Israel to close its embassy in Dublin due to Ireland’s ‘extreme anti-Israel policy’

non-binding, meaningless courtesy recogniztion. There was no Security Council involved so it wasn't anything of any meaning.
Now you are spouting nonsense. ' Non-binding recognition ' ? You are developing troll-like responses.

You also underestimate the power of the UNGA.
Now you are spouting nonsense.
Of course it would appear as nonsense to anyone who isn't familiar with how the UN operates.

' Non-binding recognition ' ?
Correct. I'll leave that homework to the student to find out what "non-binding" means, but no member State is bound/obligated to recognize Palestine in any way.

You also underestimate the power of the UNGA.
... but I will never be guilty of overestimating them. Enjoy!
Of course it would appear as nonsense to anyone who isn't familiar with how the UN operates.

Correct. I'll leave that homework to the student to find out what "non-binding" means, but no member State is bound/obligated to recognize Palestine in any way.

... but I will never be guilty of overestimating them. Enjoy!
Hey- tell the class what your ' Binding recognition of statehood ' means - and provide an example of a Chapter 7 Security Council resolution.

I shall insist. Fudge will not suffice.
Hey- tell the class what your ' Binding recognition of statehood ' means


A "Binding Recognition of Statehood" is comprised of the following:

Sovereignty: A state must have a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states.
Effective Control: The government seeking recognition must exercise effective control over its territory and population.
International Law: Recognition decisions are often influenced by principles of international law, including respect for territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs.
Political Considerations: Diplomatic recognition can be influenced by political, strategic, and economic interests of the recognizing state.
UN Membership: While the UN itself doesn't grant recognition, membership in the UN can lend legitimacy and encourage other states to recognize a new state.

An example of this was South Sudan's admission in July of 2011.

- and provide an example of a Chapter 7 Security Council resolution.
You just pivoted. This has nothing to do with recognizing Palestine but in punishing Israel. Those are two separate and distinct concepts.

I shall insist. Fudge will not suffice.
You just fudged. Get your requests straight.

A "Binding Recognition of Statehood" is comprised of the following:

Sovereignty: A state must have a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states.
Effective Control: The government seeking recognition must exercise effective control over its territory and population.
International Law: Recognition decisions are often influenced by principles of international law, including respect for territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs.
Political Considerations: Diplomatic recognition can be influenced by political, strategic, and economic interests of the recognizing state.
UN Membership: While the UN itself doesn't grant recognition, membership in the UN can lend legitimacy and encourage other states to recognize a new state.

An example of this was South Sudan's admission in July of 2011.

You just pivoted. This has nothing to do with recognizing Palestine but in punishing Israel. Those are two separate and distinct concepts.

You just fudged. Get your requests straight.
You've failed to provide an example of a UN Resolution which provides any ' Binding ' recognition of statehood. You're a side-stepping fraud. Your claim was nonsense from the outset.
Again- Palestine is a sovereign state recognized by the UN and 146 countries. If Palestine did NOT meet the requirements of statehood then the UN would not have recognized it.
There will never be a ' Greater Israel '. Palestine will never be legally annexed. The occupation is illegal. Israel is committing genocide and other war crimes. There are ICC arrest warrants out for the Zionist leadership.

Your fudging is rejected.
You've failed to provide an example of a UN Resolution which provides any ' Binding ' recognition of statehood.
Incorrect, I presented the admission of South Sudan. Did you miss it?

If you'll recall, you are the one who pivoted to a Section 7 requirement which has nothing to do with UN recognition.

You are confused. You stammer demands to gibberish questions. You should read up on the topic a little more before you post.

Again- Palestine is a sovereign state recognized by the UN
Again - no, Palestine is not a sovereign state recognized by the UN. The Palestine nation fails the sovereignty and effective control requirements to be recognized as a State. I hope that helps.

If Palestine did NOT meet the requirements of statehood then the UN would not have recognized it.
Correct. Since Palestine does not meet the requirements, the UN Security Council has not, and will not, recognize Palestine as a State.

There will never be a ' Greater Israel '.
I'll trust your crystal ball on this one.

Palestine will never be legally annexed.
Correct. Only States can be annexed, and Palestine is just a nation.

The occupation is illegal. Israel is committing genocide and other war crimes.
You could have just stated this first and dispensed with all the erroneous propaganda.
Fudge ^

I'm pleased that the truth regarding Palestinian statehood has caused you to fudge so enthusiastically.
Your problem with attempting to disguise fudge as fact is that fudge has such a distinctive aroma.

Again, Palestine is a UN - recognized state. The Palestinian flag flies at the UN alongside all other states, despite your further , boring, denials.

Although the United States of AIPAC are able to block full Palestinian membership at the Security Council by way of the veto, that veto may be overridden by the General Assembly for the purposes of the prevention of war. I tell you this for free as I will enjoy your forthcoming fudge regarding your belief that any SC veto is all-powerful. Pride comes before a fall.
Further, with regard to your claim that Palestine is not a state because it does not meet the requirements of statehood.
I found this for you. Feel free to print it out and use it as your fudge wrapper.


Let's see if you're a masochist. Several other deluded prosemitic members here are you know.
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It's not difficult- it's their home. It's been their home for millennia.
Do you really believe that European Jews are going to be allowed to illegally annex Palestine ?

Israel hasn't ' closed ' its embassy in Ireland- Israel has LOST its embassy in Ireland.
Nope, they surrendered to the Ottoman Empire, and surrendered when they lost ww1. And None of them were alive a millenia ago.

It is Egypt that illegally annexed the Gaza Strip. This is Egypt's mess.
Nope, they surrendered to the Ottoman Empire, and surrendered when they lost ww1. And None of them were alive a millenia ago.

It is Egypt that illegally annexed the Gaza Strip. This is Egypt's mess.
You're right in that Egypt's occupation was not recognized. Neither is Israel's
I don't know why people just cannot accept it. Territory can NEVER be gained by force. It's illegal.
You're right in that Egypt's occupation was not recognized. Neither is Israel's
I don't know why people just cannot accept it. Territory can NEVER be gained by force. It's illegal.
The British Mandate was recognized after ww1 when it was still legal and common to take land by military force, years before the Kellogg pact.

Your claim that civilian mothers and children want to remain in the battlefield is absurd and ridiculous.

They value their lives over a piece of dirt.

YOU value the dirt more than you value their lives.
The British Mandate was recognized after ww1 when it was still legal and common to take land by military force, years before the Kellogg pact.
Have a good read of the Kellog-Briand Peace Pact before you fuck off for your genocidal Christmas celebrations. It was ' definitively glossed ' at Nuremberg. It's law. Zionism is crime.
Have a good read of the Kellog-Briand Peace Pact before you fuck off for your genocidal Christmas celebrations. It was ' definitively glossed ' at Nuremberg. It's law. Zionism is crime.
Clearly, I know more about the Kellogg Pact than you do. I just destroyed your argument!

You care more about a piece of dirt than civilian lives.
There is a long tradition of anti-Semitism in Ireland, I've never been to understand that honest!

Irish eyes 'aren't smiling' as far as Israel is concerned

Ireland, unfortunately, is not the only anti-Israel country in the world, though it ranks among the most obnoxious.
Back in the 1930s, Bing Crosby sang “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling,” a musical tribute to the Emerald Isle. Now, however, Irish eyes are no longer smiling as far as Israel is concerned.
During the struggle of the Jews in Palestine against the British mandatory government, Eamon de Valera – one of the leaders of the Irish struggle for independence – was a greatly admired role model. Jews were unaware, however, that de Valera, by then the prime minister of the newly independent Ireland, had in 1945 paid a condolence visit to the embassy of Nazi Germany in Dublin on the death of Adolf Hitler.

Nor did we know, certainly not specifically, that during World War II, some Irish nationalists collaborated with the Nazis or that, in 1938, with the omens of the approaching war becoming daily more visible, Ireland, on the strength of a previous agreement signed under very different circumstances, withheld from Britain the use of three strategically located ports undermining the allies’ ability – after the outbreak of the war – to protect convoys bringing vital supplies of arms and food from America to Britain, against marauding German submarines. One lonely member of Parliament, Winston Churchill, protested, but he was a minority.
All said, the above may or may not have been known to us, but we certainly never imagined that the Irish Free State, as it was known, would one day become one of the most hostile countries to the free State of Israel. On the contrary, we expected that the common struggle against British colonialism would be a unifying factor. This was not to be.

There is a long tradition of anti-Semitism in Ireland, I've never been to understand that honest!
There's a long tradition of Anglo-hatred in Ireland, you mendacious Brit prick- due to it being occupied by British scum . The Irish sympathize with Palestine for precisely that reason.
Fuck off out of Ireland and fuck off out of Palestine, you wee imperialist maggot,
Why do you refer to Hamas as a terror group? What terrorism have they committed?

I realize that Team Israel demands solidarity in declaring Hamas a terrorist organization, but Hamas has no money, no army, and no weapons. Why should any rational adult accept your hyperbole?

You're truly insane and totally delusional, what the fuck is wrong with you?

HAMAS uses improvised explosive devices, short- and long-range rockets and mortars, small arms, RPGs, MANPADs, antitank missiles, unmanned aircraft systems, and an extensive system of tunnels within Gaza to advance attacks against Israeli military forces and civilians. The group also engages in cyber espionage, computer network exploitation, and kidnapping operations. HAMAS uses hostage exchanges to gain concessions from the Israeli Government, including the release of high-value Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons.

The US State Department designated HAMAS as a foreign terrorist organization in October 1997.
