Item resembling a noose found on Allentown City Hall employee's desk, police say

You have no idea what DEI is. It's about giving minorities equal opportunities. Nothing to do with racism.
Then why is the word equity purposefully used in place of equality? What you claim doesn't even make sense. Why isn't it called diversity equality and inclusion? I have a feeling you really don't know the answer to that. However, the people who crafted this racist policy most certainly do.
Then why is the word equity purposefully used in place of equality? What you claim doesn't even make sense. Why isn't it called diversity equality and inclusion? I have a feeling you really don't know the answer to that. However, the people who crafted this racist policy most certainly do.
Sorry you feel that way.
Conservatives will call out somebody like volsrock, But I couldn't help noticing you didn't call out the Democrat who made the racist comment. As far as I'm concerned, the MAGA movement has no place for the likes of people like volsrock. White Nationalism is not synonymous with nationalism, or populism. And the number of White Nationalists who pretend to be conservatives, is way less than the number of Democrats who are racist, which is basically, all of them.
Ok dip shit Link up one racist comment made by me...Libs here cant
Ok dip shit Link up one racist comment made by me...Libs here cant
Practically all of your articles and threads are about blacks and crime. Then in those threads you make comments about "pieces of shit" "welfare thieves" "fatherless households" "laziness" "uneducated" and stuff like that. Then you have the balls to say you're not racist just because you didn't use the "n" word in them.

You post mainly about blacks, all your comments are negative, and you're not fooling anybody.
The black that claims to have found the noose she just happens to be the very employee who has made multiple accusations of racism and harassment at City Hall. That's what she does!

"Item resembling a noose found on Allentown City Hall employee's desk, police say"

Cops call in Jussie Smollett as a consultant. The victim only had one comment: :dasracist:
Allentown police are investigating after an item resembling a noose was found on a City Hall employee's desk Friday morning, according to officials.

Police say that at around 7:30 a.m. Friday, they were notified that a "small item resembling a noose" was found on a Black employee's desk at Allentown City Hall.

No systemic racism you say?
Another 'noose' Was it a piece of rope by chance, that's terrible. I can't imagine why anyone could possess a rope. I hope whoever this racist pig is they use that noose on him/her/she/they/them/us/ho/dedo/dum/dedum. Obviously a serious crime. Who knows, this person could have easily strung up some innocent soul with that rope. I can't even stand to read the story so please give me the smokin' gun that will ensure this animal is stopped.
What happened to finding out who did this really quick. It's been 6 days in a building with key card access and cameras everywhere.
Another 'noose' Was it a piece of rope by chance, that's terrible. I can't imagine why anyone could possess a rope. I hope whoever this racist pig is they use that noose on him/her/she/they/them/us/ho/dedo/dum/dedum. Obviously a serious crime. Who knows, this person could have easily strung up some innocent soul with that rope. I can't even stand to read the story so please give me the smokin' gun that will ensure this animal is stopped.
Take more of your pain pills, Tedious. Triple or quadruple the dose. You'll feel a lot better and be a lot less tedious. :thup: