It doesn't matter who wins in November. Democracy is finished.

Sounds like you might need this:

Did you know 988 was the national suicide hotline? (they are also a substance abuse resource...just sayin'). Please promulgate this amongst your fellow soldiers in der Fuhrer Bunker.

But seriously, I don't think you have a lot to worry about too much. I'm still anticipating an epic, pornographic ejaculation of treachery and cheating from your swampy minions that is going to put your animated corpse of a president back in office for a few months, or until he starts to stink up the place.

If Trump wins, my advice to you, for what it's worth, is do the same thing I did when president tater head blind-sided us in 2020. Get up, go about your day, live, love, and laugh your ass off if your predictions come true. And be assured that there is probably a near zero chance that anything he does will directly affect YOU, with the possible exception of lower taxes, cheaper gas and groceries, and a fatter bank account in general.

It sounds like you won't trust a 2nd Trump administration. Good. Refuse to comply. It's distinctly American.
False equivalence.

There was never a danger of Biden and strategically placed Democrat cronies working in concert to use phony, trumped up claims of election cheating and stealing to justify illegally refusing to certify an election won by a republican.

Trump and the MAGA thugs OTOH, are planning to do just exactly that.

It will mean the end of democracy in America and people like you who are devoid of character, morality and even a basic respect for and understanding of the ideals this country was founded upon, couldn't care less.

As long as your side comes out on top.

Be careful what you wish for.