It Is Time

Sounds good to me.

The new flag is, I hope, just a temporary avatar for NN on this forum.

My little "besty" and I are stuck in contract negotiations so she's currently on strike.
Or actually, lockout may be the more accurate term.

It reminds me of the old days, but she's a tougher negotiator than my previous management.
It's not easy being "staff" for a Welsh terrorist, eh, terrier.
Some other breeds actually let you believe that you're the "owner."
I vote for a speedy return to your precious "Welsh terrorist", but Blue Lives do Matter..;)
I vote for a speedy return to your precious "Welsh terrorist", but Blue Lives do Matter..;)

Putin didn't make us fucking hate each other with a passion, Jack.
That came naturally.
And we always have since our creation as a nation.

His country was partitioned out of the old Soviet Union.
Wanting mine to be partitioned out of the United States is apparently the basis of your comparison.

I'll say this. At least the USSR only lasted for 75 years.
We've been fucking miserable for a lot longer than that.

Divide and conquer? Bullshit.
We'll be conquered for sure if we don't ourselves.

Remember what happened the last time people tried to secede from the United States.