It doesn't matter who wins in November. Democracy is finished.

Poor anchovies, be afraid, be very afraid. I read on the internet that if Trump wins, he will deport to California every living and a few hundred thousand dead democrats.
He will then build a wall that Russia will pay for to prevent them from leaving. Following that, he alone will force abortions on every "breeder" in CA to make sure they cannot reproduce.

Rachel Mancow and Jen Pisssaski will be banished to Canada and "Joy Reid will have a mandatory hair transplant so she will no longer look like a Trump wannabe.
The joyless whiners on The View will all hop on their private jets for Cuba spewing toxins into the air all across America on their way.

Life could get hard for the lefties but as long as they don't all cluster in fear in the beaches, causing the entire state to fall off into the ocean, you should be alright.
Your clownish sarcasm only shows that you know what has been said here is true, and that in your short-sighted zeal for Trump and lust for domination over those you disagree with, you support the destruction of the American government and the concept of "liberty and justice for all".

Trumperism = fascism 100%.
Poor anchovies, NOW you are calling us a Republic? What happened to all that "save our democracy" bullshit?
Well, first off, never said we weren’t a Republic, and to educate you, again, the term Republic only references the actual structure of the Government, China is a Republic, what separates us is that we are a Democratic Republic, we elect out representatives to that Government democratically, you must of skipped junior high civic classes
Even if Biden or some replacement Democrat wins this year, eventually a Republican is going to get elected again and we will eventually find ourselves in another situation like 2020, where an incumbent Republican loses a fair and legal election to a Democrat challenger.

That incumbent Republican, who will of course be a MAGA maggot because that's all Republican voters will ever elect anymore, will simply go straight to the Trump playbook and have his VP and his MAGA maggot electors, refuse to certify the results.

The MAGA maggot VP will follow orders, as will the hand picked, bought and paid for MAGA maggot electors.

The hand picked MAGA maggot judges will rule in their favor, and the MAGA maggot SCOTUS will uphold it.

And that will be that.

The will of the people will be dead.

There will never be another free and fair election or another non-MAGA maggot in office and that is probably not far off.

We're likely to see it in our lifetimes. Next decade or so, even.

The American experiment will be over. What seems so obvious now, was completely invisible before Trump because nobody ever had the audacity to try it. Trump showed how easy it is to forcefully and illegally just grab power with zero regard for the law and to never let it go.

He opened a door that can never be closed..

The rank and file right-wing knuckle dragging droolers of course, will clap their clumsy meat hook paws together and drool their approval, but eventually after the authoritarian dictatorship they created clamps down on them too, they'll see how stupid they were.

But by then it will be too late.

The Republiclowns will have finally destroyed America.

I hope they all live to suffer like everybody else.
Meltdown, much?

Anyone who votes for trump will live with the knowledge that they put a convicted felon into the highest office in the land. I wouldn't want that on my conscience.
Trump is a broken man, a lost soul, and human failure, and will never be able to restrain himself from falling into the same old traps he has always fallen into, because he has never been held accountable for most of his malevolence, corruption, and evil ways yet- BUT THAT DAY IS COMING! TRUST ME!

If you give Trump an inch he will take a mile- of course. But also, when you give someone like Donald Trump a little rope- he will hang himself with it.

It won't take long for all of these MAGATARDS to realize they have been duped, and will realize that Trump and Vance are both false prophets, and only in this for their own selfish and racist self-interests, personal financial gain, love of money and power.
The far left Dem Socialist loons appear to be in a melancholy mood.

They do not take losing well.

Well, first off, never said we weren’t a Republic, and to educate you, again, the term Republic only references the actual structure of the Government, China is a Republic, what separates us is that we are a Democratic Republic, we elect out representatives to that Government democratically, you must of skipped junior high civic classes
Poor anchovies,

Your clownish sarcasm only shows that you know what has been said here is true, and that in your short-sighted zeal for Trump and lust for domination over those you disagree with, you support the destruction of the American government and the concept of "liberty and justice for all".

Trumperism = fascism 100%.
Trump is a broken man, a lost soul, and human failure, and will never be able to restrain himself from falling into the same old traps he has always fallen into, because he has never been held accountable for most of his malevolence, corruption, and evil ways yet- BUT THAT DAY IS COMING! TRUST ME!

If you give Trump an inch he will take a mile- of course. But also, when you give someone like Donald Trump a little rope- he will hang himself with it.

It won't take long for all of these MAGATARDS to realize they have been duped, and will realize that Trump and Vance are both false prophets, and only in this for their own selfish and racist self-interests, personal financial gain, love of money and power.
How about a bit of compassion, Gecko?

Trump just survived an assignation attempt…a few millimeters to the right and he would have been killed.
Your clownish sarcasm only shows that you know what has been said here is true, and that in your short-sighted zeal for Trump and lust for domination over those you disagree with, you support the destruction of the American government and the concept of "liberty and justice for all".

Trumperism = fascism 100%.
The far left Dem Socialist loons appear to be in a melancholy mood.

They do not take losing well.

For a Trump moron like you to talk about "not losing well" truly laughable.

I thank you for that laugh. It was a beauty.
Don't listen to this fucking asshole. She/he/it gets everything wrong. We are a democratic republic. We are a democracy. Assholes like Lionfish just want to feign intelligence. As you can fails miserably.
That Depends frankie,

Thanks for the bump
For a Trump moron like you to talk about "not losing well" truly laughable.

I thank you for that laugh. It was a beauty.
Republicans have handled their 2020 election drubbing with such grace....

Given the polls they faced (polls they like so well today) they arguably did better than expected, getting the same number of electoral votes Hillary received four years before.
Better than with you in it.

People give up too easily on this country. There have been moments before when the end looked at hand. This isn't even one of them.
Complacence is the enemy.

Relax and enjoy life now.

You will not be able to relax in Trump World when it arrives.

Old people no longer receiving Social Security will be out working manual labor jobs until they collapse.

Better have ample savings and hope they don't come for that, too.
Even if Biden or some replacement Democrat wins this year, eventually a Republican is going to get elected again and we will eventually find ourselves in another situation like 2020, where an incumbent Republican loses a fair and legal election to a Democrat challenger.

That incumbent Republican, who will of course be a MAGA maggot because that's all Republican voters will ever elect anymore, will simply go straight to the Trump playbook and have his VP and his MAGA maggot electors, refuse to certify the results.

The MAGA maggot VP will follow orders, as will the hand picked, bought and paid for MAGA maggot electors.

The hand picked MAGA maggot judges will rule in their favor, and the MAGA maggot SCOTUS will uphold it.

And that will be that.

The will of the people will be dead.

There will never be another free and fair election or another non-MAGA maggot in office and that is probably not far off.

We're likely to see it in our lifetimes. Next decade or so, even.

The American experiment will be over. What seems so obvious now, was completely invisible before Trump because nobody ever had the audacity to try it. Trump showed how easy it is to forcefully and illegally just grab power with zero regard for the law and to never let it go.

He opened a door that can never be closed..

The rank and file right-wing knuckle dragging droolers of course, will clap their clumsy meat hook paws together and drool their approval, but eventually after the authoritarian dictatorship they created clamps down on them too, they'll see how stupid they were.

But by then it will be too late.

The Republiclowns will have finally destroyed America.

I hope they all live to suffer like everybody else.

If the Biden cartel is able to steal this election - there will never be another. The democrat plan is to end free and fair elections as part of one party rule.

Trump with a majority of Americans in both the house and Senate can thwart the plans of the democrats to corrupt elections, including the plot to end the electoral college to put all further presidential elections in the hands of New York and California alone. The democrat plan is to disenfranchise 47 States and let the most populated states establish permanent rule by the party.
If the Biden cartel is able to steal this election - there will never be another. The democrat plan is to end free and fair elections as part of one party rule.

Trump with a majority of Americans in both the house and Senate can thwart the plans of the democrats to corrupt elections, including the plot to end the electoral college to put all further presidential elections in the hands of New York and California alone. The democrat plan is to disenfranchise 47 States and let the most populated states establish permanent rule by the party.
Oh look.... :lolup:

Another giant pile of 💩

Horrible time to be an American.

On one side, Trump is trying a fascist coup.
On other side, Democrats are trying a coup within the party.

This is seriously fucked up.
Oh look.... :lolup:

Another giant pile of💩


Only you Communists have floated proposals to end elections.

You have spent DECADES trying to end the EC so that you can establish permanent rule by your party and disenfranchise 47 States. Rule by the populous states, removing the voice of all others.