Israel to close its embassy in Dublin due to Ireland’s ‘extreme anti-Israel policy’

You're not being honest about why you, atheists, Muslims and Hamas want the civilians to stay in Gaza.
It's not difficult- it's their home. It's been their home for millennia.
Do you really believe that European Jews are going to be allowed to illegally annex Palestine ?

Israel hasn't ' closed ' its embassy in Ireland- Israel has LOST its embassy in Ireland.
In 2007, when the Gazans elected the terror group Hamas
Why do you refer to Hamas as a terror group? What terrorism have they committed?

I realize that Team Israel demands solidarity in declaring Hamas a terrorist organization, but Hamas has no money, no army, and no weapons. Why should any rational adult accept your hyperbole?
Israel removed all Jewish settlers and military outposts from Gaza in 2006 allowing Gaza to become 100% self governing entity. With its new found independence, Gaza decided to go to war.
When did Gaza decide to go to war?
Guano, the useful idiot supports the Democrats who have denied Israel the weapons need to destroy their enemies who attack them.

There are lots of Democratic anti-Semites in Congress.
Such a subhuman christer roach goyim , A Southern christer cracka lecturing Jews about anti semitism :ROFLMAO:

And your fellow cross humper big schmuck thanks you :laugh:
Did trump send your wife an official whitey certificate yet?
Like I said, Gaza is not a country.
Yes, it is. Palestine is a country. The West Bank is Palestine. East Jerusalem is Palestine. Gaza is Palestine.

Why would think that it wasn't ? Do you think that South Island is not New Zealand ?
No, it is not. Clearly Gaza is very much a country in your hopes and dreams.

Palestine is a nation without a country.

Nope. Palestine is the people who comprise the nation. There is no country of Palestine.
You're mistaken.
Palestine has borders defined by UNGAR 181 which also defined the borders of a Jewish homeland. It didn't matter at all that the Arab states voted against UNGAR 181- it passed into law without them. Democracy in action.
The region of Palestine is noted and named in ancient Grecian literature and modern Palestine was a thriving country before it was invaded by Zionist scum, with airport, sea port, currency, transport links etc and well-known agricultural exports- such as Jaffa oranges. The British made detailed records of Palestinian produce during the time of the British Mandate.
You will be marked as a fool if you persist with your error.
You're mistaken.
In your hopes and dreams.

Palestine has borders defined by UNGAR 181 which also defined the borders of a Jewish homeland.
I see that your hopes and dreams recognize UNGAR 181

The region of Palestine is noted and named in ancient Grecian literature
The regions of Troy and Atlantis are also noted in ancient Elassian literature.

The British made detailed records of Palestinian produce during the time of the British Mandate
If the British made detailed records of the produce of Palestine just like they made detailed records of the produce of the Kingdom of Prussia, then neither must exist today.

You will be marked as a fool if you persist with your error.
What error would that be? Refresh my memory. I'm starting to get a better understanding of your hopes and dreams.
In your hopes and dreams.

I see that your hopes and dreams recognize UNGAR 181

The regions of Troy and Atlantis are also noted in ancient Elassian literature.

If the British made detailed records of the produce of Palestine just like they made detailed records of the produce of the Kingdom of Prussia, then neither must exist today.

What error would that be? Refresh my memory. I'm starting to get a better understanding of your hopes and dreams.

Hey- if you want to deny the existence of the country of Palestine then do so- while the world laughs at you.

November 29, 2012
UNITED NATIONS — The General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Thursday to grant Palestinians limited recognition of statehood, prompting exuberant celebrations across the West Bank and Gaza Strip and immediate condemnations from the United States and Israel.

Move on, please, we're done.
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Hey- if you want to deny the existence of the country of Palestine then do so- while the world laughs at you.
I notice that, in your strawberry safe space, you speak for the whole, wide world. Allow me to congratulate you on achieving such an amazing status.

November 29, 2012 UNITED NATIONS — The General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Thursday to grant Palestinians limited recognition of statehood,
November 29, 2012 UNITED NATIONS — The General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Thursday to deny Palestinians full recognition of statehood.

This vote occurred in the General Assembly, not in the Security Council, ergo, it is not legally binding on anyone (which is why the US didn't veto the resolution).
I notice that, in your strawberry safe space, you speak for the whole, wide world. Allow me to congratulate you on achieving such an amazing status.

November 29, 2012 UNITED NATIONS — The General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Thursday to deny Palestinians full recognition of statehood.

This vote occurred in the General Assembly, not in the Security Council, ergo, it is not legally binding on anyone (which is why the US didn't veto the resolution).

One hundred and forty six countries out of one hundred and ninety three recognize the Palestinian state. That a majority of world countries i.e ' the world ' in a democratic system- just like ' America ' has elected the Orange Oaf by a majority.

The General Assembly did not vote to deny Palestine full recognition. The General Assembly voted to recognize the Palestinian state. To stick with your obnoxious claim to the contrary- simply produce your ' Vote to deny Palestine full recognition ' document.

The opinion of the AIPAC-controlled USA , or that of genocidal Israel- has had no impact upon the fact that Palestine is now a UN-recognized state. Any attempt by the US to change that fact at the Security Council would be vetoed.

Palestine, the country and state, is recognized. Your own decision not to recognize it is, as I said, laughable- backed by democratic majority.

Move on please. We're done.
One hundred and forty six countries out of one hundred and ninety three recognize the Palestinian state.
How does that affect me, a rational adult who observes that there is no Phillistia (Palestine) but only a Palestine nation?

Assume that I do not care how profoundly certain people desire for such a Palestine State to exist and that I will not be allowing any of them to do my thinking for me.

The General Assembly did not vote to deny Palestine full recognition.
Yes, it's implicit in a non-binding vote for only partial statehood recognition

The General Assembly voted to recognize the Palestinian state.
Partially, not fully, and it wasn't a Security Council vote so it was just a token gesture of goodwill expression and not a binding action of actual meaning.

The opinion of the AIPAC-controlled USA , or that of genocidal Israel- has had no impact upon the fact that Palestine is now a UN-recognized state.
Who cares what the UN recognizes and what does that have to do with me, or with any rational adult?

Any attempt by the US to change that fact at the Security Council would be vetoed.
Any attempt to get Palestine actually recognized by the UN through a Security Council vote will be vetoed.

Palestine, the country and state, is recognized.
The UN does not require any member State to recognize Palestine because Palestine statehood recognition has not been approved by the UN Security Council.

Your own decision not to recognize it is, as I said, laughable-
This is where you get to explain how I am somehow not observing what I am observing. I'm all ears.
Yes, it's implicit in a non-binding vote for only partial statehood recognition

Your hatred has blinded you. The Palestinian state has received recognition. It is recognized as sovereign . What you are attempting to use as ammunition in order to continue the war of the US and Israel against justice and the rule of law is Palestine's standing at the UN. It is an observer state which has not, as yet, received full UN member rights - but it is recognized as a sovereign state none-the -less. That's what happened in 2012- to the horror of the US, Israel- and also you, apparently.

I'm not at all sorry to have punctured your Zionist balloon. Zionism itself may take a while yet to crash and burn- but its descent has begun. Its emulation of Nazism has seen to that. You might consider jumping out of the basket in order to slow it.

The rest of your attempt is waffle- and not deserving of response.
Your hatred has blinded you.
I have no hatred, only observations. Your desperation and militant activism has blinded you.

The Palestinian state has received recognition.
Yes, paltry, token, non-binding, meaningless courtesy recogniztion. There was no Security Council involved so it wasn't anything of any meaning.

It is recognized as sovereign .
Passive voice. Invalid. There can be no sovereignty where there is no sovereign land.

What you are attempting to use as ammunition in order to continue the war of the US and Israel against justice and the rule of law is Palestine's standing at the UN.
You are the one who is harping on UN standing. I only reference my observations.

It is an observer state which has not, as yet, received full UN member rights
There is no Palestine.

- but it is recognized as a sovereign state
Nobody believes that there is somehow a sovereign Palestine anywhere on the planet.

I'm not at all sorry to have punctured your Zionist balloon.
I don't have any Zionist balloons to puncture.

Zionism itself may take a while yet to crash and burn
I don't even know what Zionism is.

Anyway, keep dreaming. Dreaming can be good too.