Israel says they will go it alone against Iran

2 weak powers compared to the USA. If One stomps the other one how thaes that equate to the surving weak power stomping us especially considering it will be weakened ?
Ie Iran kicks Israels butt, which I doubt. so therefore it will come after the USA ?

Yes they will. They want to re-establish the old islamic empire and then expand it. That's their goal. Israel is just a stepping stone for them. They have stated this. If you study islamic history they use the same tactics over and over strategically speaking.

Attack your enemy.
If he's too strong talk to him. Lie to him and get him to let his guard down.
Once you have sufficent force attack and wipe him out.
Move on to the next objective or enemy.
Repeat above.

Its the same tactic used in the 7th century and they are still using it. They want nukes and the means to launch those nukes. They will take as long as they need to aquire them, when they feel they have enough they will launch them. Regardless of counter strikes.
I oppose the idea of Iran having nukes, but I don't think we should go to war over it. We did not invade Pakistan or other countries as they got the bomb. We survived the cold war, etc.
I would someday like to see Israel admit to having nukes and bio/chem WMD's as well and be included in all nuke control talks.

Well thats a fair statement! I don't think many of us want to go to war over this and this is why we attempt the UN route, although I don't hold any hope in that working as the UN has proven over and over that they can't put the muscle behind the hustle. Pakistan/Isreal are allies, they are not marching to the same beat as iran, they are not threatening us, all cannot' be fair unfortunately in politics, it's like suggesting giving a gun to manson because dirty harry had one!

Pakistan could very well be an issue one day as well, yes they do have nukes, and should some of the extremists they have living there get a hold of them there will be some problems for sure. I think the pakistanian leader has already had a few failed attempt at his life, any clue on who would wanna do such a thing?
Are we still using the same tactica as in the crusades and such too gaffer ? Perhaps that is why things have never settled down in the ME.
Well thats a fair statement! I don't think many of us want to go to war over this and this is why we attempt the UN route, although I don't hold any hope in that working as the UN has proven over and over that they can't put the muscle behind the hustle. Pakistan/Isreal are allies, they are not marching to the same beat as iran, they are not threatening us, all cannot' be fair unfortunately in politics, it's like suggesting giving a gun to manson because dirty harry had one!

Pakistan could very well be an issue one day as well, yes they do have nukes, and should some of the extremists they have living there get a hold of them there will be some problems for sure. I think the pakistanian leader has already had a few failed attempt at his life, any clue on who would wanna do such a thing?

the UN has no clout, the clout that the UN can generate comes from the combined determination and goals of it's member nations. the UN is not a power unto itself.
the USA's (biggest member) dissing and fussing with the other members has greatly diminshed the UN. It is mostly our fault that is has become weaker.
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the UN has no clout, the clout that the UN can generate comes from the combined determination and goals of it's member nations. the UN is not a power unto itself.

The goals of the UN are not what they were set out to be, The UN is about as corrupt as one orginization can become. There is a reason russia & china would stand in the way of any meaningful resolution, and iran knows that all to well.
Look at the tough sanctions put upon iran, that did'nt stop russia from sending in the weapons, and they are supposedly a friend?
Not just the UN on the corruption our own gummit sucks too.

Corruption runs high everywhere, nobody is immune to it, it also resides in all forms of most governments one way or another. Like it or not, you are part of it if you wanna play in the political dome!

Attack your enemy? Love your enemy so that your love shown would be like burning coals on their head. j.christ...

Where the heck do you ge tattack your enemy from....? that is sooooooo messed up, so messed are chosing to kill innocent people, because you KNOW THIS WILL HAPPEN, you are chosing to kill our military soldiers because you know, you know for certain it will happen!

For Christ sake...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went 20 years in the cold war with a REAL ENEMY of us and did NOT go to war with them and still conquered them...and that was a great feat that many repubs attribute to Reagan...

NOW, NOW it is this crew of conservatives, SUPPOSEDLY, like yourself with your pom poms rattling to KILL, KILL, KILL...?

Jimminee Christmas, what the hell happened with trying to solve our problems peacefully no matter how long it takes...preventing war? like with the USSR...its a damn CHESS game for goodness sakes and you are trying to make it in to a game of War, WITH KILLING AND MORE KILLING?

If this administration can not hire good diplomats that know how to achieve what is best through peaceful means then they are hiring the wrong people.

PREEMPTIVE WAR, attacking the enemy as you put it...


Changing us from attacking when being attacked to opening it being Preemptive war being okay is a disgrace and not what we stand for as Americans...we don't send our boys off to their deaths in the thousands or their new state of limblessness, UNLESS THERE IS AN IMMINENT THREAT UPON US...

Bush's preemptive war is a needs to go back to the congress declaring war with 2/3's of congress's approval as the constitution states and it needs to go back to ONLY GOING TO WAR ...when we have an imminent threat. PERIOD....

man oh man!!!

Corruption runs high everywhere, nobody is immune to it, it also resides in all forms of most governments one way or another. Like it or not, you are part of it if you wanna play in the political dome!

Yep, money+power = corruption * time

some wanterd me to run for Constable in my county. I controlled myself and did not cuss them out. Why would I want to jump in the mud and wallow with the hogs I instead asked. they replied that I could be a good influence and lclean it up. I said one ant cannot move a mountian and will just get squashed if it tries.
Yep, money+power = corruption * time

some wanterd me to run for Constable in my county. I controlled myself and did not cuss them out. Why would I want to jump in the mud and wallow with the hogs I instead asked. they replied that I could be a good influence and lclean it up. I said one ant cannot move a mountian and will just get squashed if it tries.

That's a picture perfect anology! very true but as mere voices of our own choices is not enough, who moves the mountains that are now in place? we must trust in our own wehter it be corrupt or not, but we are one of the better ones as we have the choices we do have, you can have the opportunity to move that mountain if you so choose to do, otherwise you wind up right back here voicing your opinion, and it's choice and nobody elses to decide if it be right or wrong!
Just have to voice my opinion with my vote I guess and hope the rest of the people wake up.
Yep the UN is corrupt but so is the USA and many other countries. The UN has no choice to be corrupt since it is made up of corrupt nations. It is but the sum of it's parts.
You are one naive silly man. Once iran has nukes they will attack Israel with them. They have stated as much. They only talk to buy time to build up. That is the islamic way. Talk, lie, do anything you have too until you are in a positon to act.

I am not naive. You fail to look at history or the nature of war and politics. If Muslims are so trigger happy with the nukes why hasn't Pakistan the second largest muslim country in the world nuked India or at least given the nukes to a terrorist organization to do it for them. Because they know they will be nuked in return or they simply view it as not worth it.

They don't hide their connections with terror, they openly support hezbollah and many other such organizations.

Supporting Terror doesn't equal being suicidal. Just because Iran gives money to Hezbollah to fire rockets full of nails at Israel doesn't mean they will launch a nuclear strike which will automatically be retaliated against culminating in the extinction of the Republic of Iran.

They even suppiled troops to assist hezbollah.

Thats actually not true. Iran interestingly enough stopped Iranian people from crossing the border to link up with Hezbollah. Obviously its not because they are good it is political but this bears mentioning.

They have suicide brigades, ever heard of the martyrs brigade.

You're thinking of palestinians not Iranians. I reiterate that no Iranian national has been involved with suicide bombings since the revolution.

The IED's in iraq come from iran.

Why would Iran give IED to sunnis so that they can kill fellow shiites. This makes no sense.

These guys and their thought processes are so far removed from yours that you might as well sit down and talk to a rabid dog about why it shouldn't bite you.

What guys the leaders of Iran? They aren't as crazy as you think their devotees are but they can be controlled and are.

You can bet if iran can get a nuke they can load on a ship they will turn it over to one of the terrorist groups to sail it into one of our harbors. The crazy mullahs over there want to start an apocolyptic war to bring back the 12th imam. This is their stated goal. And their own deaths in the process don't matter.

The grunts and the guys on the bottom always want to do this stuff not the guys on top. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Khameini like living I can assure you and won't sacrifice their own lives for the cause. Using a nuclear weapon against the US is a guaranteed way for them to end their lives.

It is almost always the case that the leader of a movement of terrorism doesn't live up to the standard they preach. Osame bin laden broke many Quranic rules in his own home life. Mullah Omar the leader of the Taliban lived in plush homes while the people starved.

These guys wouldn't surrender their life and neither will the mullahs. They are talking shit not unlike Nikita Khruschev with his shoe talking about burying us.

Excellent posts on this subject.

But don't let it go to your head, I'm still on the fence about you. ;)

Naive! Naivity is swallowing every poopaganda story coming out of this adminstration (and other warmongers) about the dire consequences of not fighting an eternal war.
Iraq was at one time considered the power of the region as far as military might, we marched through them instantly before entering a guerilla war, I would feel pretty desperate in the iranians place as well, especially with the card they are trying to stack now.

Maybe but we aren't going to do the same in Iran. But yes you are probably right if we invaded Iran and occupied them they would use suicide tactics maybe even their nuclear arsenal. That is why they are building one to make sure we don't invade. Thats what they want to do not nuke Israel.

We are not able to invade Iran now anyway nor should we.

The Iranians are pretty moderate as a whole. Do you remember the former President of Iran. His name was Mohammad Khatami and he was a reformer a lot of people had hope with him but the mullahs wouldn't listen to him and he resigned in frustration. This event showed me that the office of president in Iran is meaningless. As far as what Iran is going to do I worry more about Khameini than Ahmadinejad. And although the mullahs are repressive they aren't especially beligerent either.

That's true about so many of them being moderates, and the terrible thing is that the leaders, for their own opportunistic reasons, just like here, use the threat of an outside foe to unite the people behind them. So all we do, is strengthen the repressive forces in that country. It's just such a sick cycle.
Are we still using the same tactica as in the crusades and such too gaffer ? Perhaps that is why things have never settled down in the ME.

The strtegic tactics I was referring to are from the koran. I simplified it for the likes of you. Civilizations that have been around a while have moved on from the 7th century, only islam remains stuck in the same mind frame.

Of course liberals are stuck in the sixties.
That's true about so many of them being moderates, and the terrible thing is that the leaders, for their own opportunistic reasons, just like here, use the threat of an outside foe to unite the people behind them. So all we do, is strengthen the repressive forces in that country. It's just such a sick cycle.

Hmmm, equating iran and the US....... Yep, I can see the similarities! :shock:

Attack your enemy? Love your enemy so that your love shown would be like burning coals on their head. j.christ...

Where the heck do you ge tattack your enemy from....? that is sooooooo messed up, so messed are chosing to kill innocent people, because you KNOW THIS WILL HAPPEN, you are chosing to kill our military soldiers because you know, you know for certain it will happen!

For Christ sake...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went 20 years in the cold war with a REAL ENEMY of us and did NOT go to war with them and still conquered them...and that was a great feat that many repubs attribute to Reagan...

NOW, NOW it is this crew of conservatives, SUPPOSEDLY, like yourself with your pom poms rattling to KILL, KILL, KILL...?

Jimminee Christmas, what the hell happened with trying to solve our problems peacefully no matter how long it takes...preventing war? like with the USSR...its a damn CHESS game for goodness sakes and you are trying to make it in to a game of War, WITH KILLING AND MORE KILLING?

If this administration can not hire good diplomats that know how to achieve what is best through peaceful means then they are hiring the wrong people.

PREEMPTIVE WAR, attacking the enemy as you put it...


Changing us from attacking when being attacked to opening it being Preemptive war being okay is a disgrace and not what we stand for as Americans...we don't send our boys off to their deaths in the thousands or their new state of limblessness, UNLESS THERE IS AN IMMINENT THREAT UPON US...

Bush's preemptive war is a needs to go back to the congress declaring war with 2/3's of congress's approval as the constitution states and it needs to go back to ONLY GOING TO WAR ...when we have an imminent threat. PERIOD....

man oh man!!!


Wow, what a rant, i think I really pulled your chain on that one.

I mean what I say. The only things I have to go on are the reports that come from the area. Most of those are not good.

Talking with those fanatics just gives them more time to build up against us. That's the only reason they are talking now. This isn't the coldwar. MAD doesn't work with these guys. They use a 7th century tactic to come after us and you want to use a 20th century tactic to deal with them.

I'm an atheist. I don't believe in forgiveness and turning the other cheek. even rightwing christians don't come close to what these evil bastards will do. They are fundmentalist to the worst posible extreme. You really need to read up on islam a little more. And not the CAIR bullshit.

Send your kids first. If you have no kids, go yourself, no matter how old you are. But I prefer you send your kids. Front lines.

Send them first. When you bullshitters and macho assholes who still haven't gotten over not having the biggest dick in the locker room and have been posturing ever since, start sending your own kids FIRST, then I'll have some respect. Until then you're just a piece of shit who likes to talk big and compensate for his shortcomings with the blood of other people's children.

Pack your kids up, and send them to the front lines of Iran.

Today. Don't wait. Send them. If this is a war that must be fought so badly, that it is worth the life of MY child, then it is worth the life of yours.

Send them today.