Israel says they will go it alone against Iran

The islamic people hled on th the ancient knowledge when the europeans had descended into the dark ages. Europeans rediscovered the knowledge that the Islamic people had held onto. As to who discovered what, I dunno. But things would be very different if the Islamic people had not held onto that knowledge for the Europeans to rediscover.
From everything I read they held the knowledge but didn't advance it. Basically Mathematics and science were on hold during that period of time.
Commander of Rhetoric?

More like Captain Ignorant....

Don't take gafffer's woefully inadequate knowledge of world history, to represent americans at large .

We have the best universities, and some of the best higher education in the world. The contributions of the arabs is well known in the United States among the educated.
Most of what you posted is either pre-islam science or just as islam was taking hold among the arabs. What did islam, not arabs, create and invent beyond the 10th century? They take what is discovered by someone else and turn it into a destructive force.
Many of those "inventions" are simply legends. The whole idea that Arabs invented gun powder is total garbage. We can prove without any doubt that Chinese people were the first to use that substance.
From everything I read they held the knowledge but didn't advance it. Basically Mathematics and science were on hold during that period of time.

Arabs inheritied some the the greek sciences and mathematics. And ultimately passed it on to europe.

But, the Arab, and Indian hindus were responble from many mathematical and scientific advances beyond the greeks. This knowledge was ultimately passed onto europe, through the Moors.
From everything I read they held the knowledge but didn't advance it. Basically Mathematics and science were on hold during that period of time.

They didn't advance it because islam would not allow it. It was a critical point in history. Europe finally threw off the choke hold of the catholic church and the arabs fell under the hold of islam, which holds them to this day.

Any fundimentalist religion is detremental to society.
They didn't advance it because islam would not allow it. It was a critical point in history. Europe finally threw off the choke hold of the catholic church and the arabs fell under the hold of islam, which holds them to this day.

Any fundimentalist religion is detremental to society.

Please stop embarrassing america, with you lack of knowledge.
Most of what you posted is either pre-islam science or just as islam was taking hold among the arabs. What did islam, not arabs, create and invent beyond the 10th century? They take what is discovered by someone else and turn it into a destructive force.

Most of what you posted is either pre-islam science or just as islam was taking hold among the arabs.

And the backpedaling begins.....

Please stick to your original assertion that muslims "never" invented ANYTHING but war and violence.

Trying to quietly tip-toe away from your original assertion, is quite obvious.

Algebra was inveted by muslim scholars two centuries after Mohamed.

I agree, that in modern arab history, knowledge and science has been hampered by colonialism, despotic rulers, and theocrats.
Arabs inheritied some the the greek sciences and mathematics. And ultimately passed it on to europe.

But, the Arab, and Indian hindus were responble from many mathematical and scientific advances beyond the greeks. This knowledge was ultimately passed onto europe, through the Moors.
I do know that "zero" was given to us by Asian Arabs... You know the ones further east... Persia gave us Chess... At least from everything that I learned they did.

Telescopes though? We literally know the name of the guy who created the first one and "Hans" is not a Muslim name. Nope. Gunpowder? Nope again, that's Chinese. Coffee? Maybe.

Alexandria gave us many of those mathematical advances and it was hugely multicultural, a true center of learning that we should try to emulate constantly...
I do know that "zero" was given to us by Asian Arabs... You know the ones further east... Persia gave us Chess... At least from everything that I learned they did.

Telescopes though? We literally know the name of the guy who created the first one and "Hans" is not a Muslim name. Nope. Gunpowder? Nope again, that's Chinese. Coffee? Maybe.

Alexandria gave us many of those mathematical advances and it was hugely multicultural, a true center of learning that we should try to emulate constantly...

I'm no expert. But, I agree that in the dark ages, scientific knowledge and advancement came from the middle east and asia. In particular, the arabs kep the science of the greeks, and advanced it. While europe was stuck in the ignorance of the dark ages.

Without the knoweldge of the greeks retained in the muslim world, and passed onto us, we would have had to re-invent and re-discover everthing from scratch. and the world would probably still be in a pre-industrial age.
Ancient contributions are fine and can be debated as to who did what and created what. My point was that islam has contributed nothing in the past 1000 years.
Ancient contributions are fine and can be debated as to who did what and created what. My point was that islam has contributed nothing in the past 1000 years.

Again, woefully incorrect.

Not only was the moorish occupation of spain within the last thousand years (it was the Moors who taught europeans about mathematice, and science of the greek and muslim worlds), but the Arabs were superb navigators with their knowledge of astromy. Trans-oceanic european navigation in the 15th and 16th century, was based in part on knowledge inheritied from the muslim arabs.

I would say since the european rennassaince, and partucularly since the colonial era, the muslim world has been mired in stagnation.
Yes it's true, destroy or be destroyed is what it will come down to!

Or not. Maybe there's not supposed to be a new world order. Or maybe it will come on its own, when people actually change, not when a group of confused elites believe they can make the world better through forced integration combined with favoritism towards certain peoples, and discrimination against others.

Israel is fighting for statehood at the same time they tell everyone else that the world should be integrated and borders dissolved.
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I think Israel may be more of an instigator of violence and conflict than a contributor to peace in the middle east problems.