It doesn't matter who wins in November. Democracy is finished.

Democracy may be in trouble if you live in Texas. Probably is already. But most of the government that affects our daily lives is in the states, the towns and cities we live in. No realistic reason to believe why blue states won't continue pretty much as before. Americans are not about to give away their liberty.
The moron on welfare who didn't finish grade school calling others "low income, low educated.."


I love watching you Stalinists melt down.

I'm no fan of Trump's VP pick, but he did go to college, served in the military and has been somewhat successful financially.

I really don't see why you're calling him a "moron on welfare who didn't finish grade school".

Yes, he's a moron in some ways, but you shouldn't just lie about him like you did in that post.
2020 was fair? HAHAHA. Let's look at just the one state of PA. The state constitution bans no-excuse mail-in ballots and yet the dem gov sent out over a million of them!!!
They also changed election law ex-post-facto, and violated the authority of Congress to set an election day. This also violates the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Pennsylvania.

They also continued "counting" after hours with NO OBSERVERS PRESENT, and even boarded up windows so no one could see what they were doing.

The elections office also illegally "certified" the election result. They don't have authority to do that. Only the legislature has that authority, in accordance with both constitutions.

Pennsylvania never chose it's electors.
I'm no fan of Trump's VP pick, but he did go to college, served in the military and has been somewhat successful financially.

I really don't see why you're calling him a "moron on welfare who didn't finish grade school".

Yes, he's a moron in some ways, but you shouldn't just lie about him like you did in that post.
It's really quite rich, but not surprising, to finally see the radical lefties at this forum come to the collective
reality of just how terrible their failed and destructive potus is and has been for these past 3/1/2 + years, and
in perspective his 50 some odd racist years as being a govt puppet for the left. His age has very little to do with the
guy's downward spin, for it's his destructive anti American polices that has put America into a tailspin, and on the
verge of WW111. He represents the Marxist, Communist, Authoritarian, Political Warfare, Progressive identity of the
Dem Party. Libs here and everywhere keep saying that Trump will destroy our so-called Democracy. LOL! First, as
mentioned in this thread, America isn't a democracy, rather, it's a Republic. Second, Libs need to look around our
nation to see that it is failing in every measure imaginable (including our military). You freak lefties need to watch
Trump give his hour and a half speech tonight on the closing evening of the greatest Republican Convention in history.
Here's a guy in Trump that is fighting for America, and fighting for American's freedoms from those foreign and
domestic enemies that seek to silence them by a Dem authoritarian govt. The Republican Party is more united than
ever, and the dummycrat party is more divided and chaotic than ever, much to the relief and satisfaction of all those
who want to help Trump Make America Great Again.

You libs think that your party will do a turn-around next month when your dem convention takes place in that dying/
violent/murderous blue city of Chicago, where it has quite a good chance of being another one like you had in 1968?
Not a chance I'm gonna read that wall of trash past the first two lines.

But I'll tell you what the realization is that we've come to.... garbage like you is trying to turn this country over to criminals for no other reason than that you're so full of the hatred, envy, resentment and frustration that is the result of your miserable, unhappy and failed, unfulfilled lives, that you want everyone else to suffer like you do.

You want to turn this nation into a combination of North Korea and the former USSR.

You might even succeed too, but you'd better be careful what you wish for.

Your political views are not going to buy you anything.

When the iron curtain comes down, it's going to come down on you too.

You and your gun collection.
With Frikin' Laser Beams!
I'm no fan of Trump's VP pick, but he did go to college, served in the military and has been somewhat successful financially.

I really don't see why you're calling him a "moron on welfare who didn't finish grade school".

Yes, he's a moron in some ways, but you shouldn't just lie about him like you did in that post.

You try so hard, and fail so pathetically.

Perhaps if you HAD finished grade school.....
Too funny.

Second childhood.
It does depend, depends on what you know about the system the Founders created and what you believe talking heads tell you about what the Founders started, you and “copy” fall in the latter group, but we all knew that beforehand
If Dems force Biden out I will never vote for a Democrat again.
Oh sweetie, why are you so into this Biden guy?

He's bad news, always has been.

He's like the epitome of everything that's wrong with Washington and human beings and then some.

He's always been bad, why hitch yourself to him?
It does depend, depends on what you know about the system the Founders created and what you believe talking heads tell you about what the Founders started, you and “copy” fall in the latter group, but we all knew that beforehand
As if you know anything about that, and if you do, you're always trying to destroy it, you fuckin' shitbird! :BKick: