they are not compatible....

The shea and sunni's hate each other, how ever, there is an old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Its a old arabic saying. They will join together to fight against us. When not fighting us or Israel they will fight each other. But they will combine to fight us. Kind of like us and the soviets allied against germany.

so that is just a bunch of hog wash and nothing a good imigration and border policy couldn't take care of, if we spent the time and damn money and smart thinking that we should be protect ourselves...

Yes I would love to see a good strong border protection system put in effect. One of the things I think Bush let us down on the most.

shoot we have timothy mcveighs right here in our own country under foot that can do damage...

Yep we have enough home grown nut cases here to deal with, we don't need em coming in from outside as well.

so why in heavens tarnation would Iran give nuke material to the terrorist to smuggle in to our country to blow us up...huh? Why? So we can trace the material back to Iran and blow them in to smitherines for doing it...OH, I AM SO CERTAIN that is what IRAN WANTS...not!

iran would give a full fledged nuke to terrorists, not just materials. They would try to smuggle them in to blow up our cities. That would be the purpose. They want to kill as many people as posible to scare the rest into giving in to their demands. That's why its called terror. They don't have the missiles to strike us directly but they are working on that. nk is cranking out everything they can to deliver the systems to them. Did you know there were iranian reps in nk when they fired off all those missiles a few months back? you can't get it into your head that the iranians don't think like us. They know they will be blown up and that is part of the plan.

Nuclear material is readily available on the black market Gaffer...

yes they are, but processing them is a totally different matter.

the BIG OL BAD GUYS can get it already and do not need to wait 5 years for Iran to develop something... Shoot, it is more than like the terrorists will get their nuclear material from the pakistanis LONG before they would get it from the iranians...

You better hope they don't. pakistan is still a wild card. irran got most its materials from them and the russians. the BIG OLE BAD GUYS is an example of how serious you take it. These folks want to kill you. They don't care about your hopes and plans and your family and all the things you want to do with your life. They want you dead or converted through fear. You will have to wear your burka and walk behind your husband and you can't speak unless spoken too. You can't express your opinion in places like this. That is their goal. They state it in writing and speeches all the time. They are not cartoon characters or fictional movie people they are real and they are evil beyond anything you can imagine.

and again...this fear mongering crap is the same thing you pulled the last time with saddam and his wmd's...that the terrorists would be given them by him and would attack us with them and that is why he had to be removed crap that you all were touting...

I didn't pull anything with saddam and his wmd's. They were there and the russians removed them before the war started. They were either shipped back to russia or they are in syria. That comes from an iraqi general and captured documents.

well, SORRYYYYYYYYYYYY, NO MORE for me...listening to you fear mongering scaredy cats....

and please ...get a grip on reality and stop giving up what America stands for just because someone has told you to be afraid....

I don't fear monger, I pass on what I have learned which is more than the media does. I have a very firm grip on reality which is more than i can say for most of the people on here. I learned what fear is in vietnam. Its all in the mind. Letting your imagination go under a pressure situation is what creates fear.

And I know exactly what it is like to send a dad off to war, because my father served in vietnam...he was an Air force lifer and volunteered for the tour...and I clearly remember saying goodbye to him at kennedy International Airport...balling my eyes out thinking that I would never see my dad again as he was walking down the Tarmac.... because i just knew he was going to be killed in the war he was going to..... I remember how sick I was the whole time he was away....I remember being afraid, afraid that I would lose my dad...I cried all the time and lived in fear, fear of losing him...till the day he got home..... no 7 year old should have to go through that.....unless it is absolutely, the last resort imho...

I can tell you a similar story about myself, but don't see as it would do any good to compare sad stories at this point. That would be something for another thread.