Israel says they will go it alone against Iran

Kim Jong also claims that we are about to attack every other week! I don't see NK being near as a voatile situation as iran, I see them as the one that are all bluster. They are seeking more political issues such as aid like they constantly do to the south. However I don't say they are not of a serious danger as well, just not as much so as iran.

Why do you think Iran is more of a threat than North Korea? Especially since NK is much more capable of firing missles at the US than Iran. Iran possesses no missles that are remotely capable of hitting the US. North Korea does.

As for Death to Israel and such Iran has been saying that a long time since the revolution. Politics of the region seem to show that this death to Israel chanting is more out of obligation than willingness. During the 1980s Iran and Israel were clandestine partners who had common enemies. Both nations felt threatened by the Arabs and the Soviet Union. The palestinians resented the Iranians for their hollow rhetoric because they knew they would only talk about death to Israel but would never do anything against them.

The common enemy bond ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the defeat of Saddam Hussein. However there remains little reason to believe the Iranians now as they have been insincere for decades. This is the boy crying wolf I don't think we should come running now.

Bluffing is a common political tactic in the region. Saddam bluffed for 10 years about his WMD and it got him invaded. Iran does the same we should not be goaded so easily.
Your speaking of a civilization that are keen on suicide bombers, having their children watch cartoon on suicide bombing but yet you think if they have a gun they will use it as a deterence?

You're talking about the wrong civilization. Iran has not had a documented case of suicide bombers in decades. Not all cultures in the ME are monolithic you know.
Well the jews will be jews to some but I guess that would turn to heroes to some if they do it alone. I don't know exactly who you are accusing in your last piece of the thread but that is were the wonderful feature of the quote button comes in handy! Was not I who made that statement!
Not you was gaffer.
If a man tell you he is going to kill you and then goes out and buys a gun, you should be a bit concerned! LOL
So the best thing that could happen is for the UN to get it's act together and put sanctions on Iran to stop the bomb. But that is just wishfull thinking, it won't happen. the UN is useless.

The warmonging right wants to push for sanctions before action but Russia & China will stand in the way for their politcal gains and put and to that. You are 100% right, the UN is useless, and the iaranian president alright basically mocked any type of resolutions set by the UN.
Let's work this out from Iran's perspective.

Were I the Pres. of Iran, nothing you could say or do short of conquering me would stop me from working on the bomb.
Ihate no one is saying North Korea is not a threat but the post was about the threat is Israel and well, NK is not all that concerned about the jews.
I know that Toby but I was bringing up North Korea to compare levels of threat in relation to the US not just Israel. Obviously Israel has more reason to attack Iran than NK.
If I were the Prime Minister of Israel I would send in the Mossad to assess the situation. Mossad is a very efficient organization and would get me the info I needed to make a good decision.
The USA policy is to oppose ANY new nuke weapons being developed by goverments. especially ones who are hostile to other countries. That should be our policy.
Why do you think Iran is more of a threat than North Korea? Especially since NK is much more capable of firing missles at the US than Iran. Iran possesses no missles that are remotely capable of hitting the US. North Korea does.
Well thats was why I stated that I see NK as bluster, but as of now we know NK has "claimed" to have these missiles, but we alos know that they claim we are on the verge of invading any day now. I believe they have them, I don't believe they are prepared to using them by any means. Iran on the other hand has'nt claimed anything, we know nothing for sure their either, but they are indeed stalling the situation. So it's of my opinion that Iran would not hesitate to put this kind of weaponry into hands of terrorists as soon as possible, and therefore why I see them as the bigger threat.

As for Death to Israel and such Iran has been saying that a long time since the revolution. Politics of the region seem to show that this death to Israel chanting is more out of obligation than willingness. During the 1980s Iran and Israel were clandestine partners who had common enemies. Both nations felt threatened by the Arabs and the Soviet Union. The palestinians resented the Iranians for their hollow rhetoric because they knew they would only talk about death to Israel but would never do anything against them.

The common enemy bond ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the defeat of Saddam Hussein. However there remains little reason to believe the Iranians now as they have been insincere for decades. This is the boy crying wolf I don't think we should come running now.
I think the iranians insincerity is pretty evident , it's shows in lebanon, it show in syria, other arabic nations are also noticing.

Bluffing is a common political tactic in the region. Saddam bluffed for 10 years about his WMD and it got him invaded. Iran does the same we should not be goaded so easily.

Saddam bluffed longer then ten years, Saddam had a whole lot more than bluffs that got him invaded though.
You're talking about the wrong civilization. Iran has not had a documented case of suicide bombers in decades. Not all cultures in the ME are monolithic you know.

Holy toledo, who the hell is funding hizbollah, were are the suicide bombers in iraq coming from, why do they teach their children that suicide bombing will make you a martyr, what are the purpose of these entertaining cartoons. Do you really believe iran has no hand in suicide bombers?
Well thats was why I stated that I see NK as bluster, but as of now we know NK has "claimed" to have these missiles, but we alos know that they claim we are on the verge of invading any day now. I believe they have them, I don't believe they are prepared to using them by any means. Iran on the other hand has'nt claimed anything, we know nothing for sure their either, but they are indeed stalling the situation. So it's of my opinion that Iran would not hesitate to put this kind of weaponry into hands of terrorists as soon as possible, and therefore why I see them as the bigger threat.

Iran hasn't claimed anything because they want to operate from the idea right now that it is for peaceful purposes. Once the bombs are built they will declare them and use them as a bargaining chip in foreign relations.

As for putting them in the hands of terrorists I doubt it. Mainly because Iran may try to hide its links with terror but they are well known. If we have even a remote reason to believe that they were involved with terrorists using a nuclear weapon they would be wiped off the face of the map. The mullahs know this they will not destroy themselves in this way.
Does us to you include Israel ?

Israel is a close ally so I include them.

As for the NK threat. They don't have any missles that can reach the US. The can reach Japan and a few islands to the south which they don't have the guidance systems to really hit. They are a backward stupid people still in the 50's frame of mind that they are somehow a powerful country and without the support of china they would collapse. They are regionally dangerous but they strut a lot to extort things from their neighbors. They are a complete welfare system relying completely on outside support. SK doesn't want them as they are so far behind that the infrastuture would have to be complete rebuiilt, its even worse than e. germany was. They could do a lot of immediate damage to the area, but they would go down in a week if push came to shove. Especially if china doesn't support them.

Japan is already making changes to their constitution to allow them to take offense action against nk. If they do test a nuke japan will take action. They will get the fallout.
oly toledo, who the hell is funding hizbollah, were are the suicide bombers in iraq coming from, why do they teach their children that suicide bombing will make you a martyr, what are the purpose of these entertaining cartoons. Do you really believe iran has no hand in suicide bombers?
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Hezbollah is a terrorist organization but they don't use suicide bombers. You are thinking of groups like Hamas or Al Aqsa Martyr's brigade.

The suicide bombers in Iraq are Sunnis and are not supported by Iran. Iran is most likely helping Shiite militias in Iraq. These militias do not do suicide bombings.

I don't know about the cartoons but are you sure they are Iranian. Most of those kind of things I have read about come from Palestine.

The thing is with suicide bombings is that it is a tactic of the desperate who have no hope of prevailing. Iran is a relatively powerful nation with a fairly good quality of life. Few Iranians would so willingly give their life away. It is not like the Palestinians who feel this is the only way they can prevail or kamikazes who think Americans will slaughter their countrymen if they manage to hit the beaches.