It doesn't matter who wins in November. Democracy is finished.

Even if Biden or some replacement Democrat wins this year, eventually a Republican is going to get elected again and we will eventually find ourselves in another situation like 2020, where an incumbent Republican loses a fair and legal election to a Democrat challenger.
2020 was fair? HAHAHA. Let's look at just the one state of PA. The state constitution bans no-excuse mail-in ballots and yet the dem gov sent out over a million of them!!!
How about a bit of compassion, Gecko?

Trump just survived an assignation attempt…a few millimeters to the right and he would have been killed.

Earl, a Trumper who can barely think.

For Trump this moment is pure gold. You can see him radiating in it in the convention videos.
That is so cute. I bet the other kids in the sandbox think you are very clever.

No problem. I enjoyed suggesting others not listen to you because you are a fucking asshole.

You get to enjoy the bump...I enjoy the comment. It was a win/win.
That Depends frankie.

Earl, a Trumper who can barely think.

For Trump this moment is pure gold. You can see him radiating in it in the convention videos.

He's got a bunch of ignorant fools kissing his ass in prime time on television.
Earl, a Trumper who can barely think.

For Trump this moment is pure gold. You can see him radiating in it in the convention videos.
That was mean, Marty. Take it back.

How does it feel to have your own far left Democratic Socialist loons telling the turnip to withdraw?

His own party is telling him to go.

This says a lot about you, Marty.

You voted for a turnip and you knew it at the time.

How’s that for barely thinking, Marty?
How about a bit of compassion, Gecko?

Trump just survived an assignation attempt…a few millimeters to the right and he would have been killed.
Trump has led a very fortunate and lucky life. He was born into wealth. His uncle paid his college Dean to pass him and graduate him. He escaped having to pay 100's of millions of dollars that he owed, by filing bankruptcy a record 6 times, leaving lending institutions, Building contractors, and laborers holding the debt for him, even his 3rd wife apparently is OK with his adultery, and you Trump supporters have never held him responsible for his crimes and abuse of power. And neither has the Supreme Court Justices and all of the other Judges in High courts he has corrupted by handing out well-paying life-time jobs in exchange for return favors

But even with all of these favors in life, it only makes me wonder why he felt and still feels he has to be such a GOD DAMN liar, cheater, and abuser of power and wealth in life to further benefit himself.

So No, I do not cut low-life people like him any slack!

In fact, they could die, and I wouldn't even care!
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Only you Communists have floated proposals to end elections.

You have spent DECADES trying to end the EC so that you can establish permanent rule by your party and disenfranchise 47 States. Rule by the populous states, removing the voice of all others.
And you assholes are happy that a minority of ignorant, "LOW-INCOME, LOW-EDUCATED" rural hillbillies like you to be able to defy the will of the majority by being OVER REPRESENTED in national elections.
And you assholes are happy that a minority of ignorant, "LOW-INCOME, LOW-EDUCATED" rural hillbillies like you to be able to defy the will of the majority by being OVER REPRESENTED in national elections.

The moron on welfare who didn't finish grade school calling others "low income, low educated.."


I love watching you Stalinists melt down.
Even if Biden or some replacement Democrat wins this year, eventually a Republican is going to get elected again and we will eventually find ourselves in another situation like 2020, where an incumbent Republican loses a fair and legal election to a Democrat challenger.

That incumbent Republican, who will of course be a MAGA maggot because that's all Republican voters will ever elect anymore, will simply go straight to the Trump playbook and have his VP and his MAGA maggot electors, refuse to certify the results.

The MAGA maggot VP will follow orders, as will the hand picked, bought and paid for MAGA maggot electors.

The hand picked MAGA maggot judges will rule in their favor, and the MAGA maggot SCOTUS will uphold it.

And that will be that.

The will of the people will be dead.

There will never be another free and fair election or another non-MAGA maggot in office and that is probably not far off.

We're likely to see it in our lifetimes. Next decade or so, even.

The American experiment will be over. What seems so obvious now, was completely invisible before Trump because nobody ever had the audacity to try it. Trump showed how easy it is to forcefully and illegally just grab power with zero regard for the law and to never let it go.

He opened a door that can never be closed..

The rank and file right-wing knuckle dragging droolers of course, will clap their clumsy meat hook paws together and drool their approval, but eventually after the authoritarian dictatorship they created clamps down on them too, they'll see how stupid they were.

But by then it will be too late.

The Republiclowns will have finally destroyed America.

I hope they all live to suffer like everybody else.
It's really quite rich, but not surprising, to finally see the radical lefties at this forum come to the collective
reality of just how terrible their failed and destructive potus is and has been for these past 3/1/2 + years, and
in perspective his 50 some odd racist years as being a govt puppet for the left. His age has very little to do with the
guy's downward spin, for it's his destructive anti American polices that has put America into a tailspin, and on the
verge of WW111. He represents the Marxist, Communist, Authoritarian, Political Warfare, Progressive identity of the
Dem Party. Libs here and everywhere keep saying that Trump will destroy our so-called Democracy. LOL! First, as
mentioned in this thread, America isn't a democracy, rather, it's a Republic. Second, Libs need to look around our
nation to see that it is failing in every measure imaginable (including our military). You freak lefties need to watch
Trump give his hour and a half speech tonight on the closing evening of the greatest Republican Convention in history.
Here's a guy in Trump that is fighting for America, and fighting for American's freedoms from those foreign and
domestic enemies that seek to silence them by a Dem authoritarian govt. The Republican Party is more united than
ever, and the dummycrat party is more divided and chaotic than ever, much to the relief and satisfaction of all those
who want to help Trump Make America Great Again.

You libs think that your party will do a turn-around next month when your dem convention takes place in that dying/
violent/murderous blue city of Chicago, where it has quite a good chance of being another one like you had in 1968?
It's really quite rich, but not surprising, to finally see the radical lefties at this forum come to the collective
reality of just how terrible their failed and destructive potus is and has been for these past 3/1/2 + years, and
in perspective his 50 some odd racist years as being a govt puppet for the left. His age has very little to do with the
guy's downward spin, for it's his destructive anti American polices that has put America into a tailspin, and on the
verge of WW111. He represents the Marxist, Communist, Authoritarian, Political Warfare, Progressive identity of the
Dem Party. Libs here and everywhere keep saying that Trump will destroy our so-called Democracy. LOL! First, as
mentioned in this thread, America isn't a democracy, rather, it's a Republic. Second, Libs need to look around our
nation to see that it is failing in every measure imaginable (including our military). You freak lefties need to watch
Trump give his hour and a half speech tonight on the closing evening of the greatest Republican Convention in history.
Here's a guy in Trump that is fighting for America, and fighting for American's freedoms from those foreign and
domestic enemies that seek to silence them by a Dem authoritarian govt. The Republican Party is more united than
ever, and the dummycrat party is more divided and chaotic than ever, much to the relief and satisfaction of all those
who want to help Trump Make America Great Again.

You libs think that your party will do a turn-around next month when your dem convention takes place in that dying/
violent/murderous blue city of Chicago, where it has quite a good chance of being another one like you had in 1968?
Says the fascist^^