It doesn't matter who wins in November. Democracy is finished.

Democracy may be in trouble if you live in Texas. Probably is already. But most of the government that affects our daily lives is in the states, the towns and cities we live in. No realistic reason to believe why blue states won't continue pretty much as before. Americans are not about to give away their liberty.
At one time the Conservative Democrats had a Political Grip over Texas here, and pretty much dominated the political power. Democracy was lost in Texas when the Blue Dog Democrats split away from the Yellow Dog Democrats and started voting with the Republicans when Reagan ran for president.

So it only looks like Texas is totally dominated by Republicans, as many of these so-called Republicans are actually descendants of the old Blue-Dog Democrat bloodline. But with this morphing of the Blue Dog Democrats, and conversion to Republicans, it has given the Republicans a Domination of power in our state and has turned it into a RED STATE for more than 3 decades now.

This may confuse many people that are not native Texans.

Today, since TRUMP, the Republican Party of Texas has been hi-jacked and has gone FULL MAGATARD!

But, this has not been totally accepted, by the old NATIVE BLUE DOG DEMOCRATS, and they are starting to vote with the Democrats again! The state has been going purple again since Trump was such a horrible president. So there is always hope.

I found this little history of the split of the Blue Dogs from Yellow Dog Democrats.

Even if Biden or some replacement Democrat wins this year, eventually a Republican is going to get elected again and we will eventually find ourselves in another situation like 2020, where an incumbent Republican loses a fair and legal election to a Democrat challenger.

That incumbent Republican, who will of course be a MAGA maggot because that's all Republican voters will ever elect anymore, will simply go straight to the Trump playbook and have his VP and his MAGA maggot electors, refuse to certify the results.

The MAGA maggot VP will follow orders, as will the hand picked, bought and paid for MAGA maggot electors.

The hand picked MAGA maggot judges will rule in their favor, and the MAGA maggot SCOTUS will uphold it.

And that will be that.

The will of the people will be dead.

There will never be another free and fair election or another non-MAGA maggot in office and that is probably not far off.

We're likely to see it in our lifetimes. Next decade or so, even.

The American experiment will be over. What seems so obvious now, was completely invisible before Trump because nobody ever had the audacity to try it. Trump showed how easy it is to forcefully and illegally just grab power with zero regard for the law and to never let it go.

He opened a door that can never be closed..

The rank and file right-wing knuckle dragging droolers of course, will clap their clumsy meat hook paws together and drool their approval, but eventually after the authoritarian dictatorship they created clamps down on them too, they'll see how stupid they were.

But by then it will be too late.

The Republiclowns will have finally destroyed America.

I hope they all live to suffer like everybody else.
It is inevitable, if Trump wins, no way he leaves the WH in 2028, who would stop him, not the cult, the Constitution, the GOP, the Gov’t 2025 Project will create, the SCOTUS, the right wing media, in fact, all of those sources other than the Constitution, will support and defend him

If Biden wins, Trump is never going to admit he lost, so what he orchestrates for Confirmation and Inauguration Day will make 1/6 look like the tourist visit the lemmings say it was
Now show us CHOP documentary. That's the future you want?

You're going to be old, they're not going to take care of you.

No, you will be deemed obsolete.

You ready to take one for the commie team?
Dear fucking idiot

MostTrump others are old and stupid

“Keep your government hands off my medicare”

Remember that sign

Project 2025 plans to end medicare and SS

It is inevitable, if Trump wins, no way he leaves the WH in 2028, who would stop him, not the cult, the Constitution, the GOP, the Gov’t 2025 Project will create, the SCOTUS, the right wing media, in fact, all of those sources other than the Constitution, will support and defend him

If Biden wins, Trump is never going to admit he lost, so what he orchestrates for Confirmation and Inauguration Day will make 1/6 look like the tourist visit the lemmings say it was
And they will lose that civil war
Hey pal, no Democrat candidate ever did all they could especially invoking violence to prevent the legal transfer of power, even Gore, who suffering the fate of a partisan Court, publicly announced the election was over and he lost

Your bullshit is just the “alternative” reality fed you to excuse your Messiah’s attempt to stop the Constitutional transfer of power
It is inevitable, if Trump wins, no way he leaves the WH in 2028, who would stop him, not the cult, the Constitution, the GOP, the Gov’t 2025 Project will create, the SCOTUS, the right wing media, in fact, all of those sources other than the Constitution, will support and defend him

If Biden wins, Trump is never going to admit he lost, so what he orchestrates for Confirmation and Inauguration Day will make 1/6 look like the tourist visit the lemmings say it was
trump already floated the idea that he should have three terms in office.

You know, FDR 16 years — almost 16 years — he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” Trump quipped at the National Rifle Association annual meeting, speaking before a crowd of gun rights supporters."

It is inevitable, if Trump wins, no way he leaves the WH in 2028, who would stop him, not the cult, the Constitution, the GOP, the Gov’t 2025 Project will create, the SCOTUS, the right wing media, in fact, all of those sources other than the Constitution, will support and defend him

If Biden wins, Trump is never going to admit he lost, so what he orchestrates for Confirmation and Inauguration Day will make 1/6 look like the tourist visit the lemmings say it was

I think the Republicans are aiming at getting this election thrown to the House. If their plans work...Trump wins.

I think their plan will NOT work. I think the election will be decided by the Electoral College count...and I expect that to favor Biden (or Harris, if Biden decides to drop out.)

I think the Republicans are aiming at getting this election thrown to the House. If their plans work...Trump wins.

I think their plan will NOT work. I think the election will be decided by the Electoral College count...and I expect that to favor Biden (or Harris, if Biden decides to drop out.)
Harris is a sure loser. A profound delusion.
It is inevitable, if Trump wins, no way he leaves the WH in 2028, who would stop him, not the cult, the Constitution, the GOP, the Gov’t 2025 Project will create, the SCOTUS, the right wing media, in fact, all of those sources other than the Constitution, will support and defend him

Worse yet, the next MAGA maggot who becomes POTUS, will do the same.

This is the new Republiclown goal and strategy for forcefully taking power and never relinquishing it.

And Trump is the author of it.

He showed them the formula.
If Biden wins, Trump is never going to admit he lost, so what he orchestrates for Confirmation and Inauguration Day will make 1/6 look like the tourist visit the lemmings say it was
I have little doubt he'll try, but I don't know how successful it will be.

The MAGA maggots saw the consequences meted out last time and I doubt they're willing to spend over a decade in federal prison.
It is inevitable, if Trump wins, no way he leaves the WH in 2028, who would stop him, not the cult, the Constitution, the GOP, the Gov’t 2025 Project will create, the SCOTUS, the right wing media, in fact, all of those sources other than the Constitution, will support and defend him

If Biden wins, Trump is never going to admit he lost, so what he orchestrates for Confirmation and Inauguration Day will make 1/6 look like the tourist visit the lemmings say it was
Poor anchovies, be afraid, be very afraid. I read on the internet that if Trump wins, he will deport to California every living and a few hundred thousand dead democrats.
He will then build a wall that Russia will pay for to prevent them from leaving. Following that, he alone will force abortions on every "breeder" in CA to make sure they cannot reproduce.

Rachel Mancow and Jen Pisssaski will be banished to Canada and "Joy Reid will have a mandatory hair transplant so she will no longer look like a Trump wannabe.
The joyless whiners on The View will all hop on their private jets for Cuba spewing toxins into the air all across America on their way.

Life could get hard for the lefties but as long as they don't all cluster in fear in the beaches, causing the entire state to fall off into the ocean, you should be alright.
Poor anchovies, be afraid, be very afraid. I read on the internet that if Trump wins, he will deport to California every living and a few hundred thousand dead democrats.
He will then build a wall that Russia will pay for to prevent them from leaving. Following that, he alone will force abortions on every "breeder" in CA to make sure they cannot reproduce.

Rachel Mancow and Jen Pisssaski will be banished to Canada and "Joy Reid will have a mandatory hair transplant so she will no longer look like a Trump wannabe.
The joyless whiners on The View will all hop on their private jets for Cuba spewing toxins into the air all across America on their way.

Life could get hard for the lefties but as long as they don't all cluster in fear in the beaches, causing the entire state to fall off into the ocean, you should be alright.
And here I heard he's going to have Elon Musk build a huge spaceship and send all the Democrats to another planet...

I think the Republicans are aiming at getting this election thrown to the House. If their plans work...Trump wins.

I think their plan will NOT work. I think the election will be decided by the Electoral College count...and I expect that to favor Biden (or Harris, if Biden decides to drop out.)
With five years to plan, surely only one of many strategies they have to ready, look what they accomplished in three months back in 2020

Worse yet, the next MAGA maggot who becomes POTUS, will do the same.

This is the new Republiclown goal and strategy for forcefully taking power and never relinquishing it.

And Trump is the author of it.

He showed them the formula.

I have little doubt he'll try, but I don't know how successful it will be.

The MAGA maggots saw the consequences meted out last time and I doubt they're willing to spend over a decade in federal prison.
Harks back to Franklin’s warning, “you have a Republic if you can keep it”

Beginning to appear the right has no intent on “keeping it”
Harks back to Franklin’s warning, “you have a Republic if you can keep it”

Beginning to appear the right has no intent on “keeping it”
Poor anchovies, NOW you are calling us a Republic? What happened to all that "save our democracy" bullshit?
Poor anchovies, be afraid, be very afraid. I read on the internet that if Trump wins, he will deport to California every living and a few hundred thousand dead democrats.
He will then build a wall that Russia will pay for to prevent them from leaving. Following that, he alone will force abortions on every "breeder" in CA to make sure they cannot reproduce.

Rachel Mancow and Jen Pisssaski will be banished to Canada and "Joy Reid will have a mandatory hair transplant so she will no longer look like a Trump wannabe.
The joyless whiners on The View will all hop on their private jets for Cuba spewing toxins into the air all across America on their way.

Life could get hard for the lefties but as long as they don't all cluster in fear in the beaches, causing the entire state to fall off into the ocean, you should be alright.
You can see why “copy and pastes” usual exchanges are limited to corny memes off of the internet
You can see why “copy and pastes” usual exchanges are limited to corny memes off of the internet

Poor anchovies,
